The Couple in the Corridor

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When they finally left the Potions classroom, Aria was in a daze. Her post-orgasmic bliss was coupled with the happy knowledge that Theo was now her boyfriend. And despite the fact that she hadn't reciprocated, Theo seemed even happier than you. Aria attempted to fix her hair and reduce the flush from her cheek while he sat there with a lazy grin on his face, his arm wrapped around her shoulders while she adjusted herself. He, meanwhile, didn't seem to care at all about fixing his hair. If anything, the tousled look seemed more like Theo.

"Come on, cara mia," he said once she finally looked normal. Well, she didn't look completely normal-she still had that wild look in her eyes and her cheeks felt continually hot-but it was probably the best she was going to get, especially while she was still with him. "We can continue this later."

Aria rolled her eyes. "You are insatiable."

He turned to her and grinned. "As long as I'm with you, insatiable is all I'll be. You're irresistible."

She blushed before ducking out of his arm and out of the classroom. "Che ragazza. E tutto mio. Non posso crederci," Theo muttered as he dutifully followed her.

Aria turned and looked at him with an eyebrow. "How come you speak Italian? My parents have met with your father and he's not Italian."

Theo's face fell only slightly, almost as if the temporary mask he wore slipped off momentarily. At that moment, that brief little moment, she saw true sadness. Aria regretted ever asking. But just as quickly as it had left, the mask was back on. Theo resumed his look of indifference before shrugging his shoulders. Poor Theo. She thought back to the lost look in his eyes. This was a boy dealing with some all on his own, something he had never truly got over. As Aria thought back to her own issues with her mother, she couldn't help but relate.

"My mother was Italian," he said coolly. "My family summered in our estate growing up until she died. After that, my father sent me to live there for a few years."

"By yourself?" Aria asked incredulously.

Theo shrugged. "Yes. I suppose he didn't want to look and see another reminder of his dead wife. Now, I spend my summers with him. He's rarely home but he's trying a little harder." Theo turned and looked at her before sighing. "Don't give me that look, Aria. I was old enough to take care of myself, plus we had the house elves. I was okay."

Aria shook her head. "But... you were so young, weren't you?"

"I was seven. He lost someone, Aria. You can hardly blame him for poor decision-making."

"But Theo... you lost someone too." She knew better than to pry for more information regarding his mother. Theo would tell her on his own time... if she asked too much, he would shut down and shut her out. And she really didn't want to be shut out, not from him.

Theo stayed silent and looked at the floor. She wanted to wrap her arms around him, to shield him from all of his sadness. But Aria got the feeling that this was something Theo needed to overcome on his own.

"It doesn't matter," he grumbled. "I don't want to talk about her." His face had turned cold and dark. She realized, at that moment, that this was the Theodore Nott the rest of the world was used to. The smiling, happy Theo was only something she had seen. Aria made a mental note to not take it for granted.

"Okay," she whispered, letting him take the lead and walk down the hallway.

Theo must have heard something in her voice because he turned to her. His face softened instantly as he rushed towards her, looking around the corridor before placing his hands on her shoulders delicately. "Principessa," he said with a sigh, rubbing her shoulders up and down in a calming fashion. "I'm sorry. I don't like talking about her. I shouldn't have taken it out on you."

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