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Michelle and Laubrac hadn't show up at school for the past three days. We assumed they run away together but this theory is not confirmed by anyone.

Everyone is so worried for them especially Michelle's parents and Jean-Pierre.

Today is the last day of school and Michelle and Laubrac are still missing.

The bell rang and the last class of the year was over. We would walk to school one last time tomorrow for the ending ceremony and then never again! I ran towards Jean-Pierre who looked especially odd today.

"Hey!" I greeted him "have you heard about the party at Pichon's?" I asked him.

"My sister is missing and I have to study for the senior's exams do you think I care about the party?" I was taken aback by his tone

"Right... I sorry " I said not looking in his eyes.

"Maybe we should stop seeing each other" he said out of the blue

"Where did that come from?"

"I've been thinking for the past days... my sister is missing I have study to do... I don't think I have anything else to offer to you" he casually said sounding like he has made his decision.

"Okay" I nodded it was hurting me inside but there was no point in arguing with him. I walked away fast I could barely hold the tears in my eyes. I didn't feel like going to the party I was so excited about. I sat down on some stairs and silently crying.

I heard footsteps coming from behind me, someone was coming down the stairs. I didn't bother to turn around

"Marin aren't you coming to the party?" I heard Descamps voice getting closer with each step "Hey why don't you- why are you crying?" He suddenly stop.

"It's nothing" I wiped my tears away and looked away trying to hide from him.

"It's clearly not nothing if you're crying about it" he sat next to me. I turned to look at him "I am not going to ask again" he calmly said.

I didn't want to tell him. I felt stupid crying about Jean-Pierre, I mean he was just a high school crush right?

"Jean-Pierre broke up with me" I muttered


"He said that he hadn't something else to offer to me" I said

"Odette I am sorry"

"No, you not. All this wouldn't happen if you haven't snitched Michelle and Alain. If Michelle hadn't run away everything would be just fine!" I had stood up towering at the boy who has still sitting on the stairs. "I am sorry I just feel so much right now and-"

"You don't know how to express your feelings" he finished my sentence. His sentence. We had the same conversation few months before. I sat back down

"It's just it was so unexpected! And now I don't know what I feel. I should hate him, maybe I should want him back or maybe I don't know... At this moment I don't feel anything" I said more to myself than him.

"You're allowed to feel nothing. And for God's shake you deserve better than a shitty excuse for a break up! I know Jean-Pierre is every girls dream but look at you!"

I looked him in the eye. Descamps could be so poetic sometimes.

"You're beautiful, smart, funny and most importantly you care about the others" he added and more tears run down my cheeks "not to mention your nice boobs" he lightened the mood and I pushed him jokingly

"Shut up" I said with a slight smile

"There you smiled finally!"

"Why are we always like that?" I asked him

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