Secret Admirer

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Avana's Pov

The Next Day

*I woke up with excitement flowing through my blood stream, I couldn't wait to ask my girlfriend to be my dance formal partner.*

*I walked out of the bathroom to see Ava seated on my bed with a little smile on her face.*

"Hi Ava, good morning. Did you sleep well?" I asked

"Yes, I did." She replied

"Ok, good to know. So you came to keep me company?" I asked looking at her suspiciouly

"Yes, I got you something." She blushed

"Oh, you did!" I smiled and walked towards her in my robe

"Yeah, I saw it and thought of you." She said

*Oh my goodness! that's so cute...what!*

"Really?" I asked

"Yeah, look, I don't know if you'd like it but I think it'll look really good on you." She said

"Mom said you might not like it, because it has a very open back and side...and that it's black...but I think you'll like it." She added

*How old is this kid again?...*

"Aww!, Ava. The fact that you got it for me already makes me love it." I said


*Ava handed me a box, I collected it from her and gently pulled the top part open, I removed the plastic protect off it and pulled out a very pretty black dress, it had a very open back, that was open a little at the sides and a gold chain connected from both sides of the open back dress. It was beautiful!.*

"Ha!, oh my gosh AVA!. It's beautiful! I love it. Wow!." I gasped and looked at the dress

"Ha! thank goodness." Ava placed her little hands on her chest

"I'm happy you like it....Mom thought you wouldn't." Ava added

"I love it. Well I've never really worn anything black, I'm a very colorful person, but this dress is actually very beautiful!." I said

*I placed the dress on my bed and gave Ava a big bear hug.*

"Thank you so much baby sis!" I hugged her tightly

"You're welcome, but I'm not a baby sis..." She rolled her eyes

"You're my baby sister!" I giggled

"No I'm almost eight...I'm not a baby." She nodded (check to confirm)

"Yeah! well even if you're Twenty five, you'll always be my baby sis." I giggled and hugged her again

*I pick up the dress and admired it again.*

"How did you know I'll like it?." I asked running my fingers through the gold chain behind the dress

"I know what everyone would like....last week our teacher asked us what we would like to be when we grow up, and I answered that I wanted to be a fashion designer....I love clothes and fashion." Ava answered smartly

*Ava and Austin have always been really smart for their age, even when they were kids, they were little geniuses.*

"Oh! that's really nice, I'll support you all the way Ava." I smiled at her and ruffled her hair up

"I'm happy you like it, I'm going to get ready for school now." Ava said and hopped off my bed

"Me too, thanks again Ava." I smiled at her

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