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  Apparently John called the boys this morning and gave us some names to track. We wanted to find him and go with him but he gave us an" order" not to.
As always Dean hops to it.
Me and John had a complicated relationship, I really don't know how he feels about me.
I just know he's always been extremely controlling.
"So the names John gave us, there all couples" I asks from the backseat as sam drives and Dean rides shotgun.
"Yep, three different couples all went missing." Dean says .
"And their all from different towns, different states?" Sam asks.
"That's right. Washington, New York, Colorado. Each took road trip, never came back. Disappeared on the same route in Colorado. All on the second week of April. On week after another." Dean explains.
"So he sent us here to help the couples?" Sam asks incredulously.
"Yep. Man look at this pattern he came up with. Dads the master."
Sam suddenly pulls over and stops the car.
Oh no.
"What are you doing?" Dean asks.
"Were not going." Sam says.
"Were not?"
"Were in California dad called from a payphone I tracked it." Sam explains.
"Sam, dad says he didn't want our help."
"I don't care, he has it."
"Sam he gave us an order."
"I don't care. We don't always have to do what he says." Sam yells
I kind of zone out. Being with them I learned to keep my sanity you have to learn how to space out and only filter in the important words.
I heard dad, help ,selfish, control me, and my life.
Not this fight again.
Suddenly they get out the car.
Sam says he's leaving.
" I will leave your ass." Dean yells after him but he says he wants him to.
Dean hops into the front seat and we silently drive away.
I won't poke the bear right now.

It's been a long day and I've had enough of this. I see Dean looking through his phones contacts and staring at Sam's number before putting it down.
That's it.
"Damn it Dean just call your brother." I say extremely frustrated.
"I'm fine." He breathes out as he parks and steps out the car.
I sigh and follow him.
We walk up to a restaurant called Scotty and talk to the man whos coincidentally named Scotty.
"Hi I'm John Bonnum. This is Jenni Bonnum." Dean says pointing at us.
"Isn't that the lead drummer from Led zepplin?" He says suspiciously.
"Wow good, classic rock fan." Dean muses.
"What can I do for you." Scotty asks.
"I was wondering if you've seen these people before." I say holing out a picture of the missing couple.
"Nope." He says dismissively.
"Well they went miss.." I start but get rudely interrupted.
"We don't get strangers through here. I would know." Scotty scowls. 
"You've got a smile that could light up a room. Anyone ever tell you that?" Dean says sarcastically.
Scotty blinks.
"Nevermind , see you around."Dean smiles and we walk off.
"What now." Dean asks
"We ask around. It's a small town, someone's must've seen them." I say as we get back into our car.
I'm getting mad now.
We asked around this backwoods piece  of dirt and no one seems to know a damn thing.
We walk up to a older couple and a daughter and ask if they see anything.
They swear they haven't.
The daughter suddenly tells us that she saw the tattoo on his arm. Her parents then' remember' they gave him  directions.
They told him to go to the interstate and take it out of town.
"Point me in the direction." Dean says and we head to the road.
"The Emf's freaking out." I whisper as we walk in the creepy field.
I turn to my left and see the nastiest looking scarecrow I've ever seen.
"Ew Dean look at this." I say and he follows me over to it.
"Dude you fugly." He says making me smile. I was gonna walk away but Dean stops me.
"Wait." He says getting a ladder and climbing up to Mr fugly.
"What is it?" I ask watching him.
He stares into its eyes before looking down and showing me the tattoo on his arm.
The same as the one on the victim.
"Nice tat." He says grimly.
"Do you hate me?" I groan.
"No, stop being dramatic." Dean sighs with a small smile.
"But I don't understand! Why not!" I say like a eight year old.
"Katelyn your a grown woman." Dean says shaking his head at me in the rear view mirror.
"Please Dean, I'd do it for you" I moan sprawling out on the backseat.
"I didn't bring enough money, you toddler." He laughs.
"Get me some food." I groan as I feel the car stop for gas.
"Stand up and get it yourself." Dean says with a chuckle stepping out the car.
Why is he doing this to me!?!?
He's so moody without Sammy around.
I sadly peel myself off the hot leather seat and we go into Scotty's restaurant and see a couple.
I can tell Dean's thinking what I'm thinking as we both walk over to the table right next to them.
He flirt shamelessly with the girl while I sit with my legs crossed.
I'm ready for this case to be over.
Calmly Scotty walks over to us looking like he wants us to leave.
