POV Chiara

This was not how I imagined this weekend to turn out. But Ava was right, and we are two professionals, and we can handle this situation. But I'm also not lying to myself. The attraction I feel towards Ava is still there, and it is still strong.
Staying with her in one room wouldn't help, but I had to ignore this feeling since Ava thought everything between us was such a big mistake. I get it, really, it could ruin her career, but it's not like I choose to fall for her.

"Here you go." Ava opened the door of her room. Well, I guess it's our room now. Wait. There's only one bed. I immediately turned around and wanted to leave.
"Where are you going now?" She asked.
"There's only one bed, Ava! That's definitely not happening," I explained.
"Chill, Chiara, it's adjustable." she walked to the bed and pushed it apart.
"See! There's no reason to chicken out. Now we have to separate beds."
"Chicken out?" I laughed at her wording.
I put my suitcase on the ground to open it and got out my Sports clothes so I could change. I totally forgot about it...
"Is that champagne?!"
I carefully turned around to see Ava's face. She looked shocked.
"You've got to be kidding me. Why?!" She still couldn't believe her eyes.
"Well, as I said, you didn't tell me anything, so what if they don't have Champagne? I surely won't drink beer. Also, this whole team Weekend is stressing me out, so let me at least have some fun." I grabbed both bottles and put them into the fridge. Doing so, I had to make my way through the room past Ava. But when I passed her, I stopped for a second and looked at her, holding up a bottle.
"You know, we could just have some fun together," I smirked at her. She didn't reply at first, but then I could see how she slightly shook her head.
"Of to a great start, Chiara, I see." She turned around and sat down on her bed. I put away the bottles and returned to my suitcase, taking out my toiletry bag and putting it on the sink table to get freshen up. I heard the front door closing and wondered where Ava went, but decided to use the time to change quickly
Taking off my pants and shirt, I threw them on my bed and was about to grab my sports clothes when suddenly, I heard the door again and stopped in my tracks.

I could feel her staring at me, but none of us dared look at each other or say a word. My heart felt like it was about to explode. Just great. It's not even been an hour, and I brought us into an awkward situation. I continue to make my way to my bed to grab my clothes, pretending as if I'm not panicking inside and acting like I wouldn't care about her seeing me just in my underwear. It wasn't quite the first time, just the first time entirely in underwear.
Grabbing my sports shorts, I slowly put them on and turned around to face Ava.
She was still at the same spot. Door in one hand and water in the other. Starting at me like she never saw a woman in her life. I tried acting cool and said, "Would you be at least so nice and close the door?" She didn't quite understand what I said. She also didn't make a move to close the door. Well, I guess I have to close it myself then. Making my way to her, I felt myself getting hot under her stare. Carefully, I took the door out of her hand, leaving me in front of her. The sound of the door closing finally got Ava back to reality.
"Sorry" was all she said before going to her bed.
"All good. I could have changed in the bathroom. But I thought you were gone for a while," I explained.
"Just wanted to grab us some water, but I could have informed you." she didn't dare to look at me.
"You know, by now, there's nothing you haven't seen yet, Ava," I joked, and she slowly moved her head in my direction. "I know Chiara, but .. " she looked back to the wall and continued staring at it. Slowly walking towards her, I kept looking at her, but she avoided my gaze. When I reached her, still just in my sports shorts and bra, I took her chin with my hand and forced her to look at me.
"But what, Ava?" I couldn't help it; it was not my intention to walk to her or grab her, but I couldn't resist this force which is pulling me to her.
"Chiara, don't." she couldn't even get out a complete sentence, which turned me on even more. Slowly, I moved her head further towards me. I was now looking down on her, into her beautiful eyes. Only a few inches between us. I glanced at her lips to see her doing the same. At this point, I didn't care anymore. I could feel her breathing heavy.
"Chiara, stop," she whispered.
"Why should I?" pushing my luck, I waited for her to tell me why I should stop. But she didn't say anything. Instead, she looked at my lips, and I heard her swallow. I came closer so our lips would barely touch and whispered, "Yeah... that's what I thought."

Unable to resist any longer, I moved my hand from her chin to grab her by her neck and closed the gap between us.
The moment our lips touched for the first time, I felt electricity rushing through my veins, my heart close to exploding, and my lips burning in desire. Ava took my head into her hands and kissed me back. How long have I been longing, even dreaming about this moment. I moved my legs on either side of her, sitting on her lap, grabbing her neck even more demanding. I could hear a little gasp. Sending fuel to the fire that was already burning inside me. Still, my head in her hands, mine moved from her neck into her hair, our lips moving in sync. Her tongue slid over my upper lip, asking for entrance I was more than willing to give. I opened my mouth. When our tongues touched, I let out a light moan. Ava's hands moved to my sides, my skin burning under her touch. I started to grind against her, which she seemed to enjoy, guiding my moves with her hands on my hips. Our tongues were fighting for dominance. I pulled her hair, and she let out a moan into our kiss.
When breathing became an issue, we broke the kiss, breathing heavily, eyes still closed. When I slowly opened my eyes, I saw Ava's were still closed. As if she felt my eyes on hers, she slowly opened them up, looking into mine. Her eyes were full of desire.
Already missing her lips on mine, I closed the gap again, and Ava was more than willing to kiss me back. With her hand grabbing my hip, she twisted us around, never breaking our kiss. I was now lying underneath her, breathing heavily, when one of her hands moved further up my side to my ...


"Fuck! What time is it!" Ava jumped off me and left me alone in her bed. Still, in a trance of what happened, I couldn't progress on what was happening. The next thing I knew was Ava throwing my sports Bra and Top onto me. She wanted me to finish changing, so I did what she wanted and got ready.
"We are late! The others are already waiting for us," Ava informed me.
"Wait, how do you know they're waiting?" I was confused.
"My assistant coach just knocked to check on me and why I wasn't at the meeting point."
"Ow, sorry, my mind is ... not able to think clearly," I admitted.
"Neither can mine, but we have to be professional. What just happened was ..." I interrupted her.
"Don't even dare to say it. Seriously, I'll make you regret that. But sure, we'll leave this room and return to professionals." It hurt knowing what she wanted to say, but I hoped that I could change her mind. I know it's a risk, but she can't deny anymore that there isn't something between us.

Maybe this weekend will be more interesting than I thought.

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