Ballers (Part 6) - Holiday Makeover

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The next few weeks were rough for Cass and Yan in different ways. Cass was feeling the worst of the side effects of the medication cocktail. His diet regime had changed. He had been told losing a few stone would help relieve the pressure on his back. He was having plenty of kale and spinach shakes, and some of the medication was making him sick so he struggled to keep things in the first few days. Yan was very supportive and helpful through it all and was there a lot, even deciding to take her lectures from home to help him. She was unable to stay back for her basketball sessions, especially on insistence from Cass that he could manage and that she should not let him hold her back in her promising career.
The basketball was Yan's only break from her otherwise difficult schedule. She had not imagined she would have to be caring for someone while juggling the studies and the basketball. At times, she felt stressed but looking at Cass's struggles made her realise there were bigger stresses in life that she was fortunate not to have to encounter. The NCAA Pac-12 conference was starting soon and she was not sure she would make the starting squad. However, her other distractions perhaps freed up her mind on the basketball courts and she just couldn't stop hitting buckets at crunch times in the practice games. She was the fittest in the team and they loved her stamina. It felt like despite being just a sophomore, she was clearly going to lead the ladies out on opening night.

Cass was recommended physiotherapy and strengthening exercises specific to his spinal issues. Fortunately, Yan's old roommate Alice was now sharing an apartment with another girl that was in her final year's physio training. Yan suggested Cass seek her help to do the exercises, as otherwise hiring a professional would have been expensive at a time when Cass was not even receiving any college stipends or scholarships from basketball. Alice's friend, Jordan, was happy to help and decided Cass could be her case study for her practical training. The only thing Cass was feeling embarrassed about was that he felt his looks and frailty would attract unnecessary attention if he were to do the physio near his college. It was agreed that they would do their work in a small gym outside of Eugene , and Jordan would expense it on her college research stipend. She had read the brief on what his exercise regime needed to be. She felt her field of specialization , sports physiotherapy, would help Cass immensely.
Cass had been for the first session with Jordan nearly 3 weeks after the medication. He was feeling weaker and anxious about the physio hurting him further. She was very fit, slightly shorter than him but with a 6-pack and very defined muscular shoulders and arms indicating she was herself a gym bunny. Her short cropped auburn hair, tattoos and muscular frame made Cass suspect if she was gay. Yan sometimes refused to talk much about her previous roommate, and Cass had wondered if Alice had moved to be with someone she was in a relationship with, rather than just to be near her college. He was not complaining, he was very comfortable in the bedroom, even if it was a touch too feminine.
It was clear Jordan had read the notes from the Katie Chang, his previous physiotherapist. "We are going to focus on trying to shape your body to lower your center of gravity a little bit so your spine doesn't have to bear as heavy a load", Jordan's booming voice broke his thoughts. It was not the first time he had been told that. He nodded. "I used to be a basketball star for the Beavers, you know? I know a thing or two about work outs and core strengthening!" Jordan looked at him, a little annoyed at his attitude. "Look Cassie, I know you USED to be a star. You can barely run without pain, and looking at your muscles and your posture, I think I could have you on the mat. So either listen to me and let me help you, or find yourself someone that will adore you with little puppy eyes but not help your condition one jot! What do you say?" Cass was a little taken aback by her aggression. "Sorry, ok I will listen..I am just trying to tell you I can learn quickly ". Jordan nodded and said "Ok. Just remember I am here to help you and I need to improve your physique to get through my thesis as a success".
Jordan had Cass do plenty of squats, with and without low weights. It was painful at first, and there were times he felt like giving up and he even felt foolish for having given Jordan the talk earlier. Jordan pushed him, but made sure she was also laying him flat on his front and giving enough massage to keep comforting after every strenuous exercise. He was drained after an hour. Jordan seemed to be a bit more sympathetic by the end. She patted him and said "Don't be hard on yourself Cass. Your body needs to get used to these different work outs that you previously never had to focus on". Cass didn't have much left in him and just wanted to get home. "I can drop you off if you want, it will save you having to walk or get the bus"Jordan offered helpfully. While in the car, Jordan seemed to soften a bit more. "hey, you might want to braid or get your long hair in a bun. It's too pretty to have it covered in sweat", she said. Cass realised she had just complimented and flashed a smile and a "thanks". He was feeling some pain, but it was going to take a lot more to beat him. He was thinking to himself, "one work out down, only going to get easier here on".
When he got back home, he realised Yan was back from her training session . She was keen to hear how it had gone and Cass told her how he struggled through it but he was determined to keep at it. "That's the true fighter Cassie I know!" She said and gave him a big hug. They had both decided that with Cass's medication and pains, they should try to avoid any more than the cuddling and spooning. Yan was finding it harder when she was big-spooning Cass with her legs over Cass's ass and her crotch against his ripe bum. Cass looked spent after his work out. As always Yan fetched him his tablets and the special tea which Cass was starting to really appreciate. It seemed to calm him down.
The next few weeks for Cass was all about strengthening his lower body and shedding weight off his upper body. Yan was having to spend days and occasionally some nights away playing her basketball games. Cass would look forward to an evening ,after the intense workout, of watching Yan on the TV or through the live streams showing NCAA college basketball. He was very encouraging and would often send little messages of support and encouragement when she was playing somewhere further away that needed her to stay in motels with the team overnight.

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