Ballers (Part 2) : Date night

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Yan was enjoying her date with Cass - the Beavers golden point guard. She had heard plenty about him before he happened to walk into the women's team trials. Most of what she had heard was not to do with his talents as a player but with how callous and insensitive he could be to fan girls and girls that had dated him previously. So when he walked in, she had her guard up and decided to be wary. When he had offered to meet her, Yan knew he was not just interested in her basketball skills but he might be looking for something more. She wanted to get to know him better and bring him out of his comfort zones.
The date at the Shangri-la restaurant was her suggestion, she knew some of the waitress and she knew that there were less chances of Cass misbehaving in her territory.
In all her adolescent and college love, Yan had preferred the company of girls and had even considered if she was gay. However, her natural attraction seemed to be generally to men with a feminine side and a softer personality. Her previous boyfriend Jess, that she had dated in Eugene had been a sweetheart and used to adore her. When he confided to her about being a femboy and that he enjoyed being seen as a girl, Yan was actually thrilled. It opened up new doors to feelings in her mind that she had previously not realised even existed. She felt herself enjoying being the dominant partner and having the feminine attention from a male partner. It nearly broke her heart when Jessie decided to transition and was attracted to men instead. So when Yan had the opportunity to move up state to a better college basketball team on a scholarship, she grabbed it with both hands for a fresh start.
Yan could see Cass loosening up and paying more attention to her after the wine started flowing. Cass - short for Casper - appeared to have grown up in a family with a dad and brothers with not much female personalities to look up to. Yan realised that could explain some of his attitudes and opinions and decided to poke him on a few of his opinions to see how receptive he would be persuasion and reasoning from a strong-willed female. She was surprised at how quickly he appeared to adapt and accept her views. The apologies were refreshing and she wondered if the stories of him circulating among the girls in the cheer squad and the basketball team were just fabrications of bitchy girls. However she knew he needed a lot of effort to mould his opinions and attitudes, particularly if she wanted to bring the feminine qualities out of him.
Cass was a good looking guy. She loved his long, shoulder length brown hair, his cute brown eyes and the strong jaw line. They were about the same height and she quite liked that with heels, she could get him to look up at her. She had been imagining how he might look if he grew his hair out, parted at the middle, or with a cute fringe and pretty hair grips. She enjoyed makeover transformations and was imagining what shade of a lipstick would suit Cassie. She had a little chuckle to herself about what Cass might think if he knew what she was imagining. She found herself touching his arms or letting her fingers touch his hands when such thoughts crossed her mind and was hoping she was not being effusive to him, the way other girls might have been.  She felt a bit braver when she knew he was getting quite drunk and being more receptive to her, but was hoping it wouldn't get him to try it on with her in the car. She was not ready for a confrontation on his terms yet. She hoped Cass had enough respect for her now that he would behave himself.
Before they knew it, it was time for the restaurant to shut. They split the bill, Yan insisting she did not want to be seen as taking advantage of Cass's kindness or generosity. Cass was fairly drunk and really open to suggestions from Yan. When they made their way out, Yan noticed Cass was still walking with a slight limp and appreciated her help in getting him to climb into the passenger seat after opening his door. On the way back, Cass was very appreciative and thankful for taking him out on the date. Yan noticed the changes in his receptiveness to the idea and felt his ego was already softening.
When they had reached Cass's home, he offered to make Yan a coffee or hot chocolate before her drive back to Eugene. Yan knew this was going to be an important moment that could decide the course of their friendship. Just as she was about to decline the offer, she noticed Cass wince, possibly with the pain down his legs again. She decided to help him in and stay a bit longer. Cass seemed grateful and thanked her again for the evening.
"How do you like your coffee? I am going to need a red bull to wake myself up", Cass said as he moved into the kitchen and opened the fridge. Yan smiled and said she would have whatever coffee he had. With the drinks done, they sat on the sofa near each other. For the first time in his life, Cass felt nervous about making an approach to a girl sitting this close to him after an evening out. He said in a quiet voice, "Yan, I think you are wonderful and I feel like I have made an amazing new friend. I will be honest, I find you incredibly attractive". He then looked at Yan who was looking right into his eyes with a smile on her lips. This was definitely a positive sign.
Yan knew she could play hard to get and keep him interested for another date, or she could introduce something more in his suggestive state. She decided on the latter course of action and moved a bit closer to Cass. She said "Cassie, I think you are wonderful and I had a wonderful evening. I am not like other girls though, and my interests in men can be different to what you want from the girls you date" . She could see the confusion in his eyes. She ran her fingers through his hair and started styling with her fingers as she continued , "I like emotional and sensitive men, those with a feminine side ... Someone who is willing to let go of his ego and the hard outer exterior that social norms create". Yan confidently moved her hands on Cass's thighs, before resting around his crotch. She could feel his excitement but didn't look or say anything. She needed to know Cass was still seduced by her. Cass leaned forward, and Yan was quick to move her face to meet his lips. She let her tongue probe him and moved herself forward while grabbing his hair and french kissing him. Cass was surprised at her taking the initiative, and had to pull back to get some breath. He had always been the one to initiate and he felt he was doing Yan's bidding. But he enjoyed it and couldn't help his excitement. Yan had now moved herself so she was positioning on his lap, as she started to pull his shirt up without unbuttoning it. As she lifted it up over his head, she paused, and Cass realised his hands were effectively tied up with the shirt. Cass let out a gasp as Yan moved her face down to run her tongue over his nipples and gave it a gentle nibble. She smiled at his reaction and said "I love you're sensitive in your nipples". Instead of pulling the shirt over fully, she decided to instead unbuckle his trousers. Cass was starting to enjoy how Yan controlled the situation and laid back as Yan yanked his trousers off. His throbbing member stood erect and proud as Yan studied it.  Cass had never been very big, but he had never let size ever affect his confidence. On this occasion, he found himself looking for approval or excitement from her facial expressions. Yan just smiled and leaned forward to give him another French kiss as he leaned back against the sofa, with Yan's legs and thighs brushing his cock but not quite touching it explicitly. "I think you might have brewers droop Cassie. I don't want to take advantage of you when you are drunk. I had so much fun, and I hope we can hang out together again" Yan whispered.  " Nooo , but .. why don't you stay, you can't leave now.." pleased Cass.
"I promise, Cassie,  there will be another time. You need to recover and get fully fit, I don't want to be the one that causes your ligament rupture", Yan said as she pulled back and stood up facing him, surveying the vulnerable position Cass found himself in.
With that Yan took her bag and keys and headed out the door. Cass was confused but managed a feeble "Thanks for evening ,Yan. Call you.. Tomorrow?". Those were the words Yan wanted to hear. She knew his ego would have been bruised. Yet, he had sounded pathetic and apologetic, and knew she had him open for further dates. He couldn't wait to call her in the morning and listen to her sultry voice again.
Cass listened to Yan drive off and found himself wondering what he was getting himself into. Whatever the changes his mind had experienced, he knew physically he was the most excited he had ever been. But wait, what did she mean when she thought he had the "brewers droop". He will have to find out more.  This girl was special and increasingly intriguing with every word and action.

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