Amore Mio. La Mia Vita. Il Mio Tutto

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There were three reasons Theo left Mattheo to finish his cigarette alone outside. One: Nora Rosier had just shown up and based on the palpable tension between the two of them, she and Mattheo were either about to fuck or scream at each other and Theo didn't want to be there for either. Two: The fall air was starting to become a little chilly and Mattheo was just starting to ask Theo more questions about his secret girlfriend, both of which annoyed him. But three, the far more accurate of all the reasons: He wanted to see his little secret girlfriend. As Theo sifted through the cigarette smoke in the air, he felt something stir within the pit of his stomach. Aria. He felt the need to be with Aria. 

Nora popping up gave him a valid reason to leave so Theo had no issue with saying goodbye to Mattheo and heading up to Aria's dormitory early. Astoria should have been with Draco around this time—they were rather awful at sneaking around, at least in his eyes and he was starting to see himself as a professional in the matter—and Aria should have been wrapping up her potions assignment. There were still several hours left in the day and Theo couldn't wait to spend them with his girlfriend. He didn't care what they did; he'd be happy just staring at her pretty face in pure silence.

The thought of her face brought a smile to his face. She was so beautiful. So wonderful. So his.

There was still a smile lingering on his face as Theo entered the common room. It was empty, of course. Most Slytherins were either down at the Quidditch pitch and the ones who weren't were either studying or fucking each other. He loved it when the common room was empty. It was easier to go up to the girl's dormitories when no eyes were watching.

Except eyes were watching. Green ones, the color of grass.

"Theo!" Astoria exclaimed as she came barreling down the stairway that led to the dormitories. But it was odd—she was coming from the girl's side. Theo knew for a fact that when Draco and Astoria were together, they were in Draco's room. Blaise was always at Parkinson's dorm so they practically had it to themselves—the same reason Theo was always at Aria's. 

That fact alone probably wouldn't have been enough to rouse Theo's alarm. But the fact that her eyes were wide and panicked, her body shaking with nerves as she fretted down the stairs, did. "Oh, thank Merlin I found you. Come on!" Her voice contained just as much worry as her face did.

"What is it?" If this is a Malfoy "problem", count me out. Malfoy's problems were never actually problems and Theo cared more about a certain brunette on his mind than helping the whiny git that was somehow his good friend. But as Theo looked into Astoria's eyes, he got the sinking feeling that this wasn't just a Malfoy problem.

"It's Aria. She—"

Theo didn't even wait to hear what Astoria was about to say. His legs were taking the stairs two, sometimes three, at a time, running up the stones as quickly as he could. All his mind could think about was getting to her. He didn't care what the issue was. She could have stubbed her toe for all he knew and he wouldn't have slowed even in the slightest. It was strange in a way. All he cared about at that moment was getting to her. Everything else took a backseat.

He had never cared for anyone in that way.

"What happened?" Theo called behind him. He knew Astoria was there; he could hear her huffing to keep up with him as he continued to run toward her dorm. His legs knew exactly where to take him; they'd gone there so many times. Protecting Aria, helping Aria, being with Aria. It all felt like second nature to him. Instinct had taken over, leaving in its wake an angry man who would burn down the castle if it meant making her happy again.

"I came home from Draco's to get—"

"I don't need to know," he growled.

"Okay. Well, I got there and Aria was just lying on the bed unconscious covered in little spots of blood." Blood? His heart sank. His poor, sweet girl. Theo felt his pace quicken.

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