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When we arrived at the park Descamps was already there with Pichon and Nicole. He was smoking a cigarette and talking with the girl, ignoring Pichon's existence.

"Where's Applebaun?" I asked

"Couldn't find him. Hello Dupin" he said in a boring tone.

Dupin walked towards Descamps.

"I'm Jean" he offered his hand at Nicole

"Nicole" she smiled

"A beautiful name for a beautiful girl" he smiled back. Descamps had an angry expression on his face.

"So, shall we begin?" I said and everyone turned towards me.

Nicole was sitting on a bench in between Descamps and Dupin and me Pichon and Jean-Pierre were sitting on the bench right opposite of them. With Jean-Pierre sitting in the middle.

"Today I saw Alain at a bakery in Paris. He works there."

"Did you talk to him?" Pichon asked invested in the conversation. The other three were whispering back and forth with Nicole, the boys had a smirk on their faces.

"Yes, he told me that he works there and that Michèle works at a butchery near by... I tried to convince him to come back but he didn't want to"

"That idiot is keeping my sister away"

"She doesn't want to come back either. That's why we need you Jean-Pierre, you need to talk to her, she will listen to you" I told him.

"But I can't go to Paris! I don't know the city!"

"I'll come with you!But we need to go as soon as possible"

"Why do you have to go with him?" Descamps suddenly asked.

"Ah so you are paying attention!" I said to him

"He's a grown up he can go by himself!" He argued ignoring my previous comment.

"Why do you care so much Descamps?" Jean-Pierre said to the boy.

"Because she just came back from Paris! It's a big trip! Why can't you go by yourself? Can you even move when Odette isn't around?" Descamps snickered back.

"Shut you fucking-"

"ENOUGH! Me and Jean-Pierre will go to Paris tomorrow and of the story" I shouted and they both stop.

Dupin was still talking with the girl not caring about the conversation.

"I'm gonna smoke a cig" Decamps said and sat to the side walk a few meters away from the group.

"So, tomorrow at 9?" I asked Jean-Pierre.

"Yeah, Ill meet you at the bus station. I should go now" he got up "We have a big day tomorrow" he said and walked away.

"Was he this moody from the beginning?" I asked Pichon motioning to Descamps.

"No, he was his regular self. His been acting weird since the moment you showed up" he explained

"I'm gonna see what's up with him" I got off the bench and walked towards the boy who was smoking in the dark.

When he saw me he didn't speak he just blew some smoke.

"What's up with you today?" I raised an eyebrow at him. "Are you mad because Dupin is flirting with your girlfriend?"

"Who said she was my girlfriend" he turned to me

"No one I just-"

"She's my cousin" he cut me off

"Why are you acting like this then?" I asked him again waiting for his answer.

He threw his cig at the road and step on it." Why didn't you tell me that you and Jean-Pierre made up?" He angrily said

"We didn't!"

"Yeah, right" he scoffed "wasn't I good enough? What did I do I deserve this?" He said ignoring me.

"Nothing! We didn't made up I haven't speak to him in months!" I fight back. I wasn't expecting a fight with Descamps today. But we're always fighting aren't we?

"It didn't seem like it Odette!" He yelled back he was obviously frustrated.

"If you don't believe me you can ask your friend Dupin. I am not going to apologize to you anymore" I said and turn around to live.

"I just can't take it anymore!" I turned to look at him "You're driving me crazy! One moment everything is fine between us and then the next you show up with him! What's wrong with you?"

"I'm just trying to not hurt anyone's feelings "

"Yeah well you're not very successful! You need to chose Odette I can't keep on doing this! If you go with him tomorrow I'm done" he said and I was honestly hurt.

"What? Are you that draft! I'm not going with him to fuck him. I'm going to bring back Michèle and Alain!" Was he for real?

"Yeah I suppose I am that draft then! I am not as smart and as brilliant Jean-Pierre!" There was no way we were having this conversation.

"If your angry and not know how to express your feelings don't take it out on me" I said more calmly this time. " I just came here to check on you, because I care about you! But I suppose you don't get that" and with that I walked away from the boy.

I went straight home I was too upset but I still had one issue to solve.

"Mum! Dad" I called once I entered the front door.

"Odette what are you doing here? Weren't you supposed to be in Paris?" My mum said and hugged me.

"Yeah, I came back I have to tell you something"

I said and I explained to them everything about Alain and Michele and our plan.

"I'm sure Michèle will accept to come back. But Alain... he's a foster kid. He doesn't have anywhere to go and I get that" I said to them.

"He doesn't have any family left?" My mother asked me

"No. From what I know no" I honestly felt bad for him is sad to know that you don't belong anywhere. That there isn't a single soul out there to care for you. To be worried if you're late home, to support you at your hardest and be happy for you when you succeed something.

"We could take him" my father suggested and my mother looked at him with wide eyes. "we have a spare room. He can stay here for as long as he needs. You said it was a good boy right Odette?"

"Brilliant! And a good student too!"

"It's settled then Alain will stay with us. You have to tell him" he said to me

"I will tomorrow"

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