Chapter two

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Rickey dropped me off at Sophie's house and after parking his car he came to the front door. I was knocking on her door for like 3 minutes 'til she finally answered.

"I'm sorry Sophie but I'm gonna stay at your house tonight." I stated without even asking if it was ok.

I walked into the house and streched out on the couch. Rickey followed behind then lifted my head from the couch. He placed my head on his lap after sitting down. He ran his fingers through my hair.

"Ok Ella would you like to explain what is going on " Sophie said with her eyelids heavy with sleep.

"Yup" Rickey said popping the p. "May I do the honors? " he asked. I nodded because I was really tired.

"Well you see umm me and Ella here were caught in a fire and..." he started.

"What no." I said while smacking his stomach and sitting up. "Rickey scared the hell out of me in the forest so instead of going to my mom's house I came here. To avoid all the questions," I said.

"Huhh I decided I don't care " Sophie stated. "You can stay but Rickey has to leave. My mom is home and you know that she is not a fan of Rickey.

Rickey looked at me in disbelief but I just looked at him with a look that said beat it.

He left after giving me a kiss and I chuckled.

"How do you deal with him? " Sophie asked as she threw me the duffel I always keep here and my favorite blanket along with a pillow.

"Its love my dear" I lauged as we walked upstairs.

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