Ballers (Part 3) : Dr.Nikki

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Cass woke up Monday morning, having a sore head from the hangover inflicted by the Chinese rice wine. They were strong drinks but Yan had been plying him with different types of Chinese wines, he could barely remember what he had. As with the previous two mornings, he felt sharp pains as he got up out of bed. He had managed to secure an appointment with the team physio Mike. He checked his phone and couldn't help sending a little message to Yan : "Hey, last night was fun, hope you have a good one today❤️". He couldn't decide between adding a heart or a kiss and decided on the one that felt a little less pervy. He was still hoping Yan's experience with him had not pushed her away. He better arrange a basketball court meet, so he could get back to his zone of comfort.

The physio appointment was at 10am and as he walked into Mike's office, he was cheered by his booming voice "Now that's a sight for sore eyes, if it ain't the champion goat himself!" After the fist bumps and chitchat about the Friday night finals game, Cass explained his symptoms and showed Mike where he was getting the shooting pains. Mike got him to lay down and proceeded to start stretching and twisting his legs and back. Cass was shouting out yelps and groans of pain - Mike looked a little concerned. "Cass, this might be nothing but I would like you to get an MRI done asap. You can try to do some simple physio and check back in again but I wouldn't risk it and get it checked out. I know what you are like man, and I don't want you to go start playing with a any spinal issues". Mike decided he was going to call and set up this MRI for himself , which Cass was grateful for. Thankfully, it was only a few hours to get it done and speak to the specialist.

Cass decided he would spend the time at the basketball court to see if he might get a chance to meet Yan again. The courts were empty and nobody was around. There were a couple of girls on the trampoline and one that was doing some practice with a baton - for the cheer squad. Cass sent a message to Yan asking if she was free to meet later that evening. He thought he would add that he was getting his back checked out at the Kaiser Permanente hospital in town, in the hope that would get Yan to meet him out of concern. There was no reply, and his message from the morning had not been read either, so Cass was starting to get a little pissed and irritated. Was she ghosting him ?
Later that afternoon Cass got his checks and tests done and was thinking of heading back, when he got a call from Yan. His heart skipped a beat, and he was trying not to show the excitement in his voice. "hey you, what you been up to?" He tried to sound casual. Yan sounded like she was in a busy place, must be somewhere on campus. " Hey, sorry I had a full morning session, we had a Hackathon, and I couldn't get my phone. How are you feeling?" . Cass thought the concern and the excuse sounded genuine. "Err, what, Hackathon? I have had a Jackathon here all day!" The joke didn't land, and he couldn't hear any audible signs of Yan appreciating his joke. "Yeah, I had been to Physio and just had a few tests run on me. Are you up to meet tonight?", he blurted out. "Well, what are they saying is wrong with you" Yan was serious and keeping to the point. "I am about to find out.I am sure it will be a nothing burger!"he tried to sound nonchalant although he could definitely feel the sharp pains frequently. "Ok, you better get the details and I can pick you up tonight at 8 after my basketball training in the evening". She didn't ask, she was telling him to be ready at 8. "Sounds like a plan. This time I will pick the place" Cass said, feeling better already about getting a second go with Yan. And he felt some silly pride that he was making some decisions on their dates. "Sure, but remember I can't have anything too carby or fried. See you at 8 Cassie!" And she hung up.
"Casper Matthews? Is there a Casper here?" rang out a voice across the waiting hall for the doc. Cass got up and hobbled across to be met by a tall matronly looking lady with glasses and dark hair tied up in a bun. She held out her hand and said,"Casper? I am Dr. Alexander, Nikki Alexander- Orthopedic surgeon and neuropathy specialist. I head the surgery here". Cass was not sure what impressed him more, Dr. Alexander's qualifications or her ample bosom. "Hey, just call me Cass. How are you doing?" he said and felt her strong hand give a little shake. "Please sit down. I need to ask a few questions about your background before we discuss the MRI scan results",she sounded serious and wanting to get on with it. Cass had to explain what he did, about his activity levels, even if he was sexually active and if he had recently encountered any trauma or injury to his back or near his buttocks. After listening to it, Dr. Alexander said "ok, this is what you need to know. From the MRI & CT scans I can clearly see inflammation (swelling) of the arachnoid, one of the membranes that surrounds and protects the nerves of your spinal cord." She was pointing at some place on the MRI scan showing his lower back and ass.
" We suspect it might early onset of Arachnoiditis. I will want to confirm it with a EMG or electromyogram to see the extent to which nerves have been affected. It can cause severe stinging, "burning" pain and neurological problems. It most commonly affects the nerves of your lumbar (low back) and thoracic spine (middle back). It rarely affects your entire spine. The cause is often not very obvious, especially if you have not had a recent injury or surgery". Cass was nodding along, the stinging and burning pains sounded familiar. But as a college player, he just kept going thinking it was a niggle from tired muscles.
"Ok, so when can I get back on the court? Will I need surgery?" Cass was just calculating in his head when the pro-trials would be held for the NBA, he needed to be back at full fitness for that. Was it early in Spring?
" Mr. Matthews....Cass, I don't think you are understanding what I am saying. This is a serious condition we are talking about, not some temporary injury that will heal naturally or with surgery. If it is where I think it is in its onset, we can manage the symptoms and even get you to some level of fitness with targeted exercises and a specific regime of medication. But professional sport, especially with heavy physical impact, might never be possible. I am sorry, I am sure this is a shock. Do you want to talk about it with someone, and do you have anyone to support you through this? I can recommend some sports psychotherapists that can counsel you". Cass just sat and blinked, his eyes widened. He could not believe what this lady was telling him. He felt angry that she had no idea what this meant to him. How could she? A nerdy doctor would never understand how devastating it could be that a sporty, talented guy is asked not to pursue his love !! He felt his eyes welling up, he got a lump in his throat, and he just could not speak.
"I am sorry but I am going to get a fucking better second opinion. I just played a fucking good game in the championship finals on Friday night. I can't be that close to disability!", he was definitely speaking in a raised voice and banged his fist on the table. Dr Alexander kept a calm demeanour but the temperature of her attitude definitely took a dip. "Please do seek a second opinion, I am happy to even refer to other specialists in the field if you like. But please don't cause further damage by ignoring my advise to rest and get back to playing ball games! Please call me when you are ready to discuss further options." She stood up and walked Cass to the door. " Please take care, and I hope you have someone to help you through this".
As the door shut behind Cass, he felt like the world had ended. He sat down in some empty chairs in the waiting area, head buried in his hands, trying not to let anyone see he was crying. A nurse came by and asked " Are you ok , sir? Can I get anything, can I call anyone for you?" He just shook his head. He stood up and could feel a sharp jab around his back, just the reminder he needed for what had turned his world upside down in 48 hours.

