Chapter one

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"Ricky?! Ricky?! Ricky?!" I cried as I ran through the forest. It was just supposed to be a friendly game of hide and seek but it turned out to be much more.

"Rickey!? I'm not playing anymore! This is not funny!"

I wasn't sure if he could hear me. I couldn't even hear myself. The air was moist and cold so my voice started to crack. I pulled out my phone and checked the time. It was 10:37. I had to be home by 1:30.

"Shit" I muttered to myself.

I sat up against a tree and started to think. I was in the forest all alone and there was a possability that Rickey was lost. I called him 7 times but his phone was turned off. I was trying so hard not to cry but I just lost the first person I really loved. The hot tears rolled down my cheeks falling into the palms of my hands. I quickly whiped them away and continued to look for him.

"Rickey!? Please Rickey! " I said only this time I was running a lot faster so I could meet curfew.

When I stopped to catch my breath I heard a twig snap rights behind me. I turned around with a hope that it was Rickey but no one was there.

"Its just a squirrel"I said to myself as I prosseded to finding him. As I was walking I continued to hear twigs snapping but they were not just my feet trampling over the broken branches.

I quickley turned around and I saw a boy dressed in kaki shorts and a plad button up shirt.

"Rickey? " I said not really sure who I was talking to.

The boy nodded so I started to walk towards him very slowly. Knowing Rickey he would do something really goofy to make me laugh. I was correct.

He started to come closer to me so I stoped. He stoped also. I lifted my arm and he mirrored my moments.

I laughed because I was relieved to know that Rickey was here but I was pissed off at him. 

"Rickey come here and start explaining yourself."

"What babe. I'm sorry. It was just a joke."

"Yea and that makes me feel soo much better! " I said slightly yelling while being sarcastic at the same time. " Why is your phone turned off!? Where is your phone? Didn't you hear me calling you!? Rickey you had me worried sick. God forbid you could have...."

"I could have what Ella?" he said stepping closer to me. "I said I'm sorry". He pushed my chin up with his thumb causing me to look into his big beautiful green eyes. I wanted to look away but I couldn't.

He bent down and planted his lips on mine. His tounge glided across my bottom lip asking for acsess. I didn't alow it because I has still mad at him but I returned the favor but wrapping my arms around his neck. He wrapped his hands around my waist pulling me closer to him.

My phone started to vibrate in my back pocket. I pulled away and Rickey placed his forehead on my forehead. It was my mother. She said I better be on my way home but I said I was going to spend the night at Spohie's house.

"We better get going" I said in with a hint of irritation in my voice.

"Ok" he said as he started to run north.

"Wait" I yelled after him. "How do you know if you are going the right way? I asked.

"I don't " he stated carring me as if we were newly wedds or as if he was rocking a baby to sleep.

I didn't even put up a fight but instead I fell asleep in his arms.

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