chapter 18

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Aamon had finally made it back to his castle, he paced around his room, debating how he was going to take Atticus, it would be difficult, especially considering he knew little to nothing about the micha boy.
He growled, he felt his tail swing back and forth angrily, he wanted Atticus, now. Killian had taken him away right before Aamon could scent mark him and it was pissing him off, all Atticus would have needed was a bit of encouragement, that was all, but no. Atticus ran away with a man who knew nothing about him, leaving Aamon behind as if he were nothing, Aamon knew he was going to have to punish his emerald, even if he didn't want to. He had already opened a room in the dungeon for Atticus to enjoy, Aamon figured Atticus would also enjoy the meals that were being prepared for him, full of meat and gore. If the boy couldn't be good and behave, then he didn't get the privilege to eat the things he enjoyed. Aamon hissed in sadistic pleasure, Atticus would be his, a beautiful weapon of war, and a beautiful bride. He was torn out of his brooding when the door creaked open.
"Master? Your meal is ready. Would you like it in your room or in the dining hall?" Balaam, his butler, asked.
"Enough! What have I said-" Aamon began, walking towards balaam menacingly, his teeth bared. "About bothering me! If its not urgent, then don't come!" Aamons breath was heavy.
"But master-?" Balaam asked nervously.
Aamons eyes narrowed, he grabbed balaam by his horns, twisting, he broke the left horn and threw balaam against the wall.
"And now you dare interrupt me? It seems my servants have become...disobedient." Aamon growled, turning away.
"Remember this the next time you come to try and see me, balaam." Aamon sent him flying out of the room with a gust of magic, the doors closing with an echoing boom.
Aamons magic smashed through the room, his glass windows shattering with a deafening crack, rare objects being strewn across the room. Aamon walked to his window, he looked around the towns area, through the garden, and over the boiling lava pools. He jumped with a hiss when he saw a flash of light cross his vision. He crawled out the window and looked up, narrowing his eyes to attempt to see what had moved past him. His eyes widening in shock as a noose of shock forced its way past his throat, it was an angel. The man had blonde hair, his wings were expansive, spread through the sky and pulling him up, he was dressed in a white suit, with black accent. Aamon didn't know this angel, but he was invading his territory. Aamon yelled at the angel, knowing he couldn't follow with a fake pair of wings, his magic was already exhausted from the last spell he had used. The angel turned around, his face now exposed to Aamon, the pale skin and blue eyes radiated heavenly energy, making Aamon sick with disgust.
"Get down here! I will kill you for invading my territory." Aamon threatened pathetically. Surprisingly the angel complied.
"Hello, you must be Aamon, ruler of the west, I presume?" he bowed mockingly.
"Yes, what are you here for? You shouldn't be anywhere near my territory, angel bastard." Aamon growled.
"Just...looking." The angel responded cheekily, his blonde hair blowing in the light wind.
"Don't fuck with me angel, it wont work in your favor, what does the lord and savior of the above want?" Killian hissed.
"He doesn't want anything, but me? That's a different story, I told you, I'm looking for..." The angel replied.
"For what?" Aamon clenched his fists.
"For someone." The angel replied.
"Who?" Aamon demanded.
"An angel boy, I need to make sure he is safe." The angel said.
"Is his name Atticus, perchance?" Aamon inquired aggressively.
"Yes! Exactly!" The angel clapped his hands cynically.
"You wont find him here, so leave." Aamon said, taking as swipe at the angel.
"Of course, clearly, I am not wanted here. Thank you for your valuable time, I now know where to find him." The angel grinned.
"What? How!" Aamon shouted, but the angel was already gliding way.

