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Spimaw- Spimaw is a Ghost and Psychic type that can read minds. It resembles a small orb of black light with a mouth. It floats around cities at night to collect information and tell the leader of one of its gangs which would be its evolved form via reaching level 45, it turns into Akhearch. Akhearch is a giant body of black light with a face. It can make itself look like anything, which is why people are so scared of it.

Ibcred- A psychic and flying type, this Pokemon is said to serve Thothledge. They always love to learn and its rumored that they can even read. They resemble Ibis and have blue coloring.

Baboi- These guys are also servants of Thothledge, though they are said to be more like its body guards than anything else. They resemble baboons but with teal fur and are fighting and psychic type. They are quite aggressive and protective and will fight frantically with everything it has. They evolve into Beatboon. Beatboon is a little calmer than its pre-evoloution and tends to use its head a bit more and be more disciplined.

Catereral- A mangy, feral cat with the Steel and normal type. It resembles a black cat and are said to be bad luck. It has an ax for a tail and an iron-hard head. It is notoriously hard to train. It evolves into Catacrypt, a ghost and steel type, this guy lives in a possessed ax and the ghostly essence is purple and green. It enjoys creating ghostly illusions to trick and toy with people. It is all of Catareral's nine lives. You evolve it by having a Catereral faint nine times.

Demise- This Pokemon serves Isset. They are creatures who love to cause chaos and will often set fire to things by just running around. Hence, why they are fire and dark type. They usually have red and black coloring and look like several different kinds of animals, as these guys can vary in appearance.

Satuff- Satuff is a bipedal cheetah cub-like Pokemon. It has yellowish orangish fur with black spots and rings around them. It is a fighting type that mainly focuses on speed. When it evolves, it turns into Quicklloy. It is a Fighting and Steel type that can bend metal to its will and has a constant magnetic field around it that boosts its speed and agility even more.

Leopice- One of the few ice types in the region, Leopice is a ice and ground type. It lives underground and makes it cool down there, enough so for its liking. It rarely comes out of its cave. It has white and blue fur.

Faelicity- This Pokemon is the equivalent to Chancey is the Deshert region. It is a fairy and electric type. It can bring people back to life with its electric pulses, causing their hearts to start beating again. It is very kind and caring. It's head is in the subtle shape of a heart and is bipedal. It is white and pink and usually has some sort of nurse's uniform on.

Followme- This group of Pokemon are based off of Lemmings. The lead one mind controls them and the others seems to be in some sort of trance. It psychic and electric type. Its able to learn instruct and of course, can learn Follow me, Helping hand, etc. It is not native to the region.

Rabioose- These guys are based off of geese and are dark and flying type. They have dark gray, black, and white coloring with red accents. This Pokemon is fierce and aggressive. It will attack anyone who gets to close. Their base form is called Squabble, which is a goose hatching just out of the egg. Same coloring as before, but they don't have the flying type. They are just as territorial and tend to push other Pokemon off of the rock their on and are very grumpy. These guys will stay in the egg, poking its head out every now and then, until its ready to evolve.

Gembedded- A sentinent rock with several jewels embedded into the outside of it. Its a rock type. It is often sought after because of these gems, but it protects them fiercely. It evolves into Crysboulder, a giant, round boulder with thousands of littler gems in it that rolls around, trying to fend off intruders.

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