I Think She knows

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Avana's pov

*I woke up on the world's most comfortable bed I've missed so much.*


*I got up and stretched my whole body, which made me shake a little.*

"Well that's sign of a good sleep" I heard my mom's voice from my doorway and I almost passed out

"Oh my gosh! mom!, you can't do that....I almost fainted" I whined

"Morning my dear" Mom said giving me a tight hug

"Morning mom-?" I looked at her weirdly cause she was definitely up to something

"I want to talk to you" Mom smiled sitting down on my bed

*I was immediately worried, did Alvin snitch on me...No he won't do that- but what if he did?...*

"Here" mom said tapping the space beside her for me to sitting

"I'm I in trouble?" I asked with a painful smile on my face

"What!? No. no your not" it's just a quick mother daughter chat

"Hum!...okay?" I sat down beside her with my hands on my lap

"Haha!" mom giggled

"Last time we both sat awkwardly like this was when you had the period talk...do you remember?" Mom asked holding in her laughter

"Ye- yeah, I do..." I forced a giggle

*Well I don't think she's mad...she's laughing.. right?*

"When I came to pick you and Alvin from school yesterday, I saw you.." I cut mom off cause she was taking time to talk

"Saw me?...where?" I asked getting impatient

"I saw you and Alexis Luck..."

*I zoned out. 'Fvck!, she didn't call her Lee...I think she's mad!'....but what did she see?*

"hey! Avana are you listening?" Mom brought me out of my thoughts

"Ha- Erm...yeah- yes I'm...I'm listening" I was scared now and stuttering a lot

"I saw both of you kiss in the bus, before you both got down....Is their something going on between you two?" Mom looked at me but I couldn't read the emotions on her face

*I stood up immediately*

"Mom, I- I can explain" I said with a cracked voice trying to hold in the tears that were treating to fall

"Oh! no..no it's okay?!, I'm just asking.." Mom said holding my hands

*I wasn't sure about her act and just stood in front of her staring at the floor*

"You know when I was your age...no! I think I was younger, I had a girlfriend. And you won't believe who it was!" mom said with a little giggle

*My jaw dropped*

"Wait!. What!?" I looked at her in surprise

"Yes and my girlfriend was Amelia luck" Mom used her hands to hold in her giggle

*I was to stunned to speak*

"Wait what!?..... Lee's MOM?!." I asked with complete shock written all over my face

"Yes!" Mom laughed out loud

"That's why we know each other..." She looked at the cup of coffee she held

*I sat back down on the bed and looked at mom with my mouth wide open*

"For real?...." I asked still trying to process what I had just heard

"Why did you guys break up?" I asked with my eyes still pressed on my mom

"We decided to be friends...then I moved to college we lost each other's contact, life happened I dated other people and then I met your dad..And we feel in love" Mom blushed at the last few words she said

"Did you date any other woman after Lee's mom?" I asked

"Yes, yes I did" mom answered taking a sip of her coffee

"Oh wow!" I crisscrossed.y legs and looked out the window

"Does dad know?" I asked looking back at her

"Yes he does!, We meet in my ex girlfriends birthday party" Mom answered taking another sip of her coffee

"Ha! mom you cheated on your girlfriend on her birthday?..that's messed up" I was about to say something else but mom cut me off

"No! no I didn't cheat on her....She cheated on ME on HER birthday, I was very devastated and your dad was the one who came to console me... and from there we started talking, became friends and one thing led to another and we got married...." mom said smiling ear to ear

"Oh! and that my ex girlfriend was actually the one who came to take our wedding photos... we're cool now" Mom said laughing

*I was shocked that my quiet mom had so much drama in her life growing up*

"Wow!" I whispered

"DAMN! mommm! you did all that?" Alvin yelled walking into my room

"Hahaha!" mom giggled

"How long have you been there?" She asked Alvin, who was now getting comfortable on my bed

"From the beginning!" Alvin answered

"Hahaha" mom and I both laughed

"Well enough talking about me! Avana...I'm still waiting for you to answer my question" Mo said looking at me

"Well!...Yes Lee and I are dating, and I found out I'm Bi!" I said with a small smile creeping up my face

"For how long?" Mom asked

"Well....we started official dating in the middle of the school's camping trip....and I figured I was Bi before the camping trip" I answered scrunching my face at Alvin who was wiggling his brows at me

"Aw! ok?. so my baby is Bi and she has a girlfriend?" mom clarified

"Yes. Exactly!" I nodded my head smiling

*Mom stretch her hands and gave me a hug. ok mom done dad to go*

"What about you Alvin?, do you have a girlfriend....or boyfr-" Alvin quickly cut mom off

"No! I'm as straight as a log of wood!" He said scrunching up his nose

*It was time for me to be petty*

"You know some woods have little bumps.... they aren't so straight after all" I said wiggling my brows at him

*Mom and I laughed at him*

"Ew! No. shut up!" He hissed

"I have a girlfriend! and I love her very much...so thank you" Alvin said getting up from my bed

"Wait! what?...Who is it? do I know her?" Mom asked Alvin

"Wow, so two of you we're dating people and you didn't think of telling me?" Mom asked

"I was going to tell you!" Alvin and I said at the same time

"I'm dating Adina..." Alvin said silently walking towards the door

"Oh! wow!, ok both of you must invite them over for dinner tonight" Mom said getting up from my bed

"But-" Mom cut me off

"No excuses! I want to meet both of them tonight" Mom walked out of my room shutting the door behind her

"What about dad?" Alvin asked looking at me

"Oh well!, he'll find out tonight I guess" I answered walking towards my bathroom

"Good luck" Alvin said, but before I could answer he walked out


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