Chapter 9- The Expulsion of Marjorie Taylor Greene

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October 25th,2041

The German Chancellor, Wilhelm Bernadotte, is visiting the united States on a state visit to strengthen ties between the two countries during war. The Chancellor is actually one of Alex's idols having sucssecfully navigated the second Great Depression. On the otherhand former speaker, Marjorie Taylor Greene is heard complaining about the German Chancellor getting her removed. That only made him like Wilhelm more.

Wilhelm gets up to the podium and, Alex sees him for the first time, the chancellor has light brown hair and brown eyes that look kind.

The Clerk says "We present the Chancellor of Germany" and Wilhelm begins his speech:

"Our relations have never been stronger, Germany has a special relationship with the United States. Thank You for your support!"

Just then an interjection is heard, Alex looks around and sees Marjorie standing "Get off the Stage, Mother F*cker"

Wilhelm Calmly contiunes "I believe that was the less than honorable Marjorie Taylor Greene, did she just call a foreign leader a curse word in front of Congress?"

Alex chuckled when Wilhelm said "Less than Honorable", Alex would save that one for a later joke.

Marjorie interjecred again "F*ck you (nasty word for a gay person)"

Alex was in shock, Marjorie had just called an openly gay man, the German Chancellor, the F slur on the house floor.

Wilhelm was obivously in shock too but then he recovered and said "I demand this house begin immediately without delay the expulsion of Marjorie Taylor Greene, lest a major diplomatic row, I will not just be insulted like that".

Marjorie was about to get was was coming to her, Alex thought and he issued a motion to expel Marjorie.

Charles Alexander, the speaker banged his gavel and said "The house will vote on the Expulsion of Marjorie Taylor Greene"

Wilhelm leaves the room for a minute

The Clerk says "This will be an electronic vote"

Alex selects the option "Yea" to expel Marjorie Taylor Green, and hopes they will have enough votes to finally be rid of that terrible woman.

The banging of the gavel brings the house to attention and the clerk says "With 295 votes in favor the motion is adopted, Marjorie Taylor Greene is hereby expelled from the house of Repersentives"

Marjorie yells at the Chancellor, who by this time has reentered the room "This is not the last you've seen of me, Wilhelm, sleep tight!"

Wilhelm retorts "Did she just threaten to kill me, I think she needs to be locked up."

The Police escort Marjorie Taylor Greene to Jail and search her aparment and find elaborate muder plans for the chancellor's death. She is eventually found guilty and sentenced to life in prison for treason and conspiracy to commit murder.

Rise to Power : Alex Garner - A story in the German chancellor verseWhere stories live. Discover now