Chapter 14- Speaker of the house

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January, 2043

It was time for the new congress to convene, first order of buissness was electing the speaker. Both Alex and the new Republican house leader Byron Donalds were nominated.

The Democrats vote "Garner!" and the Republicans yell "Donalds!"

The Clerk Speaks "With all votes cast the Tally of Votes being 435, The honorable Alexander Garner of New York has received 258 votes, the honorable Byron Donalds of Florida has received 176, with two absentions, Alexander Garner is duly elected Speaker of the house".

He was about to be speaker, the dean of the house began the oath:

"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God".

They repeated the oath and Alex began his speech:

"Today is the culmination of my life's work serving the American people. At this joyous day for me, I would like to present my goals for this congress. My first goal is to abolish the senate as the Supreme court already determined that 'One person, One vote' is the best system and applied this on the state level. This would make governing easier. We would also make impeachement require a 2/3 majority in the house as it will be the only house of the Congress. Another Objective is the codification of English as the offical language of the United States with Spanish as a Secondary Language. I believe that America is always getting more great and is the greatest and most free in this moment, hence rendering the Make America Great Again Movement, false. However our Rights should never be taken for granted and we shoud be willing to fight for them if we have to. On foreign policy, I will work with our allies to end the War in a victory. Long Live America!" 

 Long Live America!" 

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