Cass managed to get back home and decided to drown his anger and upset with a bottle of vodka. He had the TV on but was barely watching, and he even flicked the channel away when a basketball game started. He was about to open a third bottle of beer, when the door bell rang. He had lost track of time, and had even forgotten about the date with Yan. He opened the door, and was going to tell her he was not feeling up to it and if he could take a rain check. Yan looked stunning. She was wearing a tight tank top and ripped denim shorts showing off her long legs with some Mary Janes. As soon as Yan saw him, she looked incredibly concerned and said "oh my god, are you all right Cassie. You look terrible. What's happened?". Cass just couldn't help himself and burst into tears as he gratefully accepted her big hug and allowed her to lead him to the couch. She got him to sit and held him close and hugged him tight. "Tell me please, what has happened sweetie?" Cass leaned back, and amidst sobs and dabbing his tears with the tissues Yan had taken out of her bag, he explained what he had found that afternoon. Yan listened intently and kept squeezing his hands when he sobbed. "I know this is awful news, and it is still too early to start imagining worst case scenarios. However, you have discovered this early, and it sounds like you can get help with medicines and exercise. The Cassie that I know and admire is a fighter. You prove people wrong. Yes, you may see this as a major setback to your career ambitions but, you are still young, talented and other doors will open. I am here if you need a friend". Cass was grateful to have Yan there and felt some comfort for the first time since the afternoon. He was also heartened to hear Yan's first compliments on his personality. As Yan sat near him, stroking his hair and tucking it behind his ears while holding his hand, he felt content suddenly and realised he needed support. He had never opened up and cried so freely with anyone in his life. And this girl had pretty much dribbled the ball right into his life in the matter of the same 48 hours that appeared to have turned his fortunes inside out. To think she had toyed with him just a day ago, teasing him and leaving him hanging made him smile. Yan had a sympathetic smile on hers as well. She decided to change the mood - "How about I treat you to a pizza and we can watch a movie together?". Cass realised he had hardly eaten anything and that pizza sounded inviting. He looked at Yan gratefully and said "Now that's the best suggestion I have had today!".
The rest of the evening was fun with Yan trying to cheer him up with stories of her day and then decided that watching Barbie the movie would be just right to take the edge off.
Cass was too drunk and depressed to pay too much attention to the movie and drifted off with his head on Yan's shoulders. He did not realise when she had left his house but he did find himself comfortably tucked under the sheets in his bed, even realising he had been undressed and covered in a robe by Yan. His dreamy thoughts about Yan provided solace from the difficult decisions awaiting his life.
Cass woke up again thinking of Yan. He remembered having some strange dreams, including him being dolled up as Barbie and leading the cheer squad. And for reason that first thing he was puzzled about was how he had been moved from the couch to the bed by Yan without waking him up. Could she really have carried him over ? He thought it had been so sweet of her to spend the evening and cheer him up through one of his most difficult days. And he was already missing her not being there to continue that support, especially as he felt the pain as he got up out of bed.
He decided to focus his attention on trying to find more about his diagnosis , find what medication would help him and get on with the exercises that would apparently keep his situation in control. Yan's words about admiring his resilience and fight was all he wanted to focus on.

It was a new dawn, a new day and a new purpose in Cass's life.

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