Ballers (Part 12) - Changes, Choices & Capuccino Chat

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For the third day in a row, Cass woke up being spooned by Yan. The memories of the crazy adventure he had experienced yesterday came flooding back. Even if a part of him felt embarrassed, his thoughts settled on the electric sensations he had experienced with Yan in the night. He could feel a slight soreness inside him, and swiped a finger across his lip to check if the lipstick was still on or if it had got entirely smudged from Yan's passionate kisses. Yan stirred as well and they could both hear footsteps out in the kitchen. A soft knock, followed by Jordan's voice- "Heyyy, are you awake?" Jordan poked her head through the door and she was looking in the darkened room for Yan. " It's 8 o'clock , and we are both going to head to our place. Thank you so much for having us here, we have had a blast the past 3 days. Cassie, I will see you at physio tomorrow after your appointment today with the Doc. Byeeeee!".
Yan and Cass mumbled their goodbyes and Cass was reminded of his appointment later in the afternoon with Dr. Nikki Alexander. He was hopeful of a significant improvement in his condition. His back no longer seemed to have the sharp, stabbing pains but there were still occasional dull pains if he forgot the meds. He had not told Yan about Jordan's suggestion to bring up the body changes with Dr.Alexander as a matter of urgency.
Yan had to spend time on her computer science project and was going to go in for basketball training later that afternoon. "Hey, I could take you to the hospital on my way to basketball. Would you like me to come with you for the appointment?", she asked Cass as she rolled out of bed. Cass decided some of the things he may have to talk to the doctor about might worry Yan. "Nah, just drop me off outside the hospital at noon and maybe I can come over to the courts when you finish your training. When do you finish?" Yan knew Cass had been avoiding the Beavers basketball courts for well over 3 months, possibly to avoid any questions about his fitness. "Are you sure? I can pick you up from the hospital if you don't want to walk across the campus", she offered helpfully. Cass had realised after yesterday that he did need to start facing up to some of his anxieties. How hard could it be to face his basketball teammates as himself, when he had managed passing off as a girl all day in crowded malls and the most popular bar in Salem? He was planning how to style his hair and what to wear to cover up any changes to his physique. "No, it's cool. Will be nice to see you play", he said. That brought a big smile to Yan's smile and he instantly felt a lot better.

After doing some physio, showering and rustling up a lunch for them, Cass was ready to go in for the hospital appointment. Yan had managed to make good progress that morning in her project. She was worried the food and drink of the last 3 days might affect her stamina and upset the coach. They both had a soothing cup of some Gingko Biloba tea, another concoction her grandad used to suggest to "keep you sharp" as he used to say. She definitely needed it to get her focus back on the basketball later in the day. She noticed Cass was now wearing his hair in a man bun. She thought to herself that it was a shame his gorgeous long hair was not being styled prettier than that but she knew he would be wanting to reclaim some of his manhood back after the previous few days. He was wearing a very loose fitting shirt, and a baggy pair of trousers, which did give him a bit more of a chubbier appearance but it did hide his recently enlarged ass and chest. When she dropped Cass off at the hospital, she sensed his nerves and she gave him a tight hug and wished him good luck for the appointment and hoped he would get the best news possible from the Dr. Nikki.

When Cass walked through the door of Dr.Alexander's office, her face was turned to the window as she was examining an x-ray. She turned around and said, " Hi Casper, how have you been?". Cass noticed her beautifully manicured finger nails and subtle yet pretty eyeliner. Why did he pay attention to that and not focus on her breasts or lips or other sensual parts of the body that he used to notice first ? Nikki's face did show a bit of surprise at his appearance, but she was professional and quickly asked him to take a seat. Cass started by saying he had been having the meds, that he was following all the physio recommendations and strengthening his base. He went to explain some of the changes in pain. Dr. Alexander was taking down notes. She then said, "Can you take your shirt off and lower your trousers a little and get on the bed face down, so I can examine the back? If you feel comfortable, you can take your trousers off and I can give you a disposable examination shorts.. it is your choice." Cass did as she was told and decided to just lower his shorts - he couldn't help thinking what Dr.Nikki would have thought about his choice of underwear if he had on what Yan had got him to wear the previous night in bed. He felt the doctor press, prod and feel around the bottom of his spine and lower back. She tapped with her knuckles along his upper back, along the spine and seemed to measure something across his bottom. She then asked him to turn around, and he could visibly see her surprise with her eyes widening at the first sight of his chest. "I am going to feel around the chest and make some measurements. Bear with me if it's uncomfortable while I do that", she said. As she was pressing around his chest and pushing the skin around his nipples, she asked "Are you feeling any itchy sensations or pain around your nipples?" Cass said there were times in the last two weeks where he had found them sensitive. He decided it was not appropriate to tell her he had been enjoying the sensations when Yan was suckling and tweaking them. But he was surprised at the next question. " Can I ask if there have been any changes in your sexual desire, or libido ?" Cass went red in the face. He was embarrassed but he couldn't be too open either. "Errr umm, my girlfriend and I have still been active. Should I be worried about anything?" He stuttered. Nikki had seen plenty of cases of the effects of hormones, and she had been concerned about some of the potential side effects of the concoction of drugs she had recommended to address his adhesive arachnoids. But she was shocked at the rate at which his breast tissue and buttock size had grown. She didn't show it in her face, but she could not believe that the targeted mild dose of hormones could achieve larger breast development in about 2 months than HRT for transgender women could achieve in 6 months. She stayed calm and continued ," Have you been sticking to the recommended dosage? How is your diet ?" Cass started to sense some concerns with her questions. "Yes, sticking to the dosage and my girlfriend has been keeping track of the pill count too. I have been eating healthy. Trying not to eat much carbs, staying off alcohol, if you forget the overindulgence over Christmas holidays and having plenty of green tea which has helped me stay calm and avoid caffeine". Nikki nodded along, and said it all sounded healthy and she made a joke about the Christmas wines being essential requirement to ignore any bigoted comments from boomer aunts and uncles. But her mind was ticking away at this unusual physical development. " I think I am going to recommend a blood test today alongside an MRI. I want to understand the oestradiol levels in you. Would you be ok with that today?" Cass nodded and felt it was something she wanted to get to the bottom of urgently.
Cass got dressed and Dr.Nikki told him to come back after the blood tests in another wing of the hospital and she promised she would give him an update at that time.
Yan had been worrying about Cassie's appointment. She knew he would have been checked for the abnormal breast tissue growth. She knew it was getting harder for Cass to hide and she worried if perhaps the medication had been excessive. But she didn't want to alarm him so barely mentioned it. She found the basketball was a good distraction from her college projects and recent worries about Cass. She was glad her stamina was not too down from the usual. She saw Timea struggling a bit with the coach's beep tests. "Hey Yannie, it was nice to see your girls at the Half Penny. They are so so cute! We should hang out sometime. Maybe end of the season, so I can drink a few beers and not die in training the next day!" she said, with a big grin on her face. Yan responded with,"Your date was a bombshell, you have great taste". Timmy just put a finger to her lips and said "shhh don't be spilling our secret", and gave a quick wink. The rest of the training was intense and Yan was looking forward to the practise games- she was still not sure she would start in the team's first line-up and the next week could decide that.

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