What in the world was I thinking? I made the whole situation between Chiara and me even worse. Now we need to talk and clear things between us. No matter what, I'm her Coach, and I've to be professional.

I was currently driven to Mrs. Steinkamps's Mansion, where she was awaiting me for dinner. On my way, I made notes on what I wanted to accomplish during our Team Day or weekend. But I couldn't focus, my mind running a thousand miles on how I would sit there with the University Principal, pretending that I did not just almost kiss her top athlete. Of course, she does not know, but that's not helping me right now.
"We're here, Miss Grothe. Have a nice evening," the driver said.
"Thank you very much." I exited the car and stood in front of the door, taking a deep breath, and just as I wanted to ring the bell, a woman opened the door, welcomed me politely, and escorted me to the dining room.
"Ah, Miss Grothe, welcome! Do you want a glass of champagne as an appetizer?" She asked. I wasn't precisely a Champagne kind of girl; I would rather have a beer or Gin Tonic, but I don't want to be rude.
"Good evening, Mrs. Steinkamp. I would like that, yes." the woman who opened the door was now handing me a glass of champagne. She must be the Maid or something. This whole situation is so different from my world that it's ridiculous, but I enjoy it.
"Before we start dinner and discuss your idea further, I wanted to ask you something." Mrs. Steinkamp came a little closer, now standing next to me.
"How's your training with Chiara going?" Hearing that question, I became nervous. Does she know something? Nah, that can't be. But why is she asking? Surly become she's her top athlete, that's why.
"I think we still need some time to adjust, but I'm positive we'll get along very well and can evolve her talent even more." I gave her an honest option, just leaving out some little details.
"Oh, I'm so glad to hear that. You know it's not easy for Chiara to trust new people, so give it some time," she comforted me. We were informed that dinner was ready and set down on the table. When we were seated, I noticed an empty spot at the table. I was wondering who else is coming.
"So, what did you have in mind about that team day?" she started.
"A Day or maybe even a Weekend where we, as a team, can come together and gain new trust in each other. I know Ice skating isn't a team sport, but with all the competition, we mustn't take that competition out of our team. That the team does not feel pressured by itself." I explained.
"Very wisely said, Miss Grothe. I'm with you on that point. It's important they can rely on each other. I think it would be even more effective if you and the team would spend a weekend together, maybe somewhere in the woods." I was surprised she would recommend a weekend, but I won't complain.
"That would be awesome, just having fun without the pressure to perform. Some trust games and nice evenings together as a team." I was getting excited about the upcoming trip.
"Great, so that's settled. You and your assistant coach can plan anything further, where to, what to do, etc. I would recommend to make it happen as soon as possible." She said.
"I agree, as sooner as better. I'll send you the plan when we are done planning." While eating, we had a light conversation, and I enjoyed the company. She was such a successful woman who accomplished everything by herself. She has my respect, and I'm glad I took this job opportunity. Now, I only have to focus on what's important so I won't disappoint her. The evening went by quickly, and we were about to get served dessert when suddenly the front door opened.

"About time you come home. We already ate, but don't hesitate to join us," Mrs. Steinkamp shouted towards the person who had just come. I didn't know she had children who were still living at home. But now, the empty seat before me was making much more sense. I could hear the person coming closer, and when she entered the dining room, my mind went blank.

"I'm sorry I got ... what is she doing here?" oh Chiara, so nice to see you too.
"Well, that surely isn't how we greet guests in this house, Chiara," Mrs. Steinkamp said ironically. But the way she said it just confused me more. Why was Chiara here? I mean, on my first day, she told me that Chiara might join us for our meeting, but I thought she was coming too and not that she might live here. Maybe this other girl she was with this morning was living, so she left with her instead of joining us.
"You're right. Where are my manners? Good evening, Ava," she put on a face smile and sat before me. I had a hard time concentrating on what was happening, and it seemed like my confusion was written all over my face.
"You look confused." Mrs Steinkamp was trying to hide a smile.
"Yes, I'm sorry, I didn't know Chiara lived with you." I smiled at her to signal her that that was all that confused me.
"I do, not that that's an important thing for you to know," Chiara said, not even daring to look at me.
"Chiara, if you're just being rude to our guest, you might as well just eat in your room." well, now I was even more confused. That sounded more like a parent talking to its misbehaving child instead of a principal who's kind enough to let her top athlete live at her place. Chiara stood up, and without saying a word, she left the room, informed the Maid to bring her food to her room, and made her way upstairs.
"I'm so sorry, Miss Grothe. I don't know what's gotten into her today." Well, I know, but I better don't tell you just the slightest bit.
"It's okay. She had a bad training session, so that might be why," I tried to explain.
"Oh, now that makes sense. But she hasn't been in a good mood since yesterday. I'm sure it will get better soon." she took a sip of her champagne, and I could tell she was worried about her.
"I'm sorry to ask, but I'm slightly confused. Why is Chiara living here and not in the dorms, if I can ask?" she smiled at me. My questing must be amusing her.
"You're allowed, and I understand you're confused. I have known Chiara since she was born, and when things went bad, we took care of her. She was only 14 back then. After her dad died when she was 17, she needed a guardian, and since she was already like a daughter to us, we adopted her." I was speechless from what I'd just been told.
"This is the most heartwarming story I've ever heard." That's all I could reply. That must be what Deniz meant when he told me she's been through a lot. But then reality hit me. Not only did I almost, twice kiss her top athlete... no worse ... I almost kissed her daughter. Now, that's messed up, but it only gives me another reason to stay away from her. 

The rest of the evening went by smoothly, and we talked for another hour before I made my way home.
Chiara didn't come downstairs again. I was starting to get worried as well, not that I care about her, I don't, but I am her Coach and want her to feel trusted. If something besides our current situation bothers her, she should feel free to talk to me.

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