Ballers (Part 8) : Girls Night in

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The next morning both Yan and Cass woke up in very cheerful moods. Cass enjoying being cuddled by Yan and her hand brushing and fingers clasped around his nipples, while being kissed in the neck. "Mmm you feel so warm and soft Cassie!" , Yan mumbled. She felt the fabric of the dress Cass had slept in rubbing against her and remembered the night before. "Are you feeling sore, darling. I hope you enjoyed it?". Cass said he had, and tried not to talk too much about it because he did feel a bit embarrassed at how they had ended fucking. Yan decided not to probe the matter too much and let Cass rest in peace.
They decided to enjoy the Christmas eve tidying the house and getting some decorations to make it feel Christmassy. Yan could not remember the last day she had where she did not have to think about her schedule. After a breakfast that Cass had cooked up for them, they decided to sit on the couch and cuddle. Yan suggested they play some video games, to see if Cass would enjoy it too. She used to be a huge gamer before she realised it was taking too much of her time. Cass admitted he never gotten into it because much of his free time had been on playing basketball or even if he did play any console games, they were usually NBA or NHL games on PS4.
Yan got her gaming consoles and laptop out and was setting it up so he could see what she liked to play. Cass wanted them to play a multiplayer RPG as it was not anything he had ever tried. Yan suggested a couple of games she used to play a lot of. Her mom had gifted her a couple of new games for Christmas, which she really should have been opening on Christmas day. "It's Christmas in Australia, so I think it's fair if I open it and we play it already, don'tcha think?", she said tearing the gift wrapping. Cass was sitting comfortably sipping some lovely tea and enjoying having Yan with him in the day for a change. " Oh definitely, I don't think my dad's managed to send anything so I suppose I will get a gift card voucher or something soon. You can get to open my present tomorrow so there is something to put under the tree." Yan thought that was so sweet that Cass had remembered to get him something. She had got him something already but was now thinking if she should add an extra gift after yesterday evening. There was still time in the afternoon to get some last minute shopping done.
Yan discovered her Christmas gift was 2 video games -her mom would always get one that she felt was partly educational and another which she would have actually expressed an interest in some time. One was called "Knight Bewitched" and the other was called "Romancing saga: Scarlet Grace ". She groaned at the second one,"my god, my mom's done it again... A Romancing game, seriously?!" Cass laughed and said," Hey she's made the effort from a 10000 miles away. Mine live an hour's drive up north and haven't bothered! Be grateful!"
"Which one shall we pop in first?" Yan asked. Cass had a smart suggestion"Try the one you don't like first so when you are bored, you know you can go to the other one". Yan reluctantly popped the Romancing saga in.
An hour later, they were still playing it. The game involved creating female characters, giving different personality traits and exploring various locations - cities, dungeons,spooky places and even basketball games. They could play games with other players, so it was more fun than she imagined. "let's try the other one", Yan declared. Cass looked a little disappointed,"Hey we haven't even explored the basketball party on it!" Yan was not listening. "let's check out Knight Bewitched, you will love it even more." This game was also good fun with strong female characters, and even had a lesbian story plot woven into it. Cass discovered that was her genre, to be the Knightess in shining armour and be the strong, undefeatable warrior princess. Cass found himself being assigned the role of a character called Rolan - a very pretty male elf that was often mistaken to be a woman, apparently a trope called Elfeminate- someone Yan thought was a perfect character with his beautiful braided long blonde hair and shaped eye brows. He thought this game was more to Yan's tastes as she enjoyed exploring various challenges in it. It was nearly 2 in the afternoon, when Yan said,"Oh shit, I need to get something from the shop. Do you want to keep playing? I should be back in an hour max". Cass had nothing else to do," Shall I come with you too? Where are you going?". Yan said "Nuh uh, it's a surprise for you, sorry honey you can't see it yet". Cass was pleased Yan was making the effort for him. "ok, don't be long!"
Yan hopped into her car, still in sweatpants and hoodie and decided to go shopping for Cass. She had some stuff in mind but was not sure it would be appreciated. She had to be careful making sure she didn't jump the gun too soon.
