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"Seriously, talk to me, Ava. What happened yesterday?" Irina was still trying to figure out why I left the Club in such a rush yesterday. It's not like I would not want to talk about it, but with her being such a simp for Chiara, I'm sure it will escalate.
"As I told you before. It's not important." I could see in her reaction that she didn't believe me. Of course not. It was important. I made a terrible mistake and even risked my career. Jet alone, I had no idea how to make up for the mess. It's not like I can ignore her or pretend it didn't .. wait, I could pretend it didn't happen. Go back to my professional self and hope that Chiara will, too. But I doubt that.

"Fine, if you don't talk, you can at least be a good host and make me some breakfast." she stood up and sat at my dining table.
"You're literally living here too, Irina. You even have a drawer full of clothes here. The least I can offer is ordering some iHop since my fridge is hella empty." Standing up, I walked to the coffee machine and asked my annoyed-looking bestie if she wanted one, too.

After breakfast, I had to get ready for work. I'm really not looking forward to it, and I glanced at my schedule for the day. Chiara had training at 11 am, so I would have time to think about how to handle the situation the best. Not mentioning it at all or going into a little conversation to make clear it was a huge mistake and can't ever happen again.
My thoughts were interrupted by a message from Mrs. Steinkamp informing me that Chiara would stay home for the day since she was not feeling well.

Great. Fucking great. I really messed up, or maybe she's just hungover, but probably was I the reason for getting that drunk that you can't attend training the next day.
"Damn it!" I let out and stomped into my bedroom to bury myself under the blankets.
"Still don't wanna talk about it?" She carefully set herself next to me on my bed.
"I messed up. Big time" was all I gave her.
"I'm pretty sure you can't even do that. You're Ava Grothe, the most precious person on earth. What could you possibly have done?" lifting the blanket from my head, I looked at her and said, "You couldn't even imagine," but that only made her more curious, and there was no way to keep that information for myself anymore.
"But you have to promise. Not a single word to no one!" Giving me a pinky promise, I sat up and started talking.

How I was enjoying myself at the club yesterday and suddenly I saw this woman from behind. It was as if all light went off, and there was just a spotlight in her.
I had no idea who that person was, but something drew me towards her, a kind of invisible string.
Irina was glued to my lips of how what I just told her so far turned into such a disaster.
I continued telling her my view of what happened.
I made my way to this woman and started dancing against her. How she put a spell on me by doing nothing but being there, dancing with me. Her body fit perfectly into mine, her long brunette hair falling beautifully. I couldn't resist any longer. I felt the need to be closer to her and started to give her little kisses on her neck. By her reaction, I could tell she wanted that, too, but the final signal was when she took my hand and moved further down her body.
I told Irina that I asked her to come home with me, but that was when everything turned into a mess.

"Why, what happened? Did she say no? That's not a disaster, Ava." Irina interrupted me.
"Oh, she's wanted to, and of course, a No is a No. That was not the problem. We didn't know who the other was, didn't hear our voices, but when she heard mine..." I stopped. I was struggling with myself if I should tell Irina. Not that I don't trust her, I do, but this could end my career. And I don't want to risk that.
"Wait! You two knew each other? Who do you know here? U just moved here!" Irina was clueless, and maybe I should leave it that way. "Ava, don't you dare not tell me who it was!"
"Fine, I'll. But remember, you promised me!"
"Yea, yea, how bad can it possibly be? Now spill the tea!" She insisted.
"It was Chiara." I let go of a breath I didn't know I was holding.
"Chiara? Chiara Nadolny? You've got to be kidding me that so hot!" I should have known she reacted like that.
"Yes! No! I meant it's wrong! It's wrong! She's my athlete, and I am her Coach." I explained.
"Right, but still, she's so hot .."
"IRINA! Seriously, this could cost me my career!"
"Sorry, sorry, but nothing happened. You just danced together .. and yes, you kissed her neck, but that's it. Right?" The look on my face gave it away, and my best friend looked shocked.
"Nothing happened afterward. We just.. almost kissed after we were looking at each other. But I stopped myself just in time."
"OK, wow. Well, at least you now know what her problem with you the other days. No wonder she had such mood swings." she was right. Maybe that was the reason. But after last night, I think it would make things worse.

We talked about the situation further and how I should handle it. Although Irina knew I had to be professional, she kept telling me she would be there for it. Me, having an Affair with one of my athletes. But I reminded her again and again that this was wrong. She finally agreed, and we decided that tomorrow, if Chiara would be back for training, I should talk to her and make clear that all of this was a horrible mistake and that we have to work together as a team to bring her to the Olympics.

The rest of the day went smoothly. My other Athletes are doing great, and I'm sure they will all have great careers. I'm glad they are adjusting well to me as their new coach, but there is still much work ahead for us to grow as a team. Even with Iceskating not being a team sport, it's essential to have a foundation of trust with everyone.

Around 7 pm, I made my way home. The whole day, I was able to ditch a specific topic, but now that I'm not occupied with work anymore, my head was starting to replay last night over and over again.
On the one hand, I was feeling awful and full of guilt about how I could have let that happen. But on the other ... her skin felt so soft on my lips. Our bodies were perfectly in sync, and ... STOP! Seriously, Ava, stop right here. Remind yourself who you are. And stay professional!

I tried my best, really, but I couldn't get her out of my mind. I was restless almost the whole night.
How should I survive our training tomorrow?
I hope she sees things like me and we can forget about it and continue to work professionally as a team.

Midnight Rain حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن