Chapter 17 - Matt Gaetz's interview

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March ,2043

Out of the many people in the Republican primary for next, including Mart Gaetz, Kari Lake, Lauren Boebert and even Herschel Walker. Matt Gaetz is the most experienced candidate for the Republican ticket and that's not saying much, 2 losers and a former congresswoman were the opponent, while Matt Gaetz was a former congressman and former Florida Governor. Matt Gaetz was a terrible person and candidate but so were all of these, he turned on the TV and found Matt Gaetz giving an interview...

Interviewer:"Today we are here with former congressman and former Florida Governor Matt Gaetz"

Matt: "I'm happy to be here"

Interviewer:"When you were Governor of Florida, you passed the 'Don't say gay 2.0 act' that banned people from saying any of the words in LGBTQ, the Supreme Court said this was unconstitutional due to violating the right to free speech outlined in the first amendment"

Matt: "I think there are many things wrong with the first amendment and we should get rid of it and have a Christian society"

Alex couldn't believe what he just heard, he couldn't have said something that awful. He always hated Christian Nationalism but he never knew it was that bad. The interview continued....

Interviewer:"So Matt Gaetz your Critics have called you a fascist and brought up your removal of Kevin McCarthy"

Matt: "I don't consider myself a fascist however maybe fascism isn't so bad, as for my removal of McCarthy, he was a RINO and he made sure the government could function, we can't have that right?"

OMG, did Alex just hear that right. Did Matt Gaetz just say fascism isn't so bad, that's basically confirming Matt Gaetz is a fascist. And Alex had lost family members in the holocaust. This was not ok. The interview continues...

Interviewer: "have you heard of the conspiracy theory W-Anon which says you are saving America from a democratic Cabal of Satan worshipping Pedophiles led by German Chancellor Wilhelm Bernadotte"

Matt: "I don't know much, however I can say that I agree with much of what this W-Anon person is saying, Stand back and Stand by"

Matt Gaetz then does a symbol that signals the W-Anon 'Militias'. And Alex is in shock at how Crazy Matt Gaetz is.

Interviewer: "You are a crazy person Matt Gaetz,this interview is over"

Finally it's over and he tells his secretary to release attack ads with clips from the interview. 

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