"Tell me everything!!! Was I right? Is she even hotter in real life? Tell me! Don't let me hanging." Irina screamed through my phone. I can't with her. Seriously. Yes, Chiara looks really good, no doubt. But that's about it.

"You're done? That's not why I am calling. Well, basically, yes, but just because I can't with her. One second, she's living up to her Ice Diva reputation, and the next, she is nice and even a little .. shy? I don't know how to explain it correctly. We had training, and everything was fine, then in the next second, she backed away and left." I was still confused about that; she looked distracted and vulnerable at that moment, then suddenly she was back to her, I guess, usual self and left.

"Interesting" was all I got.

"What exactly is so interesting about that?" I asked, confused.

"Well, maybe you have something on you that triggers her," she continued. "Maybe you affect her.

"And what exactly should that effect be? A talent for pissing her off?" I joked.

"Or, your beautiful face.." I could hear her smirking through the phone again.

"Sure, Chiara Nadolny thinks I'm beautiful. On what planet do you life?" Rolling my eyes, I returned to my office for more privacy.

"You never know unless you test it- platonically, of course." Sure, platonically, who does she want to fool?

"Irina, I am her Coach. That would be more than unprofessional, and you know that. And what if you're right? What then? "I'm not interested in her or anything else." That would be a rude thing to do.

"Well, then, you'll never know what her problem with you is. You can still ask her, but I'm pretty sure she won't give you an answer." Irina was right; she wouldn't. "Let's see how things go. I've training with her in an hour. Maybe I'll know more afterward." Thinking about it already makes me nervous. Great.

"Go get the girl Ava!" This woman can't keep it professional.

"You're annoying, you know that?"

"I know, but you love me so byeeee... and keep me updated!" She laughed.

"Yeah, I do, and yes, I'll. See you." I hung up on her and looked at my phone. I had 45 more minutes until my training with Chiara. Using that time to prepare myself, I looked at some videos of her last performances to see if I could already notice some potential for improvement.

She's talented, her charisma is untouchable, and she glides admirably over the Ice. However, there is no doubt she will make it to the USA Team.

Being lost in watching her Ice skating. I almost lost time, so I quickly grabbed my iPad to be ready for her training.

When I arrived at the ice rink, she was nowhere to be seen. She had 5 minutes until her training, so she would be here any second.

Fifteen minutes later, there was still no sign of Chiara, and I didn't want to get annoyed. Like Irina said, she's a Diva, what is there to surprise me. But she could have at least told me that she's not ...

"I'm sorry! I lost track of time, and then I couldn't find my water bottle. But I'm here now!" Chiara ran in my direction, her skates already on.

"Oh, it's all good. Next time, just send me a quick text so I won't worry about you. And please don't run on your skates; we don't want our number one to trip or worse." I smiled at her, and again, I couldn't quite read her expression.

"Oh, you admit I'm the number one here." She was now directly staring at me and came closer, step by step.

"I don't think that was ever a questing, Miss Nadolny." I looked back at her, and she again came one step closer to me.

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