Glittery Roses

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Avana's Pov


*It was now two weeks to the formal dance and I wanted to ask Lee to the dance, I had just finished making the fancy glittery yes or no cardboard sign and now I was trying to make the glittery rose bouquet I've been seeing   with people in pictures and social media.*

*I was now watching the fourth video on how to make glittery rose bouquet, I had gotten the roses at a flower shop, the glitter and spray glue, blue colouring for the flowers and wrapping paper, everything was ready except my brain...which was still loading as I was trying to process the first step.*

"Ok, so I have to cut the thorns on the roses....Okay then let's clean up this roses!" I said as I put on a thick rubber glove, cause I was not about to cut my fingers off with the roses thorns

"You know you can just buy it right?" Ronica asked as she swallowed the Kimchi and dumpling noddle soup she was busy devouring

"Yes, I know that." I answered as I tried to concentrate on the rose thorns I was cutting off

"If you don't have enough money with you, you can ask your parents..." Ronica said as she dropped the chopsticks on top of the bowl

"I have money, but I want to make it myself, it's more....hum! what's the word.." I placed the rose I held onto the table and tried to think of the word I was looking for

"It holds more value..." Ronica said as she placed the massive bottle of water onto her lips

"Humm!..yeah!, something like that." I said

"You're going to choke, that bottle is to big to be held directly onto your-" I rushed over to Ronica as she started choking and coughing at the same time

"See...I told you!, why didn't you just get a cup.." I said as I gently rubbed her back

"Ok, Sherlock we get it.." Ronica started coughing again

"Hahaha!, see that's why you shouldn't be mean." I laughed

"Shut up... it's- it's because the water entered my nose dummy!" Ronica gasped for breath

"Yeah!, whatever you say." I giggled and walked back to the project I was working on


*I had just finished cleaning up the roses and was about to start adding the spray glue for the glitter.*

"Are you sure you should be doing this inside your room?" Alvin asked as he ran his fingers through Adina's hair

*Alvin asked Adina to the dance formals yesterday and his proposal was very cute, Ronica and I had to distract Adina the whole day while the boys helped Alvin set up cute decorations in Adina's room, Adina's room was turned into a pretty pink and white balloon world with the words 'Would you make me the happiest boy on earth and be my partner to the formal dance' written with little cute balloons on the wall. It was for real really pretty*

"Yeah... isn't the spray glue toxic when inhaled or something?" Adina asked

"hum!, okay. Let's go outside then" I said as I parked up the roses, spray glue and glitter

*I was about to walk out of my room when my phone rang.*

"Ha!, sh!t. It's Lee...what do I say?" I asked as I stared at my phone

"Tell her you're not home!" Ronica said

"Ok, but she'll ask me where I am" I said

"Tell her you went shopping with Adina and I, she doesn't like shopping so she won't ask you if she can come." Ronica said

*I pulled the green pick up button and spoke*

<Hey beautiful are you at home? I miss you.> Lee spoke

<Hi my love, I miss you too!> I replied

<I'm not home, I'm out with Ronica and Adina... we're shopping at Sephora and from here we'll be going to urban outfitters.>I said, trying to sound as true as possible

<oh, okay. Can I come over when you're done shopping?> Lee asked

*Ronica hurriedly shook her head and mouthed 'No! she's going to see the roses!'*

<Erm- Oh!, No. We are having a sleepover at Ronica's house!> I blurted out

<Aww!, Okay baby. Take care.> Lee said

*She sounded so sad, my heart broke.*

<I'll see your beautiful face tomorrow okay? I love you.> I said trying to make her happy

<Ok beautiful, I love you too. Bye!> Lee chuckled

<Bye love.>

*I let out a breath of relief.*

"Oh! my goodness, that was really stressful.... Lying and keeping secrets is low-key hard." I giggled

"Now imagine you were trying to cheat on her or something" Ronica said

"Oh! I can never." I laughed and walked out of the room


*Some hours later, I walked out of the bathroom and put on a onesie. I had finished the rose bouquet and wrapped it up. I had made two proposal signs and wasn't sure of which on I'll use. The first one read 'Would you go to the formal dance with me?, I would be THORN apart if you don't.' and the second one was 'Hey, I'd be thorny without you at the formal dance! Will you help me avoid a prickly situation and be my date?'. I liked both of them and wasn't sure of which one to use.*

*I lay down on my bed after the warm shower I had just had and was about to fall asleep when my phone rang.*

<Hey beautiful sorry for calling you this late, I have a question. don't ask any questions just pick one.... okay?> Lee asked

<Haha! Okay-... What is it?> I replied

<Doughnuts or crumble cookie?> Lee asked

<Erm....I like both, why?> I asked

<Babe don't ask questions...pick one.> Lee said

<I like both of them....I can't choose!> I whined

<Ok then. Love you, Goodnight!.> Lee quickly hung up the phone

"What was that about?...." I giggled

*I placed my phone on the bedside table and fluffed my pillow and shut my eyes. Tomorrow would be a good day.*

hi pretty people 😚✨

What do you think Lee is up to 👀

Anyways see you later 🚶💞

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