Ballers (Part 13) : The Artist and her muse

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Cass had felt nervous about sharing with Yan all of the details of the discussions he had with the Doctor. But it was worrying him enough, he couldn't hold out too long. He felt as well that it would be unfair not to disclose anything that might affect Yan directly as a partner.
Yan had made them both a smoothie and Cass was waiting until she was settled on the sofa before telling her that he wanted to tell her about some of the specific concerns expressed by Dr.Alexander. When he mentioned the fact about his breast development being on an accelerated rate of development to standard HRT treatments, Yan's eyes widened in shock. And when she was informed that the Chinese herbal home teas could be causing the disruption, she had tears flowing from her eyes. Seeing her so upset got Cass going and he was a blubbering mess too. They were both trying to comfort each other, giving each other kisses and wiping away the tears. "I am so so sorry darling. I never even thought I could be doing something so harmful to you. Oh, what an idiot, I should have checked with my dear Yeh Yeh as to what was in the tea. My mum and I swear by it and I have always had it when we felt tired or struggling with cramps or headaches !" Cass was trying to play it down. "Don't be silly and blaming yourself.. Nobody would have guessed that could happen. Besides the Doc said they have never seen a recovery of the arachnoids in such a short space of time and even suggested the combination of the hormones and the herbal tea might have had an effect that is yet to be understood. So maybe I am just the first person to experiencea wonder drug , huh?" Yan smiled knowing Cass was trying to take her guilt away. She said, "Do you think that's what made you more sensitive to my touch on your nipples?" Cass blushed , lowered his eyes and nodded. "Yeah, I think so. To be honest, I have to say I have actually enjoyed the sensations so much. And I hope you will not be mad at me for saying this - I have actually really enjoyed these feminine changes and I can't stop thinking of how Alice made me look yesterday. I think ....err .. I must be changing. And, I am really scared I am losing my male ego - in more ways than one". Cass was still looking awkwardly with his eyes down, and Yan put her fingers under his chin and lifted his face up, and planted a little kiss on his cute lips. "Cass, you looked so adorable. I was not lying when I said I had never had a more electric session during sex. Are you really worried about your hardness or size of your member? And while we are confessing - I need to tell you I am finding it irresistible to see you so vulnerable and pretty. I think you have opened some doors within me that I didn't know existed." They both hugged each other tight. Cass now had tears streaming down and Yan put an arm behind his waist and another under his thighs and lifted him slightly to settle him comfortably on her lap. They continued kissing and Yan couldn't help stroke his tender breasts through his baggy top. "Ummm , gosh it's so sensitive", Cass whispered. Yan decided it was not appropriate to exploit Cass in as vulnerable a state as he was in and pulled back a little. " Cassie, I love you and I feel so sorry for your situation. Just remember, I will love you however you look and support you whatever you wish to do. So please tell me what you would really really like and what the doctor has suggested."
Cass confirmed the plan of action Dr.Nikki had suggested. Yan was nodding along and felt it was a sensible plan. When Cass mentioned the bit about the doctor warning him from being too optimistic about being ready for the NBA trials, Yan had a smile and exclaimed,"She doesn't know how tough you are when you set your mind to something!" Why don't you keep the strengthening exercises going and see how you feel in a couple of months ?" Cass nodded vigorously. "Hey, changing the topic a bit away from my miseries, I thought you were soooo awesome on the courts today! Yan, you were absolutely killing those long court 3-pointers. Your form and shape when releasing is picture perfect. I was sooooo proud of you!" He said giving her a kiss. Yan was pleased. She didn't know Cass had been watching. "The coach thinks I am starting the first few games. You know the Pac 12 season is starting in a couple of weeks. I am excited but nervous !" A sudden look of concern came on her face. "oh gosh, I am going to be travelling a fair bit with the team. Will you be ok ? I wish you could be there!" Cass had been thinking that with the hectic schedule in the NCAA , Yan would struggle to get much time for being home, let alone her college work. " I know, but you know I will be watching and cheering my girl on TV every night ! You have got to focus on your career. A little bird tells me there could be WNBA scouts at these games. Your life could change in the matter of a few months! ". Yan pulled him in for a kiss, they were both a lot more cheerful and focusing on the positives.

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