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It's the first day of school after Christmas break and everything seemed to go as normal the boys will fight, Michelle and Laubrac will look at each other every now and then.

Descamps seemed particularly quiet. I suppose his new year resolution was to finally stop being a dick.

Everything was normal until our first break. Me and the girls were sitting at our regular bench when we noticed some peculiar behaviour around the boys toilets.

Descamps and Dupin were standing outside of the bathroom like guards to it's gate. Some boys were standing in line outside with Lamaziere to be first.

A boy walked out and then Lamaziere gave something to Descamps, I suppose coins, Descamps seemed to count the money. Then he nodded and place them in his pocket. Dupin shifted to the side to let Lamaziere in.

Just when he was about to walk in the bell rang and everyone stopped. Descamps said something to Lamaziere and he nodded in agreement.

"What are they doing?" Michelle asked

"I have no idea..." I said still looking at the toilets. It looked like they had formed a secret club or something

"We need to find out" Simone said

"We'll ask Pichon on our next break!" Michelle said and stood up to walk back to the class.

It was professor's Giraud class and let me tell you it was THE most boring lesson ever. We didn't even study history she was talking about our final exams and how important it is for our future and then it escalated into the story of her life. How she studied secretly despite her father's opinions, how she manage to work and study at the same time...blah blah blah.

The bad thing was that I was sitting on the front desk so I couldn't sleep like the rest of the class. I had rested my head on my hand and pretend to listen. I was nodding every now and then. Annick was just sketching. Unfortunately for me Giraud thought I was actually invested in the story.

"-then I graduated and I had to tell my father somehow that I was gonna work as a teacher. I suppose you get how hard that was?"

I suddenly understood that she was referring to me. I shot up, what should I say?  I'll go with 'yes' and let's hope for the best


She continued speaking thank God!

Finally the bell rang. Lamaziere quickly shot up and walked towards the door.

"Are you in a hurry mr Lamaziere?" Giraud asked him.

"He's in a lot of hurry" Descamps snickered.

The boys lined out of the bathroom again. Michelle quickly walked towards Pichon who looked rather suspicious.

"Why are you all a acting weird today?" Michelle asked him and Pichon got nervous.

"No reason"

"What is going on in the bathroom" Michelle asked

"Yeah why are you paying Descamps to go to the restroom?" Simone said

"I didn't know the bathroom was private now" I commented

We were all standing around Pichon bombing him with questions. He started to sweat.

"It's boys stuff I can't tell you!" He said and quickly pushed us aside and walked to the boys bathroom.

I think I had an idea about what's going on...

"Maybe we should ask Descamps" Michelle suggested

"No" I quickly said

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