I flew away from Aamon, I was aware of how risky it was to let myself be seen, but I now know where Atticus is. I need to make sure he is okay, he is important. To me, and too the heavens.
I need to give him back something, a piece of jewelry, he always wore it when he was up in the above, he cherished it. It was a basic choker with an eye attached to it, the eye could pop in and out of the pendant it was trapped in, I had seen it happen a few times. Atticus had always liked talking with it.
I was sure I would find Atticus with killian, I had already seen most of the other leaders territory's, in fact, I had been welcomed by a few of them, nergal being one. Nergal was always pretty neutral, he tended to not involve himself in wars, he stuck to his own and went with whatever he thought would work to his benefit. Aamon was the last leader I had "met" with, though that planned actually. Aamon had never been known for his patience, however, his behavior now was even worse than when I last saw him. I feel as if Aamon was leaving something out, he knew Atticus, on its own it was concerning, but he also seemed interested in the idea that Atticus might be an angel. Atticus couldn't be a demon, if he still knew of heaven, then surely, he couldn't hav lost himself to the point of becoming a self-destructing, relentless, killing creature like the beasts that inhabited the below.
I knew the journey ahead would be long, only a few days, but hard on me no less. The cold was already seeping into my bones, making my wings ache from the oncoming cold. I would have to pass through a field of mountain to reach the beginning of Killian's territory, I must be thankful being an angel, even most demons do not survive such climate. I could only begin to think of the things that killian could be doing to Atticus, If I had known that he was with someone like killian, I wouldn't have waited as long as I did. The chill of the oncoming night was here, freezing. With a sigh I angled my wings, diving down, I have to build a quick camp before the lower ranking demons come out, these were the demons without minds, they roam around, starving and hungry, willing to eat anything. The demons that could appear as humans or angels were the one that could think, that could feel. The leaders were the only demons that the above even considered tolerable, they were powerful, and they had intelligence, they were not mindless as many of this place's creatures were. I have always had a particular bias towards the below, Atticus was obsessed with it when he was in heaven, but I doubt he is enjoying it as much as he did up there, now that he is down here. I took out a small orb, there was nothing around me to build a camp, so I resorted to thirds. It was a one time shelter, an impenetrable wall was created once it was activated. I had around 7, this being one of them.
I would have to use it for the night. I threw the small rod on the ground, it pulsed for a few seconds before folding Tyler into a makeshift hut for him, the inside was filled with whatever he could need, food water, communication, and a place to sleep. I groaned as my aching wings fluttered; I was not used to flying for this long. Long travel trips like this had also always been Atticus's thing.
I opened the door to the hut and entered, muttering a spell to create a magical lock, keeping any dangers away for the night.
"Oh lord...." I sighed as I dropped myself onto the bed, spreading my wings out. I summoned some water, if I wanted to be ready for tomorrow morning, I knew I would have to be hydrated. I quickly chugged the fluids before rolling over, blowing out the candles, and quickly falling asleep, tomorrow was a new day.
The next morning, I woke up early, I wanted to use up as much time as possible before I had to settle down once again. The more ground I cover the better. I gather any food from the makeshift safe house into my pack, some emergency supplies, medical equipment, and spare water. I flung my satchel over my back and left the house; with a snap of my fingers, it had disappeared. I begrudgingly pushed myself up into the sky, my wings stuttering as I attempt to take flight. It took a few tried before I could become air bound, but it was only about two minutes luckily. I pushed forward towards the north, that was where I would find Killian's world, I had made my way to the mountains within an hour, taking in the glorious mountains, glorious, but treacherous. I felt an agitated feeling well up within me, I would have to get at least halfway through the mountains if I wanted to reach Atticus at my estimated time. I wasted no more time in pulling myself up, launching myself into the atmosphere, higher and higher. With each flap of my wings a large gust of air followed, chilling me to the bone.i continued on, flying up until I reached the peak of the mountain. I angled myself down and kept a smooth sailing journey through the different peaks, I would have found the sight to be prettier if I were not this sore from the constant flying. I had always admired Atticus for his ability to keep going, although, it was a bit of a pet peeve of mine as well. Whenever Atticus went too hard while flying, I was the one who was left staying up late, massaging his sore muscles, and cleaning his wings, attempting to keep him comfortable despite his active lifestyle.
I zoned back in when I heard a loud thump, I had got lost thinking about Atticus. I looked down in time to dodge a large snowy ball being launched at me.
"Hey!" I yelped. There was a large golem rolling up snowballs and hurling them at me, clearly trying to down me, perhaps wanting to eat me as well. I pushed myself fasted, catching the gusts of wind and riding away faster. I pulled out a bow and arrow, stringing the arrow back, I shot it at the golem, once the arrow landed, it exploded, it had made its mark by the golem's foot, distracting the beast, giving me enough time to fly away. I knew I had to keep going, after I zoned out, I had clearly gone farther then I had hoped, I had gotten into Killian's territory by now, the golems were a form of reinforcement against intruders, they clearly thought of me as one. I couldn't stop now that I had entered their territory, i could get killed. I spent the next few hours in grueling pain, dodging snowballs and ice with each flap my wings made. Luckily, I was fortunate enough to find a nice and stable place to camp out for the night. I planned to watch Atticus and killian for a while, I needed to have evidence against killian so that I could save Atticus and take him away. I once again landed and created a makeshift home, I was now down to five orbs. I settled down to rest, knowing that the journey would just get even more difficult, even if I was not far from the ice peoples palace.


Hey y'all! We have made it to eighteen Chapters! Woot! Thank you for the support!

Word count:2034

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