Significant human characters

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So, I like the idea of having games where you can get attached to some of the characters because they are relatable and three dimensional, so I'll be doing something like that. I will not be including the player in this. I also like Scarlet and Violet's plot line of multiple stories, so that will be a thing as well. 

Abrax- Abrax is a new friend you recently made that you're helping out with fighting Havoc, as he knows a lot about what will happen when Apophisfet breaks free. You also learn later that his father is Amos. He has dark skin and long, wild black hair and wears glasses. He generally has an average build. He also wears a beige sleeveless top and moss green trousers and sandals. He often has books and a backpack full of supplies with him. He is caring, bookish, honest, thorough, hardworking, loyal, tenacious, reliable, secretly pretty nice, independent, smart, brave, rebellious, sarcastic, and determined. He can also be impatient, stubborn, bossy, has self-worth issues, has trust and abandonment issues, cynical, has some trouble with his filter and interacting with people as he was sheltered for a long time, and can get jealous easily. He's also kind of Tsundere. He wants to stop Havoc and get rid of his father and brother. He believes that people will only care about you if your somehow useful to them and fears abandonment. His team is Devilstorm, Hippziza, Undersoul, Cayotell, Shelrich, and Ospry. Later, any unevolved Pokémon he has evolves and he eventually switches out Devilstorm with Spectereon. 

Fun fact: He also gets extremely flustered and embarrassed when complimented or praised, though he usually likes getting it because he hasn't got much throughout his life. 

Double fun fact: He has a bit of a crush on the player regardless of their gender. 

Akila- Akila is your childhood best friend and loves Pokémon. She serves as a friendly rival. She's the one who encourages you to do the gyms and elite four. She does them too. She is energetic, loyal, boisterous, kind, aggressively supportive, courageous, loves life, chipper, warm, and friendly. She can be pushy, Overzealous, kind of naive, has poor impulse control, competitive, tends to not listen to her head very often, is a dreamer, reckless and has a phobia of heights. She wants to train Pokémon with you and get as good as she can. She loves all of her Pokémon and is generally a very affectionate person. She's afraid of not living up to her full potential and regretting. She believes that you have to always go with your gut in order to get the best outcome. She is Pemba of the Elite Four's daughter. So, a lot of people expect her to live up to certain things. She partially loves battle so much so she can live up to those expectations. She doesn't get a lot of time to spend with her mother, but they truly love each other, despite how different they are. She has dark skin, short dark brown hair with a streak of blue in it, and she wears loose red trousers and a white button up shirt with fawn brown boots, she is slender and medium height. Though kind, she will occasionally poke fun at you. Her team consists of one of the starters based off of the one you choose, an Eevee, a Deshert Gogoat, a Deshert Poucheyena, a Raywave, and Rhiteel. 

Her fun fact: She can't make responsible decisions with money and will often give it away to the point where she can't pay for anything that's for herself. 

Zari- Zari is your introverted cousin with social anxiety. She has you go on the path of fire, which has you fight Isset and his minions, the Demise and the Jacet to stop him from causing a fire that will consume the whole region. Zari, as I mentioned before, is shy, introverted and socially anxious. She's also brilliant, resourceful, rational, down to earth, quick on her feet, witty, has a dry sense of humor, an excellent memory, kind to the people she loves, and selfless. However, she can also be indecisive, socially awkward, anxious, a workaholic, clumsy, paranoid, suspicious, unforgiving, and prideful. She has tan skin with long bleached blonde hair in twin braids and glasses. She is short and a little bit chubby. She wears a baggy gray shirt and a pale blue skirt and combat boots. Her team consists of Eevee, Flareon, Solab, Ibcred, Catereral, and Leopice. Later, most of her Pokémon evolve and Eevee turns into Sylveon. She wants to defeat Isset and restore order and she fears losing her mind because of it. She believes that she'll never be able to get people to listen to her unless she has you with her. 

Her fun fact: She has OCD and can't stand to be dirty or any of her things being dirty. She also washes her Pokémon constantly. 

Amos- Amos is the main villain of the game and the boss of the evil team. On the outside, he is charming and charismatic. On the inside, he is cunning, greedy, manipulative, ruthless, destructive, and cruel. He wants to free Apophisfet because he was promised all he could ever want from him. He has a poor relationship with his youngest son, Abrax since he didn't believe in his father's cause, as it got his mother killed. Amos has many connections and knows how to get things done. He has dark skin and dark, well-groomed hair. He wears a business suit and fedora most of the time. His team consists of Houndoom, Darkrai, Demise, Toxicoot, Cryobane, and his ace, Ramsyrant. He fears failure and believes that you have to be cutthroat to live. 

Professor Jasmine- The Professor plays a bigger role in the plot than most other ones do. She of course, gives you your starter but she also gives you information on the legendaries, helps you in all of your quests, and ultimately is instrumental in defeating the evil team. She is kind, inquisitive, smart, brave, responsible, humble, patient, and adaptive. Since she's a newer professor, she can be clumsy, unexperienced, and sometimes forgets to act like she's a professor and not a normal trainer. She can also get tunnel visioned, tends to cover up certain pieces of information to protect other people, has an excessive reliance on technology, and has trouble saying no. She wants to put everything back in order, fears inadequacy, and believes that she needs to be a different person than herself in order to be a good Professor. She's also the players older sister in this game. She has tan skin, long black hair in a messy bun, and wears a beige button up shirt and brown shorts with a lab coat over it. She is tall and slim. 

Lexine- Lexine is Eze's overworked assistant. She is generally very nice, soft, reliable, gentle, quiet, sweet, and hard working. She is forced to train Eze's Pokemon and though she loves them, it's a lot of work. She is anxious, depressed, gullible, clumsy, superstitious, and insecure. She is often mistreated and harassed by Eze and is starting to get tired of it. She is pale with auburn hair, usually in a messy ponytail, often has bags under her eyes, and is short and slim and wears a button up black shirt, white shorts, and red flats. She fears disappointing others, she wants to win respect and she believes that she needs to prove herself in order to be worth something. She's not a full trainer but she has a Rockruff and a Clefairy of her own. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 03 ⏰

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