Ballers (Part 9) : Christmas Magic

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Cass woke up the next morning to excited sounds of " Merry Christmas!", first from Alice and Jordan hustling through the door after an almost apologetic knock on the door, and then with Yan who was just waking up, still cuddling him. Yan tucked his hair to the side and kissed him whispering a " happy Christmas darling", before turning to say the same to the girls . Cass was immediately very conscious and embarrassed being seen in the feminine nightie and pulled the sheets higher up to cover his body, hoping the spaghetti straps wouldn't be noticed by Alice or Jordan.
Alice certainly noticed the image of femininity that Yan had her arm wrapped around as soon as she came through. After the evening they had just had, and from her recollection of the sounds coming from Yan's bedroom the night before, she had no doubt on her former housemate's relationship dynamics. She had ofcourse been getting some hints of Cass's body changes and hair style evolution from Jordan, but she had not expected the transformation of the college basketball winning star to being a new addition to her girlfriend circle so rapidly. She was not complaining- she and Jordan had agreed it had been a wonderful party the evening before. In fact, they were looking forward to spending the Christmas day with this couple too.
Jordan, as always, was the first to assess the situation and knew they had been perhaps a bit intrusive, and quickly pulled Alice back. "Hey, why don't you both wake up and we will get the coffee and breakfast started. Looks like Santa Claus has visited, looking at the huge gift boxes under the tree!". She looked at Alice and hoped she had got the hint.
Yan and Cass watched Jordan pull Alice away into the kitchen. Yan turned to look at Cass,still with the sheets pulled high up under his chin. "How are you feeling?" Yan asked, continuing to wrap her arm around Cass's waist. "A bit sore", Cass replied with memories of the previous night flooding back. "Bad hang over,huh?" Yan laughed. "Mmmm , that and a bit of a sore bottom!" Cass said and smiled. Yan had a concerned look on her face " oh I am sorry honey, I hope I was not too rough?". Cass just shook his head. "But it is very embarrassing. I have not had that kind of an experience and yet I cannot get myself to say no to you. I don't know what's happening to my body! I am not gay!" Yan looked at Cass, almost feeling sorry for him. "I know you are not gay, you were getting pleasure from me, a woman so you are clearly straight as an arrow ! Don't be harsh on yourself Cass!". Yan realised she needed to comfort and reassure Cass and bust any misconceptions he might have from years of stereotyping and alpha male chat. "Are you not excited that you are discovering new ways for us to enjoy each other. Not everyone is able to be as adventurous and open-minded as you. I did tell you as well right in the beginning, I am not too typical of a girl as well. I had fun, you seemed to have fun, so why are you feeling guilty or embarrassed?"
Cass nodded, and he knew Yan was right. He felt silly for even having started the day with a rant and a moan. Yan leaned across, gave him a gentle kiss and said "You are so sexy and confident in how you like getting pleasure . I love that self confidence". There, that had patched up the bruises to his ego and even got him to have a smile of contentment. "Let's get some breakfast, I am starving", Yan said jumping out of bed. Cass had quickly taken the nightie off and popped on a basketball t-shirt and shorts on , giving a semblance of manliness back to his appearance. He also decided to wear his hair in a man bun so the messy hair was no longer as femininely styled. Yan smiled as she saw the shorts riding into his ass as he walked away, and she certainly noticed a bit of a sway to his walk.
They had a very relaxed Christmas breakfast and spent the morning opening presents from their family and friends. Jordan had received some masc-fitting clothes and latest trending video games from her family. Alice's presents were definitely very girly and she had some pretty outfits , makeup and jewellery from her family. Jordan had gifted her some gorgeous and eye-popping lingerie and nightwear that left Cass in no doubt about their relationship. Yan had already opened her mom's presents yesterday so she was looking forward to what Cass had wrapped for her under the tree. She was very pleased to see Cass had got her game day basketball tickets in the summer. "You can have a great view of the Celtics from those seats". Yan was very pleased and said,"You are coming with me too, right? There are two tickets?" Cass grinned and said,"only if you want me there, otherwise you can go with any of your other friends". Yan gave him a hug and said,"Ofcourse I want you there. You can show me how the real players shoot 3-pointers to us wannabe players!" Cass laughed and said,"hey, by the time this game comes around you could be in WNBA draft, and I am the one that will be lucky to seen with you!". There was a definite possibility to what Cass had said. Between him and Yan, she was definitely the one making the waves in the college basketball circuit. Yan did not want to think that far ahead, it made her nervous to think about her possibilities, and she felt it was bad luck to plan around success - something her mom and dad had instilled in her from very young.
"Do you want to see what I have got for you?" Yan reached out for two packages and gave only one of them to Cass. Cass opened it to find a video game, a sequel to the one he had been playing yesterday. And some orange training shorts which definitely looked a lot shorter than his usual choices. "They will be great when you do your physio, and give me free access to your gorgeous ass!" She laughed as he held it up. Alice and Jordan were smiling at this cute show of Yan asserting ownership of her boyfriends booty. "And, this parcel, is for you to open later", she said winking and giving Cass the other parcel. He was intrigued, but decided it might be too embarrassing to open in front of the others if Yan had not bothered hiding the bootie shorts from public display. " I better open it later", Cass declared much to Alice's disappointment and curiosity.

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