POV Chiara

Why did I tell him 8 a.m.? Seriously, Chiara, what was going on in your stubborn head?
My alarm went off way too early for my liking, but it was my fault. I decided to be bitchy, so I've to live with waking up early, even tho my classes don't start before 10.

Taking a sip from my coffee, I set it back on my nightstand. So, what to wear, something for training or ... something telling the new Coach I'm no one to be scheduled around... as if I don't know the answer already.

Deciding to wear a pink blouse and some black suit pants, I take a final sip of my coffee, grab my purse, and make my way to the coach's office.

"Chiara, do you.." was all I heard from Simone, but I was already out the door.
I feel bad for ignoring her a little the past few days, but I am pissed she hasn't told me herself about the new Coach. She knows how hard it is for me to trust someone, especially regarding Coaches. It's the most essential part of successful training. I have to be able to rely on them.

Luckily for me, our Mansion isn't far away from Campus, so I decided to walk, even tho I regret it already since I'm wearing high heels.
On my way to the Office, I devised multiple scenarios of how this meeting could end. But it never ended with me being okay with having a new Coach.

When I arrived at the Athletic Hall, I went to the front desk as if I didn't already know the answer, but ..

"Good Morning, Miss Nadolny. How can I help you?" The young woman asked.
"Well, let's see if it's a good one. Where can I find the new Ice Skating Coach?" I replied and looked into a light, confused face. The woman was probably wondering why I would ask that.
"Ahm, the Coach is in the same office as the last one.."
"Sure, thank you."
Well, Chiara, good job. Now, that was somewhat rude.
But I have got a reputation to keep, and I like it, so don't at me.

As I arrived at his office, I saw the light was already on and decided not to give a single f and storm into the office. It's 8 am. Who else should he be expecting?

Harshly, I opened the door and was met with the back of his office chair, not making any attempt to turn around. So I decided to start talking.

"Just to be clear, interim Head Coach, I am the reigning World Champion and, with that, the number one priority on this team. I won't change any of my schedules, and if you think ... "

I ... suddenly ... looked into the most beautiful ocean eyes I've ever seen. I'm lost in HER eyes. I completely forgot what I was about to say.
The new Coach is a woman.. and not just 'a woman' .. she's the most stunning woman I've ever seen.
While turning around, her long blonde hair, which was up in a ponytail, fell onto her shoulder.
A small smile on her lips, and I was zoomed out of this world.

"Hi, Miss Nadolny." she was now smiling at me, and I didn't make the situation any better for me.

"Hi" was everything I was able to get out.

We were staring at each other for what felt like forever but were only a few seconds.

"Was there anything else you wanted to say?" Her raspy voice sounded so sexy ... STOP! Chiara! She's your Coach! Get yourself together! It was probably what I should've told myself, but I couldn't think clearly.

"Yes ... no ... I." Great, now you are stuttering; don't make a fool out of yourself!

"Do you have a problem with your new schedule?"

Focus, Chiara, focus!
"Yes! The schedule! The times are not how I'm used to it." I tried to get hold of myself.

"Yes, that's right. Everyone has different times this quarter, and I want to know if you all can rely on your talents even if it's to an unusual time." She explained, which made total sense, but that's not why I'm here!

"I can show my talent on Ice at any time, and you may have seen that during my World championship performance," I said with a slight smirk.

"Yes, I saw that, and you were amazing, but still, I want to see the whole process myself and then, in the next quarter, adjust everyone's schedule to its perfection." again, everything she said was right, and it showed me that she indeed is a good trainer. I understand why Simone hired her.

"Nevertheless, if you have a problem, just hit me up at my office at any time, and we'll find a solution." it was hard enough to follow her with her office door wide open and standing at a distance, but sitting with her at her desk, door closed ... STOP it, Chiara!

"No! .. I mean, I'm the World champion, I don't have time to discuss my schedule. I need to trust my Coach with that 100%!" I, once again, made my point clear and was not willing to give in that easily.

"You can trust me! I'll make sure, by the end of the year, you'll stand on that podium at the Olympics!" She looked me directly into my eyes, and once again, I was on the edge to get lost in them.

"Good" was all I could say.

"Good" was all she replied.

"I'll go now, and I've classes to attend." I turned around and quickly left her office to find myself in our locker room.
I slam the door behind me and let me fall onto the bench.

What. The. Hell. Was. That.

My head was clouded with thoughts, her ocean blue eyes burned into my memory, her raspy voice repeating in my mind.

I wasn't able to concentrate on anything said in my classes today. All I could think about was my new coach. I never saw someone, and with their first sign - I was - what was I? I don't even know her.

"What is going on with you today?" Natalie asked.
"Sorry, what did you say?" I couldn't even concentrate on what we just thought about. My mind replayed, drifting away to this morning.
"Yea... exactly that... Chiara! Where is your mind?!" Natalie basically screamed at me to get my attention.
"Nothing, nothing, just the meeting with the new coach was pretty... unexpected," trying to explain. The word 'pretty' summed it up perfectly.
"Why? Is he an idiot, just like you thought?"
"It's a she," I said quickly.
"Your new coach is a woman? Well, that's interesting. And is she nice, at least?" Natalie wanted to know more about our meeting this morning, but I was not eager to discuss it.
"Yeah, I guess. I don't know her, so let's see. Anyway, I've to. My training is starting soon." I stood up, and Natalie screamed ironically after me, "Don't have too much fun at training."

I don't even know how to survive this training. Yet alone, how to concentrate.
I changed into my training clothes, and today, we started with some stretching. Just her and me.


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