chapter 17

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Atticus ran down the hall with killian, matching the bigger mans energy, he seemed happy and Atticus liked it. Hopper rushed with them, the doors to the dining hall were flung open to reveal another small meal, enough for two, and well... hopper.
"What's this?" Atticus pointed to the large meaty bones on Killian's plate.
"Something you wont want. It's meat, bakes and glazed with honey." Killian explained.
"I see. I guess that makes sense. But really? Sweet meat?" Atticus asked.
"Yup. It's better than it sounds the salty and the sweet go well together.
"You also have stone berries and...what's that?" Atticus asked.
"We call these greensnaps, they are similar to a human world food called snap peas, however their inside is a gooey flesh instead of the little bean pods humans find in theirs. Don't worry, its not animal flesh." Killian described the plant. "I actually had the chefs prepare a wide variety of fruits and veggies for you to try, there are also some herbs for you to taste and see if you like, we will try a lot tonight." Killian said to Atticus, a bright smile on his face. He was clearly excited about the offerings he was giving to Atticus.
"Thank you killian!" Atticus said gratefully.
"I figure that once they know what you like, they can cook your actual meals consisting of those things." Killian exclaimed proudly.
"It's wonderful, I can't wait to try everything." Atticus said. The two sat down. In front of Atticus a list appeared.
"Killian? What's this?" He asked.
"It's a list of the foods. Each thing will correspond with a number, you will mark if you like it or not, it will also give you the name and species of the food." Killian said.
"I'm impressed killian. You really thought this out." Atticus fidgeted excitedly.
Atticus picked up the first thing he saw. It was a ripe vegetable, it had deep indents, they seemed to resemble a face, the skin of the vegetable was tan.
"Those are called screaming deaths, they are toxic if not prepared properly, they are often considered a poor people food, but we eat anything here, we don't like to be wasteful." Killian said, letting Atticus taste the vegetable.
"Poisonous? They don't taste toxic. It's good, almost sweet even." Atticus ate more of the vegetable, enjoying the foreign food. Atticus began to move on to the next, marking the paper with his opinion.
"The next food is a human world fruit, it grows here as well, cherrys." Killian looked in anticipation. "Those are one of my favorites.
"Hmm. If you like them then I am sure I will too." Atticus said. He picked one up and plopped it inside his mouth. He swirled it around, enjoying the fleshy meat of the berry, at least, until he bit down on a hard seed.
"Ow!" Atticus winced in pain.
"Shit. I'm sorry. I forgot to tell you about the seeds inside. They are very hard." Killian said.
"I noticed." Atticus grimaced. "I think I i'll move on to the next one, it was good, but that hurt."
"Of course." Killian agreed hastily. "Lastly for today, we have the herbs. You tried a fruit and a veggie, now smell and taste these." Killian suggested.
"Sure?" Atticus agreed nervously.
"Great. This first herb is called devil's thorn. It is a spicy herb, commonly used in stews and curries." Killian explained. Atticus smelled it, it burned his eyes because of the spice level.
"I don't think this is my favorite. It might be better in an actual meal." Atticus chuckled, a cough deep in his throat from inhaling the herb.
"I understand." Killian agreed. "This next one is lily flower. It sounds like a flower, but it is more like a human herb, marshmallow root." Atticus nodded. He smelled the herb, he liked it, he dipped his finger in and tasted it. It was very sour, his pupils narrowed at the taste, his tail popping out and fluttering back and forth, pleased.
"Excited much?" Killian teased.
"Shut up! You know I can't control it!" Atticus turned away, blushing.
"Sure sure." Killian teased.
"I hate you." Atticus growled, leaning down to finish what was left of his meal now that he had tried all the new foods.
"No, you don't." Killian raised his eyebrows, eating his food as well.
"No. I don't." Atticus's face was dusted with a pink hue, his face scrunched. Killian sighed and ate the rest of his food quickly, standing up with Atticus. They them brought hopper to the horse stable, this was where she normally stayed throughout the day, and where she ate. She would also sleep here tonight. Atticus pulled out some of the fleshy meat from the horse's food tins. The horses were carnivorous here, in fact, they didn't look much like horses. They looked like a horse and raptor hybrid. Standing on their back legs, fire on their fur, their sharp teeth gnashed in anticipation of the meal. Atticus threw them the meat, horse by horse until he reached hopper. Hopper stood up on her back legs, mimicking the horses with a growl.
