POV Chiara

Nervous wasn't even close to what I was feeling right now. It feels like I'm about to get a heart attack.

I was standing in front of the restaurant, waiting for Ava. Being a little early, I tried to calm myself down. I'm not even sure why I would be nervous. It's not like we don't know each other already. Probably because I never imagined being on an actual date with her, that she would give us a chance. At least, I hope she will.

"You look beautiful," a familiar voice said behind me. Turning around with a big smile, my eyes instantly find hers. Those blue ocean eyes always make me forget everything around me. After what felt like forever, I broke my gaze and looked down on her. She wore an orange crop top with chic black shorts and sneakers. The crop top shows off her abs perfectly. "You don't look bad yourself," I replied, meeting her eyes again.
Then we were standing there, not knowing what to do. Neither of us knew what the other one would be comfortable with. But before I could overthink the situation, Ava stepped forward, grabbed me by my hips, and closed the gap between us. Even tho the last time she kissed me was yesterday. I missed her soft lips on mine. Her touch, my skin burning under her hands.
Before the kiss got too heated, I stepped back, breathing heavily. "As much as I would like to continue this, I was promised a dinner. And you don't want to know my hangry side," I joked. Her eyes met mine, and I could see lust in hers.
"You're right, tho I wouldn't mind a different kind of meal." She smirked, took my hand, and walked us to the restaurant entrance.

We sat outside at a beautiful table, the sun shining and quiet chatter from the other tables. The waiter asked what we wanted to drink and handed us the dining menu.
"I'll take an Aperol Spritz, please, and you?" Ava asked me.
"I'll take a water," I said, but Ava didn't seem pleased with my answer.
"We take two Aperol and a big bottle of water. Thank you." She smiled at me, but I was confused.
"You know I've classes and training tomorrow."
"So? First of all, this is a date. It's supposed to be fun. Second, as your coach, I will allow you to drink alcohol a day before training. This is an exception." She gave me a wink, and I could feel my cheeks blushing.
"Cute," she said and looked back at the menu.

"Do you know what you wanna eat?" I asked since I was more than unsure what to pick. I was too nervous to think.
"I will take the Truffle arancini or the Salt & Pepper Calamari. Both sound delicious," she answered.
"I was thinking about those two too. How about we take both and share."
"Only one date in, and you already want me to share my food?" She said ironically.
"I think I would be fine with that," she said.
"You must really like me if you share your food with me," I joked, sipping my water.
"Maybe I do," she said boldly without looking at me. Almost choking on my drink, I played it cool, and thank god, just in time, the waiter came with our Aperols.
"Onto a great evening," Ava wanted to cling to our glasses. "And an even greater night," I said, gave her a smirk, and took a sip without breaking eye contact. Ava was too stunned since she was still looking at me without moving.
I gave her a little hit with my food, and she returned to reality. "Where was that mind drifting off to, huh?" I joked, and she hit me right back before I could say anything else.
"You're a little bit too bold today, love. It looks like I have to teach you when to not talk back to me." Heat instantly rushed down my body, but I wouldn't give her that point. "You sure you can handle me like that? Didn't work out the last time. Or do I have to remind you?" I let my hand disappear under the table to rest it on her tight. My touch brought a light blush to her cheeks. But she almost instantly grabbed my wrist. "Hands on the table. Or this will have consequences," she whispered, letting go of my hand. "Then show me," I replied, getting ahead of myself.
"You really don't know when to shut up. But no worries. I'll show you," she smirked at me. Before I could reply, the waiter asked for our food order.

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