"Hiya Scotty. Can I get two coffee's, black thanks." I say sweetly.
"Some of that pie too." Dean adds.
"So, what are you two doing in a town like this." I ask the couple.
"We're just passing throwing, we stopped for gas." That answer dismissively. "What about you two." The girl asks.
"Same as you I guess. Got lost on the way to my parents house, my husband here couldn't tell a map from a menu isn't that right honey?" I lie cheerfully .
"That's"  Dean says sounding agitated.
Next time, buy me food.
"I'm sure they wanna eat in peace." Scotty pipes in sounding annoyed.
"We're just making friendly conversation." Dean smiles. "You know, I could take a look at your car for you. Have you back on the road before you know it." Dean offers.
"That's ok, we'd prefer a real mechanics help." He guy says.
"You know, I've heard it's not real safe here at night." I warn.
"You two might be in danger." Dean gives up and tries to explain.
"We're trying to eat, ok." The guy says sounding angry now.
"Sorry." I say with a fake smile turning around to Dean again.
Damn it.
"Thanks for coming sheriff " I hear Scotty say to the officer that I'm guess is for us.
"I'd like a word please." The mall cop says making us go outside.
"Come on I'm having a bad day already." Dean exclaims.
" You know what would make it worst." The officer says pulling out his gun.
"Fine, whatever." I say pulling Dean to the car before things get ugly.
We leave, but not without heading to that creepy field again.
"What was that." I say as I see something run past the car.
We both step out with our guns raised and see the couple about to be killed by the scarecrow.
Dean runs in front of them while I shoot at the crow.
Dean pulls his trigger while I'm already leading the couple to their car.
Whenever we hunt together Its usually my job to protect the victim or Get them to safety.
Its not a sexist thing, it's just a me thing.
Ok so there's this weird thing that I've always had to deal with but I never talk about. Some call it a gift, I call it a curse. I've always had this weird intense urge to make sure everyone around me is ok. Sam just says it's because I'm compassionate but I feel like it's something more.
I also feel affected by the emotions of people around me and it sucks. People's sad emotions can literally be bummers to me. When someone's sad, it's like I automatically can read it and if I focus hard enough I can change it. I've only done it a few times and it was only when someone let their emotional guard down to me.
You see, hunters or any kind of strong person has the habbit of trying to cover what their actually feeling with fake emotions and all it really does is put a temporary blanket over the real emotions that are underneath. If I'm strongly connected to someone I'm sometimes able to' fix'  what's wrong.
Mostly I do it to Bobby when he's feeling depressed or stressed out because I'm really good with making people calm.
If I see someone I know that's  in danger, I would jump in front of a bullet for them.
Dean never comments on it but I know he notices how protective I can get over everyone. I've never told him about the emotion thing because I know how he'll react. He's not good with keeping an open mind.
Bobby says it's a good thing that I have such a kind soul but It just makes me feel weak.
Right now I can hear Dean shooting in the distance as I lead them to safely.
"What was that!" The woman yells when I get them in their car.
"No time to explain, pop the hood." I yell as the guy listens and I take a look.
The mechanic clearly loosened the - -- cap. I quickly tighten it and tell them to start it.
It works and they quickly speed off.
"Your welcome." I whisper before running to the impala where Dean just got into the drivers side before pulling off.
"Its a pagen God, with the victim of a man and a women used for a Sacrifice." Dean says into the phone. I got him to talk to Sam after hours of constant shaming.
I can be a bitch if I wanna be.
Right now I'm eavesdropping in on a one sided and conversation.
"Yep the God uses the scarecrow to murder the couples."
"Figure out how to kill it. On our way to college to talk to a professor now. Well I don't have my trusty sidekick geeekboy to figure it out." He jokes.
"I'm not hinting at anything, I actually want you to know Sam you were right. you gotta live your own life you always knew what you wanted and you went after it. And you stood up to dad, I wish I was brave enough to do that. I admire that about you. I'm proud off you Sammy." Dean says sincerely.
All I can do right now is look over at him with a smile on my face. Its times like this when I can be honest with myself about how much I admire him.
Maybe more.
"Say you'll take care of yourself." He says and hangs up the phone.
He looks over and catches me staring and I just look down at my lap with a smile on my face. I can feel him smiling too.
I have no words right now.
"So you spend your days collecting info on mythical gods?" I ask the professor. Were currently in his office looking up the monster were dealing with.
"Call it a hobby, might I just say you are the cutest couple i've ever seen." He muses causing me to blush.
