Let's make a battle gimmick

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In the Deshert region, trainers have discovered ancient hieroglyphic glyphs that can be infused with the power of Pokémon during battles. These glyphs are inscribed on stones found in various locations, such as ancient ruins, and can be activated strategically during battles. Trainers can choose up to three glyphs before entering a battle, each representing a different effect. Once per battle, a trainer can activate one of their chosen glyphs, unleashing its power for a specific bonus.

The types of stones:

Glyph of Resilience: Temporarily boosts the Defense and Special Defense of the user's Pokémon.

Glyph of Swiftness: Increases the Speed of the user's Pokémon for a short duration.

Glyph of Renewal: Restores a certain amount of HP to the user's Pokémon at the beginning of each turn for a limited number of turns.

Glyph of Binding: Has a chance to restrict the opponent's movement, preventing them from switching out or using certain moves.

Glyph of Enlightenment: Temporarily boosts the Special Attack and Special Defense of the user's Pokémon.

Glyph of allegiance: Mainly used during double battles and  helps the ally Pokemon and boosts its base stat as well as their health after they get hurt.
Glyph of heroes: Boosts attack stat and Special attack stat, it also increases chances of a critical hit, though it may cause recoil. The defense stat may suffer though.

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