Breakfast in the Great Hall

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TW: Eating disorder. Apply this to the rest of the story along with the aforementioned TWs.

The next day, Aria couldn't stop blushing. Her mind was so flooded by the thought of Theodore Nott's—the Theodore Nott—lips on hers that she didn't even think of her mother. The idea that he was possibly doing that just to distract her from her sadness did cross her mind once or twice but she attempted to shove it down.

Did it mean something to him? She wondered but then, of course, she berated herself. Of course, it didn't mean anything to him. He was way out of her league. The smoke was probably getting to his head.

Still, even with her insecurities, Aria's lips tingled in the morning as she walked down and met Astoria at breakfast. "Where have you been?" Astoria teased. "You got in late last night."

Yes. Very late. By the time Theo and Aria were done kissing, the sun was beginning to rise. Yes, it was definitely too late to be staying up and yes, she was completely exhausted and running on about two hours of sleep and yes, she was risking her good grades and goody-two-shoes attitude but, honestly, she didn't care. The only thing she really cared about at that moment was Theo and the way his lips felt on hers.

"I was just watching the stars," Aria said, not fully lying. Astoria gave her a look that said she didn't believe it but she, thankfully, dropped it.

Or so she thought.

"So who's the lucky guy?" Astoria continued with a mouthful of yogurt. Aria's jaw dropped. "What? We're best friends! I think I deserve to know who you were smooching with when you could have been hanging out with me."

Aria rolled her eyes. "You are unbelievable."

Now it was Astoria's turn to look surprised. "Me?! You cannot be serious! If I were up late with a guy, I would totally tell you."

Aria grabbed an apple from the center of the table. She needed to watch her weight, after all. Her mother's words still rang in her mind. Ugly. On second thought, she put the apple back.

Then, she cocked an eyebrow at her friend. "You'd tell me everything?" Astoria nodded eagerly. "Fine. Then tell me what's going on between you and Draco."

Astoria's cheeks turned bright red. "D-draco?" she stammered. "There's nothing between us. He's engaged to Daphne. We're just friends. That's all."

Aria gave her a pointed look but said nothing. At that moment, a sense of understanding befell the two girls. I won't ask you if you won't ask me. Aria didn't need anything coming out about her and Theo, not when the two had really only shared a kiss and, therefore, weren't really anything. There was no reason to risk her brother's wrath over just a kiss. Because he would be angry. That much was very clear.

Speak of the devil, she thought as she watched Enzo walk into the Great Hall talking to a cute curly blonde girl. He caught her eye and grinned before waving goodbye to the girl. Then, he ran down the Slytherin table and slid into the seat next to his sister.

"Good morning, sis. Sleep well?" he asked, completely oblivious as he began to munch on the wide spread of breakfast foods in front of him. Merlin, he's a pig, she thought as she watched him shovel an entire fried sausage into his mouth.

Aria gave Astoria a threatening look before nodding. "Very well. Thanks, Lorrie. Who was that girl?"

Enzo froze for a millisecond—long enough for his baby sister to notice—before continuing to eat. "Oh, she's just in my charms class. We're working on a project together." Aria nodded but dropped the issue. "Why aren't you eating?"

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