Under The Sheets

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It had been a long week, to say the least. Between the awful reminder of his family's death date, the surprise Defense Against the Dark Arts examination (which he failed since it was over Boggart's and Theo's boggart had always been reliving his mother's death. He stormed out of the room as soon as Professor Snape opened the cabinet and he saw the red face of Isabella Nott once again), and Mattheo being, frankly, annoying as hell, it was all going to shit. He felt like he hardly got a break from it all.

Normally, Theo's routine consisted of breakfast with Mattheo, classes with his friends, lunch with Mattheo and Enzo, an afternoon smoke break with Mattheo, dinner with all of his friends (including Aria), and blissful evenings with his girlfriend. Most of the time, he loved his routine. Every part was spent with someone he cared about and he didn't mind spending the end of the day fooling around with his girl.

However, this week it had all gone to shit. Aria had been too busy to hang out in the evenings, claiming that Astoria needed girl time. Theo couldn't come up with an acceptable reason for why he should be allowed at girl time and so he hadn't seen his girlfriend in three days, something he wasn't the least bit happy about considering the fact that the last time he saw her, they had the greatest sex of his life. Enzo had been so busy that he hadn't been able to make lunches or dinners (something about a girl) so he had absolutely no buffer between him and Mattheo. So what did that mean?

That meant that almost all of Theo's time was alone with Mattheo. That used to be fine. Hell, that used to be better than fine considering Mattheo was like a second brother to him. However, now alone time with Mattheo usually consisted of Theo being annoyed while Mattheo constantly asked him who his secret girlfriend was. It was almost like a challenge to the boy. He felt "hurt" that Theo was keeping any sort of secret from him and so he took it upon himself to figure it out.

"What's her house?" Mattheo asked Friday afternoon while they were smoking.

Theo growled while he let out a puff of smoke. "That's none of your business."

"What's her hair like?"

"Again, none of your business." Brown. Long. Beautiful.

"Does she have good tits?" Theo bristled. What kind of question was that?

"Not telling you."

"So she doesn't."

"I'll have you know that her tits are fucking perfect," Theo exclaimed, throwing his cigarette on the ground and beginning to storm off.

"Got it. So... nice... tits..." Theo turned around to see Mattheo writing in a spare piece of parchment. He growled with frustration and stormed off, eager to get to dinner.

Except for dinner nowadays also consisted of only Mattheo. Blaise and Pansy were probably fucking, Draco was being a whiny git Merlin knows where, Aria and Astoria were having girl time, and Enzo was at the Hufflepuff table. Theo ran his hands through his hair with frustration.

"So, back to her tits," Mattheo said with a smirk as he plopped down at the table. Theo had already dug into the platters.

"We're not discussing her tits." Mattheo was probably the last person Theo would discuss Aria's tits with considering that his friend was way too much of a flirt and would probably stare at every girl in the school's tits, including Aria's, to figure it out. That thought alone made him stiffen.

"Okay," Mattheo said calmly while grabbing a piece of chicken to stuff in his face. "So let's discuss something else."

"Finally," Theo replied with a sigh of relief. He didn't care what they talked about. He was just glad their discussion about his secret girlfriend was over.

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