POV Chiara

Chiara, pull yourself together. Remember, she's your coach and nothing more. You're Chiara Nadolny, you won the World Cup. How can any beautiful woman compare to that kind of nervousness?

She can. It's that's easy. I was, what felt like, even more nervous than before the World Cup.

I was already seated in the ballet room when Miss Grothe caught my attention.

Without any logical reason, I suddenly stood up. She walked towards me and stopped just two steps away. My heart raced uncontrollably as I gazed into her eyes, feeling that I could easily get lost in them again.

"We didn't have a chance to introduce ourselves this morning. I like to call my athletes by their first names, and they should call me by mine. I know Deniz has the same strategy at this point. It creates a deeper connection between athletes and coaches," she explained. All I did was nod in response.

"Hi, I'm Ava," she said, offering her hand for me to shake. I didn't hesitate to shake her hand; it was as if my body was drawn to hers. I could feel the electricity coursing through my veins, and a small gasp left my mouth. Hopefully, it is unheard by Ava.

"I'm Chiara, but I'm sure you already knew that," I said with a smile.

"I did. Happy to meet you," she said, returning the smile. She was still holding my hand, and I didn't make any move to let go. She didn't either, at least for a few more seconds. We just stood there, looking into each other's eyes.

Shaking my head, I forced myself back to reality and let go of her hand, instantly missing her touch. Stop it, Chiara. Seriously. She's your coach, and you want to go to the Olympics. Keep that in mind. I scolded myself.

"Right, let's start." After taking a few steps back, Ava pulled out her iPad, and we began with a usual warm-up routine before moving on to posture-improving exercises for spins.

"Okay, hold steady there, Chiara. Let me show you exactly where you need to improve." She threw her iPad onto the bench and then returned to me, squatting beside me. Without warning, she grabbed my right knee to demonstrate what she meant.

With a sudden movement, I snapped my stand and stepped backward. The place where her hand was lying seconds ago felt like a thousand needles peeking at my skin. My heart was beating fast, and I couldn't help myself.

"I'm so sorry, Chiara! Did I do anything wrong?" Ava needed clarification.

"No, no,".. think of something.. "just a cramp," I lied.

I took another step backward and took a seat. Throwing my head into my hands. What is wrong with you, Chiara? I let out a little groan to notice Ava, who was now sitting right next to me.

"Are you okay, Chiara?"

Ava looked concerned, but as soon as the question hit me, I felt myself getting back together.

"I'm fine. Are we done?" I stood up to get my water bottle.

Ava was confused by the sudden behavior change but didn't question it.

"For now, yes. Later, you have Ice practice, and if you think you can't concentrate today, we can skip that.."

"I can always concentrate," I interrupt her.

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