You have work to do (Part 1)

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Inside Kate's consciousness

It's bright. That's all I can say about wherever I am. It's almost as if I'm both able to think, and not. Like I'm daydreaming.
I'm confused.
I can hear a voice. I think I know it from somewhere.
It's so familiar.
He's saying words, over and over again.
More like screaming them.
John, Dean, Kate.
Who is that?
"Tell me if their okay!" The voice says.
"Are they even alive?" He pleads someone.
Is he talking about me?
I'm wearing clothes that I don't remember putting on.
Where am I.
Who am I.
All I feel is... fear.
Afraid and alone.
I don't know my own name.
"Hello?" I scream into the brightness.
No one answers.
Am I even alive?

In reality:
Sam sits in Dean's hospital room. Tears slide down his face and his leg shakes furiously.
This is his last option.
The doctors say they don't know if either will wake up.
Dean's liver and kidneys are in an almost irreparable state.
And Kate.
They say that it's almost 100% sure. That if she doesn't die, she'll suffer extreme memory loss.
Her head was slammed into the dashboard.
She had to go through a serious brain surgery to try to salvage some of her mental functions.
He has no idea what he's supposed to do now.
The two people that mean the most to him, might die on the same day.
And John's no help at all. Him and Sam got into a fight about his blinding obsession with hunting the demon. Bobby was a wreck when he  found out what happened. He's currently with Kate in her room. Holding her hand and barely moving an inch since he layed eyes on her.
It's like he's afraid she'll die if he looks away from her.
Sam didn't know what was going on, but he knew that one of them, or maybe both, were trying to reach him.
So now he's sitting on Dean's hospital room floor, with an Ouija board. Trying to talk to someone.
"Dean, Dean are you there?" Sam says half hearted to the armor around him.
"God, I feel like I'm at a slumber party." Dean sarcastically comments with crossed arms.
He sits in front of Sam.
"Okay Sam, this isn't going to work." He grumbles before you touching the board piece and moving it to YES.
"I'll be damned!" Dean exclaims as Sam gasps.
"Dean! It's good to hear from you man. It hasn't been the same without you." Sam says sounding relieved.
"Damn straight." Dean laughs.
"Is Kate with you? Please tell me she is." Sam says furrowing his brows.
"No no she's not. What's wrong with her? She's alive right?" Dean asks in a panic before realizing he has to move the piece to NO.
He sloppily spells out WHAT'S WRONG.
" It's her head man. They say she won't remember anything. That's if she even wakes up. We don't know what to do."  Sam says sadly.
"No. Damn it!" Dean yells in anger and the game piece flies across the room.
"Yeah. I know." Sam sighs before retrieving the piece.
"Dean, What are we gonna do? I don't know what to do." Sam says sounding broken.
Dean is still clenching his fists in anger.
"I'll tell you what we're gonna do. We're gonna get me back and we're gonna find a way to save her. No matter what."
He simply spells out the word HUNT.
Sam knew what he meant.
He was hunting something. Something that might be able to save him, and possibly Kate.
"Your Hunting what?" Sam asks
Dean spells out REAPER and they talk about how dangerous it is because it's after him.
But he doesn't care.
He has to come back.
He has to find some supernatural bastard to save her life.
Sam goes to see John for help, and he realizes he's not in the room.
He assumes he's out hunting the demon he's obsessed with.
Out breaking his promise.
If only he knew, the sacrifice John was making.

Inside Kate's mind

I've been walking for I don't know how long.  I cling to the leather jacket around my shoulders. The wind begins to pick up and I stand as still as possible. It's so strong I squint my eyes until they shut completely.
Suddenly they come to a complete stop. The winds replaced with the sound of  a little girls laughter. I open my eyes and I realize I'm no longer in the endless brightness.

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