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Hello brothers and sisters.

Today isn't a story but today is dedicated to black history month.

The one month that us as Black-Americans get to truly celebrate our heritage and accomplishments. 

As someone who has seen and even experienced racism here in the south, I am truly proud to say that I am proud to see what we have accomplished as people. Not even a century ago, we couldn't attend proper schools nor receive proper education, but look at us now. Young black educators, doctors, etc.

My race was the main reason that I started writing these books. Black characters in stories should be more popular. I see that famous stories or movies typically have white main characters and love interests. So I wrote these stories for black girls around the world.

Not just African-Americans but mixed race blacks, blacks that don't even stay here in America. It feels nice knowing that black love interests and characters can have the light shed on them. I do love to see black love any day, since it isn't as common to find. 

Seeing how far black people have come along makes me proud in ways some may not understand. Of course, every race has its faults and imperfections, but I believe that the progress we have made is nothing like any other.

 I won't make this long but I only have a couple of things to say.

Be proud of where you come from. Not just to black people, but to all people. Your history could be dark, but never forget who you are and where you come from. I'm not ashamed to say that I am an African-American lady who comes from Alabama. My family has lived here for centuries and while our history is dark, I am not afraid to acknowledge where I come from.

Be proud of who you are. Never feel like your face, body, or color is ugly. Everything about us is perfect, maybe not to one person, but it may be perfect for another. Black people have been put down about their choices in clothing, hair, physical features, etc. Be proud of it, there is only one you, find happiness in yourself.

Finally, don't let anything stop you from accomplishing your dreams and ambitions. Racism, doubt, nor fear should stop you from being you. People will always be hateful to one another, we cannot change nor delay the inevitable. You cannot let an obstacle stop you from reaching your destination.

We as black Americans were set up for failure since our ancestors touched American soil, but despite the challenges, we have proved to be better than imagined. 

I hope that you all can find peace and love within yourselves. 

As when people finally learn that another's opinion does not matter, they can find themselves to be a perfect human being. The way you look, the way you dress, the way you style your hair, all should be up to you. Do not let society or the media hold you back, be bold and amazing. 

As you are an amazing human being.

Happy Black History Month.

Embrace yourself. 💕

Love yourself. 💞


Achieve great things. 💖

-From me

-To you 🫵🏾



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