Cass was not wanting to leave the couch. He decided to pop the video game on and spend an hour exploring some of the interesting sounding links on the first video game. His mind was drifting back to the night before and decided to give his chest a good once over after Yan had left- they were feeling very sensitive and sore. He did enjoy Yan playing with it and loved the sensations, but every touch of it against his t-shirt seemed to chaff a bit. He wondered if perhaps there might be some soothing skin cream in Yan's bedroom. He didn't think she would mind if he borrowed a little, she shouldn't even notice. He found a bottle of moisturising cream and the cooling effect from it soothed his nipples. He did find himself getting turned on while applying it, which was unusual. He also decided to leave his top off so there would be no chafing. He got back to the game and was starting to enjoy it while waiting for Yan.
Yan was excited about her shopping haul. She had possibly got too excited to be honest, and ended splurging a little too much money but she couldn't wait to see the surprise in Cass's eyes when he received the presents tomorrow. When she got back, she realised she had been gone for well over 2 hours. As she came in carrying the gifts, Cass was on the console but with his back to her, she was able to hide the gifts away from his eyes. She came into the living room to see Cass deeply engrossed in the RPG. "Heyyy, I didn't hear you come in. How was your trip out?" Cass asked barely taking his eyes from the screen. Yan looked at him and could see his nipples coated in a cream, looking swollen and sore. She then saw he had been playing "Romancing Saga" and had been playing as a character called Kreisa. "You enjoying yourself honey?" , she asked. "Oh my god Yan, this game is so good. It opens up different levels, and has so many stories that unfold depending on the character. I am Kreisa right now, the sorceress , it gives me powers to help my partner Ursula, and we can join the party quest as long as Chichi is also not on it". Yan was surprised at this and she burst out laughing. " Well, firstly, hello Kreisa, I think I like that new name of yours, and looking at the character, I actually now do see a resemblance to you, as long as you also keep your pretty long blonde hair braided and have a green flower with purple tendrils and those cute blue drop diamond earrings!" Cass realised he was getting too heavily into the game and laughed at what Yan said. And it was then he realised he was sitting topless with his nipples on show and quickly tried to cover it and reached for his vest. Yan smiled and said "I hope I have not inflicted that damage on you?". Cass sheepishly looked down and said "I don't know, it's been so tender for a few days and I think playing with it was so yummy yet so sensitive. I put some of your moisturizer on, hope you don't mind". Yan said "Not at all, I don't mind you borrowing anything of mine. Let's keep an eye on it though to see if it gets better. I promise to keep my hands off it, even if it is so tempting!",she giggled. "Hey on a serious note, do you want to put my loose fitting top over it, so it doesn't chafe like your tight t-shirt ?", she asked reaching for her lace crop cami top and slid it over his head. It was loose on his now slimmer upper body, and the empty(ish) cups gave his nipples some modesty without rubbing against it.
"Let me just sit with you and cuddle a little while you finish your game? ". Cass liked the sound of that. "Sure, I can complete this level and we can do something after?". Yan decided to prop herself on the couch behind Cass as he was leaning forward to play. She loved the sight of his behind and started brushing his hair with her fingers, and kissing his back. "Let me brush your hair while you play?", Yan suggested getting up for her hair brush. When she got back she slid behind Cass and spread her legs so he was positioned between her thighs. She got a couple of cushions too prop her bottom up so she was now looking down at his head and hair to let her brush it and style it easier. She first parted his hair down the middle and brushed out two halves. She then gathered some of hair from each side and braided them, and then joined them at the middle. She took a cute pink hair band to hold it in place. She then curled the sides of the remaining hair and brushed down and c created a wavy fringe on the front bangs . Cass was barely paying any attention, he was so engrossed in the game. She added some pretty grips on either side. The only thing missing was the pretty flower in his hair! She asked him if she could just add a touch of makeup, nothing like yesterday. Cass just nodded without peeling his eyes off the monitor. Yan got a few little make up bits and got to apply red lipstick and dabbed some purple eye shadow. "There, now you look a lot more like your character", she said very happy with the look. "and I barely had to put any makeup on!" Cass just looked at Yan beaming proudly with her efforts, and broke into a cute smile on his face too. He had just earned a big bonus point on the game too. And he did enjoy the pampering.
