Gym leaders for The Deshert Region!

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Let me just explain my general ideas for the gym leaders. I'm just going to do themes instead of type themes, since those are more interesting. Their teams might dominant types but for the most part, I'm just going to go for the general feel and uses for Pokemon outside of battle. Disclaimer, I'm not the best at game balancing, so do expect those types of details.

1. You start out in a city without a Pokemon gym, so you go to the next one, this gym also doubles as a museum and the head curator is also the gym leader, Baako. Baako roughly translates to, 'First'. He has a Flaorchid, Solab, and his ace, Longbel. He talks about how much we can learn from the past and says its the family business to try to learn all that they can about this region's rich history. Flaorchid helps him find more fossils with its strong sense of smell, Solab helps him move smaller debris out of the way during excavation and Longbel is the Pokemon he recently brought back so he can study and learn from it. His general theme is of course, learning from the past and knowing that not all things then were bad. His city, Dune town, is one of the few who has refused to go to the 'new ways' as the old ways worked just fine. So you'll find more traditional Egyptian architecture and such. You can also learn about some of the legendary Pokemon through Baako. I also like the idea of Gym leader rematches and when you rematch Baako, his team now consists of Leastone, Flaorchid, Scaraun, Maseath, Burroew, and  Averaite. After beating him, you get the Excavation badge, which looks like a brush and magnifying glass. His challenge would be sorting fossils.

2.   After fighting Baako, you go through the first wild area and then into the next town, Palm falls. It's a very small little town and most of the time its filled with tourists, as it's near a beautiful oasis and small water fall and close to the docks. The gym leader here is Bianca, who is a calm and kind person who gives tours in her spare time and advice to people who have issues. Her theme is sort of helping people in any way you can. She helps keep the place nice and her parents moved here from Galar and Paldea before she was born and her name means 'fair'. Her gym is pretty small, it's mostly just a courtyard surrounded by a nice wooden fence. Her challenge wouldn't be anything special as she's on a low budget, just answering some questions for the tourists and guiding them to the right places. She fights you with a Windrider, The Deshert form of Gogoat, a Raywave, and her ace, a Leafeon. On the rematch, she has Windrider, Tropious, Deshert Gogoat, Leafeon, and Hippziza. Later in the game, you can come and play mini games that let you save some Pokemon who are in danger due to some unruly tourists. She gives you the palm badge.

3. You go to the next wild area, and there are actually two gyms near here, but lets start with the one in Diamond city. This place has seen a huge economic boom since discovering a huge diamond vein near them. Thanks to Kia's dealings with a few big corporations, the town is flourishing. Kia is the gym leader here and is dedicated to keeping her home town afloat. She's doing all that she can to provide opportunities for the people living there. Her theme is stability. Her Pokemon work well with it, too. Her gym challenge would be a diamond maze, littered with trainers to fight. She uses Burrshrew, Decimanta, Mudsbray, and her ace, Rhiteel. And in the rematch, she has a Burroew, Mudsdale, Decimanta, her Rhiteel evolves into Rhiorm, Tortiga, and Sandeon. Also, when you fight her, she opens the ceiling of the gym and triggers a sunny day and sandstorm. She gives you the diamond in the rough badge. Which looks like a diamond partially covered by sand.

4. Now, Kia has quite the beef with her younger brother. In her eyes, Aizbo is a paranoid windbag who couldn't handle it all and abandoned his hometown and family. These days, Aizbo spends his days helping people across the large river so they can get to the much greener places on the other side. Literally. His theme is change and flexibility. He thinks his sister stayed only to become a cooperate Mudsbray. He talks a lot, that's a big part of his personality. When you first fight him, he has a Butterfree, an Eevee, Termigh, and his ace, Flux. Later, he adds an Ostorcher and either a Stoutland or an Arcanine. His gym challenge would probably be helping him get people across the river by pushing rocks and logs against the water to create a pathway. He gives you the arrow head badge, showing that sometimes to find your POINT in life, you have to shoot blindly and take a chance.

5. You cross the river and go through a bunch of routes through a more agricultural town. A lot of the battles here are double battle as everyone knows each other pretty well. You can play a bunch of farming style mini games if you like before going to the next gym. The theme there is family/companionship. The gym leaders here are a couple, Amari and Briana, an elderly couple, were known for adopting and fostering a lot of kids. They've worked on their farm for their entire lives and sometimes all you need in life is a big loving family. At first their Pokemon are Miltank, Rapidash, Dubwool, Maushold, and Wimscot. Later, they swap Miltank for Vervroast and Rapidash for Cayotell and add normal Gogoat. Your gym challenge involves doing some labor on the farm, herding sheep Pokemon, milking Miltank, riding a Rapidash or Mudsdale through and obstacle course, that sort of thing. They give you the Ally badge. This badge also allows you to set double battles as your preferred battles if you want to.

6. Across from them is a big restaurant/resort, which is also apart of the gym. The guy who runs it, Anwar, is the gym leader. He is very eccentric and loves to cook and sew. He makes all his own as well his gym helpers clothes and can make amazing dishes from all over the world. He is a bundle of joy and a bundle of light. He mentions how he didn't always know what he wanted to do with his life, so he tried a bunch of different things. He wasn't even good at sewing or cooking not so long ago. But he loved it, so he worked at it until he was one of the best. Now here he is, still learning but doing well enough and having a great time with it. His gym challenge would be either a cooking or sewing mini game. When it comes time to battle, he has a Zarina, Raywave, Slurpuff, Lickitongue, and Monferno. In the rematch, Monferno is now Infernape, swaps Lickitongue out for Appleton and Slurpuff for either Deshert form Talonflame or Daschbun. Upon wining, she hands you the Dedication badge. It has a sewing needle and a cooking pan on it with a red and orange background.

7. Now moving through the jungle and in the third and final wild area, we find ourselves at Sunray city, the capitol. And its such a big city that it has two gyms. This one is in the poorer part of town. Its in an old arcade and bar after nine Pm. The leader of this gym is Zuberi. She's a bit of a punk, kind of comes with the territory of growing up in a more run down part of the city. Her family was originally from Galar and Kanto, so she's not a native. She was bullied a lot as a kid, so she stayed indoors and mostly entertained herself with games and going to the arcade. Even still, she's still hated on for being herself, but she doesn't let it get to her anymore. When she's not wrecking kids at arcades or online, she wrecking them in Pokemon battles.  She has an Exploude, a Richu, Toxtricty, Toxicoot, Faegon, and her ace, Mosince. On a rematch, she can swap some of these for an Electivire, Pangoros or Magnezone. Her battle starts with electric terrain and her gym challenge would probably be based off of popular arcade games but Pokemon themed. Like a Machamp throwing barrels for Donkey Kong, Falppy bird but its a Pidgey or having a Lickitongue eat all the berries for Pack-man. Zuberi is all about embracing your youth and never losing it. She gives you the Game badge. It looks like an arcade cabinet.

8. The last gym leader is Aetes, who is also a priest. He is dedicated to worshiping and learning about the legendary Pokemon. You can also learn more about them from him. He is a kind and accepting man, though a bit obsessive. He has traveled all over the world to learn more about their legendary Pokemon and his entire team is made up of foreign Pokemon. He has Galarian Rapidash, Superior, Meowscarada, Garchomp, and Alolan Ninetails. In his rematch, he only keeps Meowscarada. He has random Pokemon from Paldea, Alola, Galar, and a random Pseudo legendary.  So its different for each rematch. His gym challenge is repairing a statue of Rajua properly. Upon finishing this battle, you get the Holy badge, which looks like a crucifix. After that, you'll be off to the Elite four and Champion. 

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