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Mrs Luck's Pov

(I'll send you the address to the hospital.) The police man added

'My mind was blank, Lee was stabbed...why?, who would do such a thing?. Why did Lee go outside the state in the first place.' I thought to myself

(..... Ma'am? are you there?) The police man asked

(Hum- Hun...yeah, yea- I'm listening.) I cleared my throat, as the police man pulled my out of my thoughts

(I asked you if you'll need someone to drive you here, I can connect you with another officer and she'll gladly drive you here.) The cop spoke

(Or do you have someone who can drive you out of States?) The cop asked

(I can drive myself.) I pulled myself together and spoke

(I won't advice you to do that ma'am, with the news you just heard...) The cop said

(I have someone I can come with.) I replied

(Ok then, I'll send you the address shortly.) The cop said

(Have you found any information on the person that stabbed her?) I asked

(Yes, ma'am. We've gotten statements and reports from the attacker's family. It was said that, your daughter and the attacker attended the same school.) The police officer answered

(For more information, we would need you in at the station.) The police officer replied

(Ok, thank you. I'll be there.) I said

*I hung up the phone, got ready and rushed out of bed and breakfast I was at.*


Avana's Pov

*I sat outside Adina's backyard, it was starting to get really late, and we still hadn't heard from Lee's mom.*

*I looked up at the bright moon and silently prayed Lee would be okay.*

*Just as I was about to go into Adina's house to settle for the night, my phone's notification went off.*

*I unlocked it and clicked on the unknown number. There was a video sent to me. I waited patiently for the video to load.*

*I clicked on it and the video played.*

*Tears rolled down my eyes as I saw Lee and a girl I didn't recognize touch each,I could only see Lee's back, but I knew it was her...I'll recognize her anywhere. Both of them didn't have any clothes on and it was so intimate. The girl looked into the camera and for a second I could see an evil smirk on her face.*

*I cried harder as the video replayed.*

'Lee, why would you do this... what did I ever do wrong?...' I thought to myself as I cried even more

'So this is where she is... cheating on me with some random girl...' I switched off my phone and flung it somewhere onto the grass

*I pulled my knees to my chest and balled my eyes out.*

'What did I do wrong?....I loved you...I thought you loved me to- but I guess not'

'The way she looked at me , the way she spoke with me, the way she held me, the way she kissed me... Everything seemed so sincere. I thought our feelings were mutual... I loved you- I love you so much Lee....Why would you do this to me, why?' I thought as I subbed quietly

My heart.....💔

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