The Common Room Party - Part Two

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If Aria thought she was drunk before, she had no idea what she was now. Her field of vision was severely limited as she stumbled across the common room, practically blind. The alcohol—the firewhisky, the green drink, whatever the amber liquid Daphne made her dry—was coursing through her veins, leaving her feeling warm and relaxed but also making it extremely difficult to think. She couldn't remember how much she drank, couldn't remember where she got the dress she was wearing, couldn't even remember the boy she was looking for earlier.

Aria Berkshire was drowning in the feeling of intoxication. She could barely hear, barely see, barely think. Everything was just one colorful blur. The music that once felt pounding now sounded like it was in another room while the lights seemed to be blinking at a much slower rate. Where even am I? She wondered as Astoria helped her up to a couch where the two of them began to dance wildly. Aria noticed how it was a perfect vantage point to look for the man she was looking for. Perhaps if she could see his face, then she'd remember who it was. The logic was flawed but, then again, no drunk person ever had good logic.

"Are you okay?" Astoria yelled as she swung her hands around wildly. Aria barely registered her words and yet she found herself nodding along numbly, even though deep down she knew she wasn't okay. The firewhisky had practically replaced her sense of judgment. "Who are you looking for?"

"I don't know," she yelled over the music. "I feel like I was looking for someone but I can't remember who."

Astoria stopped dancing and moved closer, pursing her lips deep in thought. "Hmm... maybe your brother?"

Enzo? "No, I don't think so." Aria looked around the room and huffed when she didn't recognize any faces beyond Astoria's and Daphne's, the latter of whom was dancing in the corner with a very pretty dark-skinned girl.

Astoria shrugged. "Well, that's okay! We can just dance then!"

They giggled as they continued dancing on the couch, unaware of anything going on outside of their little circle. After a few songs, Astoria pulled her in tightly for a hug before kissing her on the cheek. "I love you!" she screamed. Her voice was so loud compared to the rest of the room. Aria smiled at her loosely, wondering if she was as far gone as she was. She was at least experienced with drinking while Aria was feeling completely new levels of inebriation with every added drink. She could only hope that they would somehow make it up to their dorm room at the end of the night.

"You're my best f-friend!" Aria yelled back. Merlin, her voice was loud too. Was that really what she sounded like? She could barely recognize herself through the thick veil the firewhisky had placed over her.

The two of them continued to dance rather badly up on the couch. Aria—aided by the courage the alcohol had given her, making her much less tense, much more vivacious, and definitely more social—ran her hands along her body, loving the way the dress made her feel. She felt like a goddess up there, higher than the rest of the room with her best friend next to her. Astoria followed her lead and began to seductively move in the tight, white dress that left little to the imagination.

"I think we're the hottest ones in this room!" Astoria shouted with a giggle. Aria laughed but before she could respond, she was interrupted by a male voice.

"I agree," he said. The two girls looked down and saw two men, both charming. The brown-skinned one with deep chocolate eyes and soft curls was the one who spoke, a slight accent on his mouth. He was staring at Astoria like she was a piece of chocolate cake. There was a boy next to him, a pretty one with brown hair.

"I know you!" Aria said. "You're Adrian Pucey, aren't you? You're on the Quidditch team with my brother."

He looked taken aback for a moment before staring at her up and down and giving her a charming smile. "Oh, you're Baby Berkshire!" he said with a chuckle.

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