"Your cute." Atticus sighed. He threw her the food, ready to go back to their own room.
Killian went to take Atticus's hand, leading him up and through the castle, rushing to his room.
When they got there killian pulled Atticus onto the bed, nuzzling his neck again.
"Get off me. We should shower first." Atticus said.
"Fine. As you wish, though, I would rather it be quick." Killian stubbornly agreed, despite the frustration of Atticus rejection him, he was not going to push the boy. Atticus grabbed some clothes and went to enter the bathroom.
"I was thinking we would shower together atti." Killian said, taking his shirt off.
"W-what? But I've... i've never seen you completely naked before. You've never seen me either." Atticus shivered.
"Then this could be a first." Killian said. His giant tail swinging back and forth, the icicles clinking together.
"I wouldn't mind...?" Atticus said almost questioningly.
"I didn't think about this before, but if we do a scent exchange, then that would also protect you from Aamon." Killian mused.
"Really?" Atticus asked excitedly.
"yes, really. Now, do you want to shower together?" Killian asked.
"I do. I want to, just take it slow." Atticus glanced around, raising himself on his toes to pull off his shoes.
"Of course, I told you before, I will take it slow until you want me to be rough." Killian promised again.
"Thanks." The two walked into the bathroom together. Atticus started the shower, the warm water cascading down. Atticus quickly stripped and walked quickly into the shower. He yelped when the door opened to reveal a very naked killian. Atticus's face flushed. Atticus felt his blood rush south at the sight of him.
"Wow..." Atticus said, dazed. He quickly shook himself out of the stupor, looking away.
"Your not so bad yourself. Nice ass." Killian ruffled Atticus's wet hair.
The two washed the day off them, the sweat, the dirt, the grime, everything. Atticus shivered as he felt Killian's predatory eyes on his back.
"Killian?" Atticus looked back at him.
"I apologize. You are stunning." He growled; he was obviously holding back, not wanting to startle Atticus.
"It's okay killian, you can do what you like...just be gentle" Atticus said. "Please, be gentle."
Killian needed no further permission, nor submission from Atticus, he grabbed Atticus's hips and pulled him against the shower wall.
"remember you asked for this, I will be gentle with you, just please don't fear me." Killian begged, rubbing his hands up and down Atticus's side slowly. Atticus felt killian's breath against his ear, making it twitch from the contact.
"Of course not. I will tell you if I am uncomfortable, I promise you." Atticus said. Killian smiled and went to work, kissing his ways from Atticus's face, to his lips, to his neck. Killian paused there, nibbling and suckling at the scent glands displayed, he inhaled the fruity scent, he knew soon that it would be mixed with his own, he felt his cock harden in anticipation. He worried that him and Atticus's relationship was progressing to fast, but he wasn't going to bring that up right now. He licked a line up to Atticus's jawline, growling at the taste of his flesh, Killian bit right under his jaw, leaving a red spot that was sure to bruise later. Killian smiled as he heard the needy whimpered from Atticus, the boy was holding out on him, keeping the noises to himself.
"don't hold back your voice, I want to hear your cute cries of pleasure atti." Killian smirked. He took some of the soap from besides them and began to plaster down Atticus's body.
"Killian?" Atticus asked softly, confused at the change in action.
"I'm sure you would want to be clean right?" Killian winked teasingly.
"we are just going to get dirty anyways!" Atticus groaned in frustration, hating the way Killian played with him.
"I guess that's a fair argument." Killian agreed, rinsing the soap off Atticus. Once the Soap was gone Killian picked Atticus up bridle style, draping a towel over him as they left the bathroom. Killian dropped.Atticus on the bed with a thump, the furniture creaking at the movement. Atticus flushed as Killian got on top of him. He closed his eyes and turned his head away.
"Don't tell me you're ignoring me, little dreamer" Killian purred playfully, pulling Atticus's face back towards his own.
"No, of course not!" Atticus exclaimed.
"good. May I continue?" Killian asked.
"yes killian" Atticus sighed, annoyed by the constant repetition of the question.
Killian ignored the attitude and moved his attention to atticus's chest, looking a the pink buds. Killian quickly moved down to them, biting down softly on one, while he rolled the other in between his fingers. He felt Atticus jerk underneath him at the stimulation.
"fuck! Killian!" Atticus breathed, his fingers wrapping into Killian hair.
Killian hummed, sending vibrations through Atticus's nipples and causing the boy to jerk away from the touch.
"Watch your language, Atticus."

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