Yan decided to cook them a meal, thinking she would make Christmas Eve special for them. Cass was too engrossed in his game to step away from it. Yan couldn't help but admire at how cute Cass was looking right then- in her spaghetti-strapped cami tank top with poking nipples and cute shorts with too pretty a face and a girly hair do. She thought she would make make him some of his favourite tea before getting prepped for a meal. Cass was grateful and sipped his green tea, realising he was feeling quite hungry.
Yan was preparing some chicken and decided to make a stir fry so it would be fairly healthy for both their special needs. The door bell rang and Yan was surprised as it was rare for them to get any visitors. But then again she was hardly ever home at this early part of the evening with basketball. She went to open the door and was surprised to see Alice and Jordan standing there with a bunch of flowers and a few bottles of drinks. "Surprise!!! Happy Christmas eve darling!" Alice said and burst in through the door. Yan was shocked and then remembered Alice had sent a message over a month ago that they would come over on Christmas eve for a girls night in. Jordan gave her the beautiful bunch of flowers and gave her a hug and being a lot more reserved. Alice came in taking her coat off saying, "it's freezing out there, it's so lovely and warm in here! I forgot how wonderful this house was at keeping the warmth in". She walked in through the kitchen and stood with her mouth slightly open, and for the first time in her life, Alice couldn't get her words out. Cass turned to look, petrified at how he was dressed, and these unexpected guests intruding their privacy. The game was playing music in the background, indicating he had failed his mission. Jordan came through as well followed by a blushing and embarrassed-looking Yan. "Hey Cassie! How's it going" Jordan said, not missing a beat with how he looked. Alice recovered and went over to say "hey Cass, how are you doing? I am Alice, sorry it's taken a while to meet in person!". Alice went over and gave Cass a big hug and an air kiss. " Don't want to be smudging that gorgeous make up", she said grinning. Jordan was smiling and gave Cass a hug, but her let hand rest on his back a few seconds longer than would be normal. "How's your back holding up?". She was very professional, not making any references to his outfit or makeup. Cass was suddenly actually aware of his nipples showing and quickly covered his chest with his arms folded across. He was blushing furiously. Yan came through and had to explain. "Oh, I was just messing around, trying out my mom's makeup box Christmas present on him before trying it out on myself. You girls know I hate that stuff!" Alice giggled and said "Sure ! And I suppose Cass was just modelling your tanktop to see how it went with cute shorts!" Yan did not want this to embarrass Cass and she was feeling quite cross with herself that she had forgotten about their meet up plans and that she had not thought about the effect on Cass when they walked through the door.
She went over to Cass, and held his hand and asked if he was ok and apologised for forgetting her promise to spend Christmas eve with Alice. Jordan sensed the atmosphere and decided she needed to defuse the situation. "I never had you down as a gamer Cass! You never told me you were into the Rom Saga!" Cass was taken aback but he welcomed the change of focus. " Ummm yeah I only started playing today, Yan got it today" he mumbled. Jordan said, "ok here's the deal, you let me show you the tricks in the game and you help me with the strategy to take my NBA game play to the next level?" Cass smiled, and felt the blood return to his face and lips. "You play as Kreisa? No wonder you are still stuck on level 2! Katrina is the alpha on level 2, let me show you!"
And just like that, the situation eased up and the party started. Cass thought Alice and Jordan were wonderful. They had brought a lot of vodka, wine and gin. Alice was apparently a master cocktail-maker too. With both Cass and Yan having abstained from alcohol over the last couple of months, it didn't take much for both of them to get drunk pretty easy.
Cass was having a wonderful time and enjoyed the evening. In their drunk confessions, amidst their own giggles, Yan and Cass fessed up to having used Alice's dress. Alice thought it was hilarious she and Cass were the same size in dresses. She even went to her old closet and got a few other dresses out and got Cass to try them on with the girls all taking turns at pretending to walk the modelling ramp. Jordan and Yan preferred to wear trousers and some of Cass's shirts and vests, while Alice and Cass were walking with typical female gaits and the serious face until someone would giggle and they would all burst into fits of hysterical laughter. Alice even got to style Cassie's hair in different styles - in pigtail bunches, a messy bun and a high point tail that swished about while he sashayed down the room pretending to be a model. Alice said he should have his nails painted orange and black to represent his basketball team . As they got further drunk, Cass wasnt sure exactly at what point they got him to wear a bra. He didn't complain much and in fact he felt quite comfortable around his itchy nipples with the silky material of the bra.
