POV Chiara

"Miss Nadolny, it's a pleasure to have you back. Your usual table at the VIP lounge is ready, and a bottle of your favorite champagne is already waiting, "the club owner said.
Usually, I don't go out on weekdays, but they invited me to their pride party since I seem to be an icon not just on Ice but also in the LGBTQ+ community. Since my coming out, a lot has changed, most for the good but some for the bad.

Natalie, Lucie, and I made our way to our booth. The club was quite full, which wouldn't surprise me on the weekends, but in the middle of the week? Well, good for them. The music was blasting, and I stood up, opened the bottle of champagne with a pop, and took a direct sip.
"Hey! We want some, too," Lucie complained.
"So? Come here." With that, she stood up, and I lured some into her mouth. We started laughing since half of it dripped down her chin instead.
"Okay, you two, that's enough show for those horny lesbians over there who can't stop looking" Natalie took the bottle and set it back on the table, took some glasses, and poured some for each of us.
"So? Let them. Everyone deserves some fun now and then," I said, which made both of them look at me surprised.
"What? I'm here to have fun, not the be a bitchy diva. Not today. I need some distraction," admitting the fact that my mind was still occupied with a certain Coach.

"Hear. Hear. So it be, let's start drinking, and then I want to see all of you on the dance floor!" Lucie gave each of us our glasses, and we toasted together. After two more glasses and laughter, Natalie took my arm and dragged me to the dance floor.

Many people were watching us on our way, but by now, I couldn't care less. I was used to that kind of attention, but sometimes I just wanted to be me, letting people know I'm just an average human who likes good company. But then I remembered that most of the time when I let someone in, it ended up badly.
Shaking that thought aside, I took another sip from my glass and handed it to a waiter who walked by and started dancing with Natalie and Jenny.

By now, the music had me totally in a trance, and maybe also because I was a little tipsy. Lucie found someone to her liking and has disappeared since then, leaving me alone with Natalie.

Suddenly, I felt someone taller than me coming up behind me. I could feel their body heat, and though our bodies were still at a little distance, I could feel a need to close that gap.
With skillful movements, I carefully signaled the person behind me to come closer, which they did.
The moment our bodies collided, I felt electricity rushing through my vines. I haven't felt like this ever. Well, I did today, but I'm here to forget about her.
Our bodies moved perfectly in rhythm, and the next thing I felt was their hands carefully coming to my hips, pulling me closer to them.
I leaned back and could feel her breasts against my upper back. Despite her height, I thought it was a man at first, but damn how the tables turned.
My head was now lying on her chest, still moving our hips against each other. Her hands carefully pressed me even closer against her and slowly moved further up my sides.
This was driving me crazy, and as if she could hear my thoughts, I could feel her breath on my neck. I leaned my head to the left to give her more access to it.
And as if this situation couldn't get any better, it did.
The moment her lips touched my skin, the electricity turned it to pure fire, and the place where her lips brushed my skin burned in the most attractive way possible- a feeling I never knew I could feel.
She carefully made her way up my neck, leaving little kisses. Our bodies are now moving entirely as one, heated up from our affection for each other.
When she made it further up, she carefully moved one hand to my jaw, grabbed it and slowly pulled my head even further so she would have more access.
This woman was driving me crazy. I usually don't like to be dominated like this, but something about this stranger gave me a feeling of being safe, a feeling to give in this situation.
I now grabbed her other hand and led it further down my stomach. Hearing her gasping only sends more fuel to my aching core.
She let go of my neck, and I could feel her close to my ear, nipping at it before whispering, "Maybe we should take this to my place. "Her raspy voice said exactly what I wanted to ... wait.
I've heard this raspy voice before.
Reality hit me like a bus, and I instantly froze.

"You okay? Did I say something wrong? We don't have to, of course," the woman sounded concerned. And oh well, did I know that voice.
I carefully stepped out of her grip and tried to escape the situation so as not to make it even more awkward.
But she grabbed my wrist and pulled me to her while turning me around. Her being able to do that turned me on, but no! This is wrong. I kept my head down so she wouldn't see my face, but the next thing I felt was her hand on my chin, carefully lifting up my face. " Let me see your beaut..." was all she said before she completely froze- just like me seconds ago.

And there she was, looking at me with those damn ocean eyes to get lost in.
Ava Grothe. My Coach.

She was still in shock while looking into my eyes.
"I ... "she tried to say but couldn't utter a whole sentence. But after some seconds and a deep breath, she stated, "Sorry, I didn't know it was you. "She looked down at her hand, still grabbing my chin. With that realization, she dropped it and looked back up at my eyes.
"I didn't know either. " Both of us knew we should get away from each other; no one should see us together, not like this. She could lose her job, and it certainly wouldn't be good for my career either.
But both of us couldn't, at least I couldn't. Still, in the same position, I could still feel this invisible force pulling me to her. Even if I didn't move, it was there. And it was strong... wrong! Chiara, it was wrong!

But I couldn't help it. I felt my body moving closer, how I was slowly leaning in, and Ava did not back away. She was still looking at me, and for a split second, I could see her eyes moving to my lips and then back up. There was only a tiny gap left between us, but the moment I wanted to close it, Ava backed away.
"This.. is not a good idea," was the last thing she said before letting completely go of me, turning around, and disappearing.

It hurt. But she was right. She was the reason I was here- to forget her, just hook up with some stranger, and erase those feelings.
Not that there were any, but I can't deny a little crush. The moment she turned around in that office yesterday.
Even though this was utterly wrong, there wouldn't be the slightest chance that Ava could like someone like me.

My mind was racing with thoughts of how this could have happened, how I was able to work with her after that first hot, completely awkward situation, and so on. I walked to our booth, grabbed my purse and a bottle of champagne, "Oh, I need this," and made my way home.

When I arrived at the mansion, the champagne bottle was almost empty, and I carefully tried to walk up the stairs and into my room.

"Where have you been? It's in the little of the night! You have classes and training tomorrow.... IS THAT AN EMPTY BOTTLE OF CHAMPAGNE?"
I turned around to see Simone standing there in her bathrobe. It looked like she'd been waiting for me to come home.
"So what?"
"SO WHAT?! Chiara! Are you drunk?"
Wasn't it obvious? Yes, I was—no need to scream at me.
Rolling my eyes, I turned back around and continued my way up.
"Chiara, I'm not done with you! I was worried the whole ..." was all I could hear before I slammed my door shut, took a last sip of champagne, and fell onto my bed.

This is messed up.

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