Just A Break

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Avana's pov

*My heart raced. I panicked, I don't think I was ready to speak with Lee. As I heard her approaching the closet, I slid the door close and locked myself inside.*

*I didn't know why I got scared, I wasn't sacred, I was just....not ready to face her. What would her excuse be...I saw the video with my own eyes, she can't deny it.*


*Her soft voice slashed through my thoughts like a knife.*

"Please!, just let me talk to you, I can explain what happened." Lee spoke

"I just need you to hear me out." She added

"Please..." She pleaded.

"Babe..." Lee said.

"Don't call me that!." I hissed.

"Avana please, I love you. I'll never do such a thing, I was drugged." Lee said.

"haha, yeah, right." I dryly chuckled

"You told me you were going to see your mom, you literally lied to me. You weren't drugged Lee!" I snapped at her.

"Yes, and I feel really stupid for lying to you, but I promise you I was drugged. I'll tell you everything, please just let me explain myself." Lee said

"I'm listening!" I hissed.

"Avana, trust me you'll want to take a sit." Lucas said.

"I'll gladly stand..." I said.

"Avana please. Give me a chance to explain myself, I'm on my knees please." Lee said.

*'On my knees' my ass.*

*I pulled the top I chose to put on over my head and unlocked the closet door. To my surprise, Lee was actually on her knees...*

*I walked towards my bed, sat at the edge, and pulled a pillow over my laps for emotional support. I 'courageously' looked up at Lee who was already staring at me.*

"We'll give you guys space." Lucas said, pulling Adina out of my room with him.

"I can explain." Lee said

"....And I told you minutes ago I was listening!" I snarled at her.

*Just looking at her face made my heart hurt, I wanted to cry, I wanted to scream, I wasted to rip her face off, but I just sat on the bed patiently waiting for an explanation.*

"Do you remember when my mom and I went to my grandpa's place?" Lee said

"Yeah?...." I answered

"A day after we got there, I was making coffee when an old friend came to visit, I didn't know she had drugged my drink-" I cut her off

"Skip the bull sh!t Lee!" I yelled.

"Adina I'm not bullsh!tting..." Lee knelt down to my level.

"The video didn't happen the day I lied about were I was going!, I was drugged at granpa's house, I don't even know that happened until she sent me the video, I went back to the state because she threatened to send it to you!." Lee said.

"How do I know what you're saying isn't just one made up bullsh!t?" I asked


*Lee pulled up her shirt and turned her back, my eyes widened. Her back was band-aid up and had a scary amount of blood soaked up in it.*

"When I tried to make her delete the video she stabbed me." Lee said.

"I had done everything she asked, but she still didn't want to delete it. My body was found by her elder sister wrapped up in blanket and tossed into her wardrobe." Lee said

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