They were playing some dance music and they were all dancing to Beyonce, Taylor Swift and Miley Cyrus. Cass had some flashing memories of dancing to Hayley Kiyokos "Girls like Girls" and dancing with Jordan, who was holding him and grinding against his ass from behind while Yan was holding Alice and dancing while singing out loud. At one point, he was sure Alice was kissing him on the lips and he caught Yan look at them when she did it. He didn't want her to be upset with him so he walked over to her and put his arm through hers and she wrapped her arm around his waist pulling him into her embrace. She kissed him quite passionately, making him lean back and again having to try to force himself away from her to catch his breath and noticed Jordan and Alice laughing, with Alice squealing " Yeeew You girls, get a room!" As it went past midnight, Alice was struggling with staying stable and Jordan asked if they could get her to bed. Yan said," You guys crash on Alice's old bed, Cass can sleep with me".

Cass remembered being held by the waist and led to Yan's bed. He was so tired and drunk, he just wanted to fall asleep but he was buzzing from the evening as well, and feeling horny. Yan sat him down at the edge of the bed and said, " omg Cassie, you have been amazing. I hope you enjoyed it too? Are you ok?" Cass looked into Yan's eyes and gave a big smile and said,"I have loved every minute! They are both so cool!" Yan then said "oh shit, forgot to get your PJs from your room before they got in. I don't want to go in there now! You ok with sleeping in one of my nighties for tonight?" Cass was too drunk to even think what he should sleep in. He would sleep naked if he was spending it with Yan! But he was too drunk to protest and Yan had already slipped her cami top off and got him to raise his arms while she slid a silk peignoir on to him. It felt silky and nice once it settled around his body. He rolled on the bed and enjoyed Yan spooning him. She had let his hair loose and moved it to one side while necking him from behind. "Mmmm Cassie you were looking stunning tonight. I kept looking at you and wanting to fuck you". Hearing those words gave Cass a familiar stirring in his loins. Yan was stroking him from behind as well, at first through the silky peignoir and then as he grew bigger, directly. Cass couldn't help how he felt the urge to push back into Yan's crotch for every stroke on his shaft. Cass said," Mmm well here I am, you can have what you wished for Yan". That was all the invitation Yan needed. She briefly turned to get her strap on from under her pillow, and Cass could feel her veinous cock once again pressing against his bum while she continued to play with his cock and kissing his neck and gently running her fingers over his oh-so-sensitive nipples. He moaned at the sensations. That made Yan slowly turn him so he was lying face down while she laid above him, kissing and running her hands squeezing his ass and pinning his right arm down. She had squirted some lubricant on her strap on dildo and with Cass feeling very relaxed, Yan managed to easily penetrate him as he moaned. She could feel his cock throb and she held it firmly so it was hard and pressed against the bed but held firmly between the thighs as Yan pushed herself further into him . She started moving back and forth into him, and Cass could feel his insides starting to build up in anticipation with her cock rubbing against his prostate. She kept varying her tempo and occasionally rubbing the head off his cock from under him gently to make him throb more. "Oh good God Yan, don't slow down!" He gasped. Yan loved hearing those words and got on her knees, pulling Cass's body up from his tummy and started fucking him hard. She pushed his back down, so his gorgeous and round ass was sticking up to receive her thrusts. Cass had no control and was enjoying the sensations. Yan was holding both his arms down and pushed her legs between Cass's to spread him apart and get her to go deeper into him, with her crotch now rubbing against his ass. He could hear Yan's voice quiver " Mmmnnnhhn oh god, you are so sexy" and she pumped hard as he felt himself explode while feeling her clit throb against his ass, and feeling her juices squirting his chunky ass and running down his thighs. Cass's cum was also very squirty and thin, flowing between his legs and on to the bed. Yan collapsed, still deep in Cass's ass while he let out a scream from the pain and pleasure.
"Shhhh Cassie, we have guests!" Yan reminded him, as they both lay there for a few minutes trying to get their breath back. Cass almost didn't care, so what if Jordan and Alice knew they were having sex. He was sure they would have been at it as well and he drifted off to sleep , wondering how much deeper Jordan might have fucked him if she was the one riding his ass.

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