Holiday at Hogwarts

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When Aria woke up, it didn't feel like Christmas. It just felt like any other day, really. Yes, she slept in a little. Yes, she knew that Hogwarts would probably up their decorations and serve special meals. But waking up alone and knowing she would spend most of the day alone really took the joy out of the holiday.

She spent her morning getting ready, putting on a pair of pajamas that were white, red, and green and suggesting a little festivity. Then, she walked down to the Slytherin common room, smiling when she saw that there were a few Christmas trees decorated with twinkling lights and silver baubles. They weren't there the night before. 

Aria cast a spell on the fireplace, enjoying the crackling sound it made when the flames began to glow. Then, she pulled out her book and began to read. In an hour or so, she would probably make her way down to the Great Hall for breakfast but she wasn't ready to face the empty dining room, not yet. Sure, Harry would probably be there. But spending Christmas with a boy she recently met was a lot different than spending it with the people she truly loved. 

I miss them, she thought with a sad little sigh. She missed Theo, Enzo, and Astoria. Heck, she even missed Mattheo, Draco, and Daphne, though she rarely talked to them. Her heart sank a little bit as she thought about how long it would be until she saw them again. I should have gone with Theo. I should have spent Christmas with him.

She opened up the book and began to read, wishing with a sigh that she was reading it somewhere else instead. Maybe she would be opening Christmas presents. Maybe she would be enjoying Yorkshire puddings. Maybe she would still be in Theo. Regret filled her again but she attempted to shove it down. Just focus on the words. Just focus on the words for a few days and then he will be here.

Minutes passed and Aria had barely made a dent in her book but, slowly, she began to feel a little distracted from her sadness. She didn't feel better—and she probably wouldn't until he returned—but she could at least focus on something else.

That was until she began to hear a lot of banging coming from the corridor outside of the dungeons. Aria stilled, wondering if someone from another house was trying to break in as a prank. Christmas, while Hogwarts was fairly empty, seemed like the perfect time to do that. Aria grabbed her wand and looked over at the door, waiting to see who might come inside.

"Honestly, bruv, don't be such a damn prick. You think the holiday would turn that stick in your ass into a bloody tree or something," a familiar voice remarked snarkily.

"Shut up, mate," another one replied and at the sound of that, her heart lightened.

Shoving each other into the door, carrying trucks that were far too large for only a week away from school, were Mattheo and—

"Theo," she gasped breathlessly. His eyes immediately found her on her spot by the fireplace. A big smile lit up his face and he dropped his trunk—unfortunately on Mattheo's foot—and immediately ran over to her, enveloping her in her arms and picking her up. Theo kissed her passionately, running his hands through her hair as he squeezed even tighter.

"Baby girl," he groaned happily, smiling against her lips. "I missed you so so much."

She broke away and looked at him with a grin. "What are you doing here? What about Mattheo's family?" They were supposed to get back in five days. What were they doing there?

Mattheo, who was nursing his hurt foot, chimed in. "Lover boy couldn't stand being away from you any longer and Tom can't stand anyone's presence for more than a day or two so here we are."

Aria looked over to Theo for confirmation. His lips turned upward in a wry smile. "Merry Christmas, cara mia," he muttered, kissing her once more. "I can't imagine spending my holiday with anyone other than the woman I love."

"This is the best Christmas present I could ever ask for."

.                     .                      .  

"Bloody hell, mate, stop kissing her. I think I'm going to vomit," Mattheo groaned. He and Theo were playing cards as Aria finished up her book. It was late in the afternoon and she had had a wonderful holiday.

After their reunion, Theo came to her dorm room and gave her a very good present. Actually, he gave her a few rounds of presents, saying that he had gone too many days without her body so he needed to make up for it. She couldn't lie; his words made her feel giddy inside. Meanwhile, Mattheo had the lovely job of unpacking his and Theo's trunks, something that Theo paid for in firewhisky. 

Then, the trio made their way down to breakfast where Aria ate more than a few puddings and introduced Theo and Mattheo to Harry. Both parties were gobsmacked to meet the other and other than Mattheo being, well, Mattheo, it went fairly well. Harry didn't seem to blame Mattheo for the sins of his father; actually, the two of them began to discuss Quidditch and couldn't stop talking for at least an hour. And once Harry met Theo, he couldn't stop expressing his approval over the way her boyfriend doted on her. "I'm glad to see someone's treating her well," Harry said with a wink. 

Theo smirked and wrapped his arm around her shoulders, kissing her on the side of the head. "Someone ought to. I'm just lucky that it's me."

After breakfast, they went back to the common room where they exchanged presents. Evelyn sent the trio a bunch of baked goods (which Mattheo had assured them all were not baked by Evelyn). She didn't have much to give Mattheo so she gave him a pack of cigarettes she had been saving for Theo, a gift he loved. And then she gave Theo a book about potions, which was ironic since he gave her a book about astronomy. "Great minds think alike," he said with a smirk, holding up his book as she held up hers. Then, he took her up to her dorm where he gave her more "presents", which mostly consisted of lingerie and demoing how well they went on and off. In her mind, this seemed more like a present for Theo but she definitely wasn't complaining.

Now, they were just relaxing in the common room as the happy glow of the holiday came an end. Well, that was until they heard a long bang, followed by, "Merlin's beard! I would have been here hours ago but bloody Snape had to 'inspect her trunk.'" She knew that voice anywhere.

Aria ran over to the door and hugged her brother tightly. "Enzo! You're here!"

"She wasn't this excited to see me," Mattheo grumbled. That was shortly followed by an "Ow!"

She just laughed and looked at her brother. "Merry Christmas, little sis." He wrapped his arms around her and spun her around.

Aria giggled. "Merry Christmas, Lorrie."

She couldn't believe her luck. She started the day alone and now she was surrounded by almost all of the people she loved. Her Christmas was filled with presents, laughter, and love(making). Aria's holiday at Hogwarts was spent with family and friends. And that, she mused, made it perfect.

Listen, I know it's short and fluffy but sometimes we all need that, especially after a third-act breakup lol. But if you like this, you're going to LOVE what I have next: THE BALL!!! Yay, I'm so excited for that hehe.

Had wifi at the airport so I was happy to get this chapter written and published before I left. Hope you enjoy!!

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