Obvious Tension

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Avana's Pov

*We all sat across the school football field, waiting for this mystery person to walk onto the field, where Ronica was waiting with the nineteen roses she had been gifted... Adina and I had to quickly go buy her a new bunch of nineteen roses because Ronica's didn't keep any of the roses she was gifted.*

"Why does she need to have nineteen roses with her?" Adina said as she settled down in the space between Alvin and I

"I have no idea..." I replied

"You guys! stop talking, look someone is coming towards Ronica!" Lucas squealed

"Ha-, oh my gosh! Ronica is going to pass out!" Adina squealed

"Pass out? Why?" I asked

"That's Marcus! Ronica has always had a massive crush on him, it was only recently she stopped yapping about him. It was always Marcus this and Marcus that....and Marcus didn't even notice her once!" Adina explained

"Well, same goes for me, Marcus has also never spoken about anything other than Ronica, Ronica and more Ronica." Jake added

"Oh!" I nodded my head as I processed the information

"So...They've both had mutual feelings for each other, unknown to either of them." I said

"Yes!" Adina said

"Exactly!" Jake added

*We all kept quiet as we saw Marcus approach Ronica. The shock and surprise on Ronica's face was priceless.*

Ronica's Pov

*I was still very sure I was getting pranked by my friends. I waited patiently for someone or something to walk towards me.*

*Slowly I heard someone's footsteps approaching me, I turned around to face the person and instantly my jaw dropped. I quickly pulled myself together and smiled politely at him.*

"Marcus Mifid was standing right in front of me. If someone would have told me this would happen, I would have rolled my eyes at them.*

"Hi Ronica." Marcus said

*Just the sound of his voice this close to me made my skin tingle. I kept quiet and just stared at him.*


As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the empty school football field , Marcus mustered the courage to speak to Ronica. With a sheepish grin, he began.

"I owe you an apology, Ronica." His voice carried a hint of regret as he recounted the countless single roses he had sent through unwitting intermediaries.

"You see," he confessed

"Those roses were my feeble attempts to gather my courage, to find the right words to speak to you directly."

Ronica listened, her expression softening as Marcus bared his soul. And as the sunset shines overhead, Marcus hoped his apology would pave the way for a genuine connection with the girl who had captured his heart from the very first day be set his eyes on her.

Marcus stood nervously before Ronica, clutching a single red rose in his trembling hand.

"This is the twentieth rose I'm giving to you," he confessed, his heart racing with anticipation

"Because with each petal, my love for you has only grown stronger." With a twinkle in his eye and a lump in his throat, he took a deep breath and continued

"So on this special evening, I hope you'll say 'Yes,' and be my partner to the dance formals and also allow me to take you on a date"

Ronica's eyes sparkled as she embraced Marcus tightly, knowing that their hidden love had now blossomed into something beautiful just like the twenty roses she now held in her hands.


Avana's Pov

"Damn! I can feel the tension from here!" Adina said concentrating at the phone she held as she recoded Ronica and Marcus

"I know right?!" I replied taking my eyes off the hugging new couple in the middle of the school football field

"Aww! they're so cute!" Lucas said cooing at Ronica and Marcus, who were now approaching us

"You guys!! I'm going to the dance formals with someone!" Ronica said doing a cute little happy dance

"And after that an official date." Marcus said taking little sneak peeks at the dancing Ronica

"See! you aren't going to the dance alone after all." Adina said shoving her phone into her purse

"You're sending me the video! I'm going to tell my Children that this was Romeo and Juliet." Lucas giggled

"You recoded?" Ronica asked

"Yes of course!" Adina replied

"You're sending it to me too!" Ronica said

"Ok, are we not going to talk about how beautiful this sunset is!?" Alvin said

"Yes! it's so pretty!" Adina said

"It choose the right day." Marcus said, giving Ronica a smile

"Ok, come together everyone. We are taking some cute group pictures." Adina ordered


Two days ago, Lee's mom got a bad new that her father was in the hospital, she and Lee travelled to go check on him.

Lee grew up in her gramps how's when she was in here early teens. She was extremely happy when she and her mom moved up state, to a new house and a new school, happy that she was away from one person who put her through hell.


(When are you guys coming back?) I asked Lee as I placed my phone on speaker, to continue applying my clay facial mask

(In two days. Grandpa would be out of the hospital tonight...so hopefully we would get back in two days.) Lee replied

(I hope he's feeling better?) I asked

(Yes, it was actually his fault...he stopped using his medication because he thought he didn't need it anymore.) Lee answered

(oh! now why would pops do that...) I chuckled

(Same thing my mom and I asked him.) Lee chuckled

(Are you still on the phone with her?) A low girl voice said from Lee's end

(Yes I am... She's my girlfriend!) Lee replied

(Argh! whatever I'm leaving!) The girl said

(ok,bye.) Lee replied

*A second later I heard a door slam shut.*

(Ermm- Who was that?) I asked

(Just an old friend I grew up with baby) Lee answered

(Oh... okay, I didn't know you knew people at your pops house....) I said

(Yeah, I know some people here.) Lee replied

(Okay.) I answered

(I miss you my love.) Lee whined

(I miss you more baby!) I giggled

(I love you, talk to you later, okay?) Lee said

(ok, I love you too. goodnight.) I replied sadly because I didn't want to stop talking with her yet..

(Night baby.) Lee replied

*With that a beep followed and the call ended.*

'Lee has some friends in her pops place?...well, she never mentioned them to me' I thought to myself

*I walked into the bathroom to wash the dry clay mask of and to get ready for bed...with that one sentence running through my head 'Are you still on the phone with her?'....Who was she?*


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