"Haha, no were not..." "We're and him,not a couple..." me and Dean overlap as we laugh awkwardly before Dean tries to get back to work.
We figure out its the douche God named vanner who sacrifices three sets of couples in order to bring"'prosperity' to the land.
The way to kill it is to tourch some sacred tree. Only issue is we have no idea where that is.
Suddenly, right before we leave, two guys come behind us and knock us out with the barrels of their guns.
As my eyes open I wake up on the ground in some kind of freaky cellar.
"Dean?" I ask looking around before I see him slowly open his eyes we stand up.
"Where the hell are we." He says groggy.
" I don't know." I Whisper.
Right when I say this the doors to the cellar swing open letting sunlight shine down one us.
I see the young girl that helped us earlier being pushed screaming into the cellar too.
"Why are you doing this?" She asks her parents.
" It's for the greater good." Her mother says emotionless before closing the doors again.
"I don't understand ,their gonna kill us?" The girl asks as we walk around the cellar trying to find a way out.
"Sacrifice us which is, fancier I guess." Dean answers.
"You really didn't know anything about this did you?" I ask surprised. She just shakes her head.
"They've been serving up couples who find their way here to some raggedy  Scarecrow God." I explain and she looks both shocked and like she wants to cry.
"Hey, look at me calm down. I know this must be  hard for you to digest but we need your help if were gonna stop this thing and stay alive." I say softly looking  her in her eyes trying to use my gift.
She breathes in and out slowly before nodding.
"Ok, we need to find something called the sacred tree, it would be one that was highly respected do you know where it is?." Dean asks.
"There is this one Apple tree."she says after thinking for a moment.
"Is it an orchard?"
"Yes I don't remember where though." She sighs right as the door to the cellar opens again.
"I hope you can understand sweetheart, the good of one does not out weigh the good of many." The mom says as they make us walk out of the cellar at gunpoint.
The three of us are tied up to different trees with our hands bound. I honestly can't think of a way to get out yet because they tied my hands above my head.
I look over at Dean who looks like he's thinking as well.
"I hope your Apple pie is freakin worth it " he yells as they leave us in the woods about a yard from the scarecrow.
"What's the plan" The girl asks both of us.
"Umm.." Dean hums.
"You don't have one do you" she asks.
"I'm working on it." He replys.
"Can you see if he's moving yet" I yell because my back is facing the scarecrow.
"No." Dean says trying to turn and look.
"No...wait there's something moving!" The girl yells and we all try our hardest to break free of our ropes but we just can't.
Suddenly I see something run up in front of me and I kick as hard as I can.
"Whoa ,easy" Sam yells as he dodges.
I breathe out a low chuckle as he unites my hands.
"You don't know how happy I am to see you Sammy." I say as I stand and run over to untie the girl while he goes to Dean.
"I take everything back I said" Dean says to Sam.
"How'd you get here." I ask.
"I stole a car." Sam says rushed.
"Ha, that's my boy." Dean and I laugh. We look up to see us surrounded by the creepy town killers. Right before they got the chance to kill us the scarecrow kills the mother and the father away and they all ran off.
We found the creepy tree with all the' sacred'  looking markings and we set it on fire.
That takes care of that.
We put the newly orphaned  daughter on a bus to Boston.
"Think she's gonna be alright." Sam asks me.
"I hope so." I sigh.
"Do you think the town will just, get away with it." Sam says.
"We'll leave them alone, they suffered  enough." Dean states as we walk back to the car.
"So, should I drop you off somewhere." He asks Sam.
"No, I think your stuck with me." Sam smiles over to me.
"I thought you wanted us to cut you lose?" I ask surprised.
"I wanna find dad. Look your both a pain in the ass, but Jess and mom, their both gone so is dad. I need you guy's." Sam says.
"Awwwww, Sammy, that's so Brady bunch." I say with a smile. He just rolls his eyes smiling.
"It really is. Hold me Sam that was beautiful." Dean says with a smile.
"Shut up. " Sam shoves him and I get into the car.
"You should be kissing my ass, you guys  were dead meat." Sam brags.
"No! I was just waiting to execute my awesome plan before you interrupted, dick." I say laughing.
"Right, you were gonna kick him into submission." Sam smiles.
"Damn right I was." I smirk while Dean laughs at me and we pull off.
I smile thinking about how through everything we always find our way back together again.

The life of a hunter (Dean Winchester love story )Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz