𝐢𝐢. summer house

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  TEDDY HAD NEVER drove as quick as she did to get to Cousins

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  TEDDY HAD NEVER drove as quick as she did to get to Cousins. When she got the news that the Summer House was at a chance of being sold, her heart dropped. And on top of that, Conrad was losing his mind. It was like every little piece of her life was falling apart and she didn't know how to stop it.

After a long two hours, she had finally arrived to the house. She was almost terrified to walk in. But, there was no time to think.

Her footsteps sped up at the sound of arguing, rushing into the living room. Seeing everyone together since the funeral was almost surreal and she looked around sending a confused look to Belly.

Jeremiah felt his knees almost buckle under him at the sight of her. He didn't even recognize her at first. She looked so tired. He didn't even notice he was staring until she looked back at him.

Teddy couldn't believe the sight infront of her. There he was. Her eyes were filled with hatred, yet you could tell every inch of her body fought to rush to him in that moment. Her breathing slowed as she brought her hand down to lightly pinch her thigh.

"What's going on?" Trey finally spoke up, looking around the two. Jeremiah scoffed, looking at Conrad. "He'll tell you."

Teddy was just about to speak before he angrily stormed away. She couldn't help but follow him with her eyes in a longing manner. Their bodies seemed to be magnets, pulling on to the other. It was torture.

"Conrad." Teddy spoke up softly, waiting for his next words. He looked at her with a familiar sadness before speaking, "I got a call two days ago. From Liam. He was asking me about a "for
sale" sign in our front yard. I thought it was a misunderstanding, so I drove straight here. I pulled the stupid sign out of the ground, and I
threw it in the garbage."

His words were calm but filled with so much emotion. Teddy could see it from a mile away— they all could. "It was like losing her all over again."

It was so empty here. The house that was always filled with laughter and love was replaced with a cold and sad feeling. It was almost to much to bear.

She couldn't believe they ended up like this. So angry at one another. But one thing that never changed was the sunset's at Cousins Beach. Teddy sat on the steps, holding her legs to her chest. Her heart seemed to begin to jump as she stared at a familiar spot by the pool. She remembered the night her and Jeremiah had confessed their love for eachother. It was in a constant loop in her head.

She often wondered where she went wrong. Why things ended up the way they did. Because if she would have it her way, Jeremiah never would have chosen her. Belly was supposed to be her bestfriend and not the women her boyfriend seemed to want more.

She wondered what she did wrong. She did everything she could to help him. Everything she could to love him. But, it wasn't enough.

Teddy grazed his skin with her thumb, sitting on top of him on the bed. His blue eyes stared into hers, a look that he seemed to recognize as love. But his eyes suddenly fell.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16 ⏰

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