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The policewoman from earlier enters another interrogation room, where Kate sits looking annoyed.
She places a coffee cup on the table.

"Thought you might be thirsty." Ballard says causing her to raise her eyebrow.
"So you're the good cop. Where's the bad cop?" Kate says sarcastically squinting her eyes.

"He's with your friend, Dean." She says causing Kate to sigh.
This was not how she wanted to spend her evening.

Dean was caught and arrested for examining a body for a case, one that was currently unsolved. This little trip to the police station needed to be brief.

"Okay. And you're holding us why?"  She asks, pinching the brim of her nose.
"Well, he's being held on suspicion of murder. And you and Sam, we'll see." The officer says causing her to look shocked.

"Murder?! Who was he supposed to have murdered?"

"You sound genuinely surprised. Or are you that good of an actress?" Ballard asks causing Kate to bite her lip with a sigh.

"Well, i'm no lawyer but, you guys can just keep us here for no reason! You have no actual case yet."

"Well actually, we can, for forty eight hours, but you being a waitress in a diner wouldn't know that. I know all about you, Katelyn." She begins to read from a file, making Kate blink in shock but regain herself.

"You're twenty five years old, bouncing from waitress, to bartender, back to waitress again. You worked in housekeeping for a few weeks, only to quit and be employed as a waitress again."

"What can I say, a girl loves her appetizers..." Kate chimes in only to be cut off.

"..No known home address. Your mother and father's whereabouts are unknown. And then there's the case of your relationship with the Winchester's, specifically Dean. Whose demise was, well, just a little bit exaggerated. Feel free to jump in whenever you like." Ballard stops, as Kate raises one eyebrow and folds her arms, challenging her.

"Nothing to say now? No problem. I'll keep going. You moved around a lot when you were a kid. You made average grades, mostly c's, participated in no school activities, and changed schools at the drop of a hat. You were mostly enrolled at the same school the Winchester's were at, so I can assume you've been associates your whole life. You've moved around the country at around age 20, and you never applied to college. " She closes the file.

"That about sums me up." Kate says with a smile, as Ballard squints at her in disgust.

"There were multiple incidents in High school, Of teachers finding marks, and scars on your body during gym class. You brushed them off as "hunting accidents", but they suspected domestic violence."  This made Kate a bit agitated. Bringing up moments she wanted to  forget. The embarrassment of it all.

"Well, they weren't the best and brightest teachers in the world, I'll tell you that." She laughs while The officer continues.

"Then about a year ago there was a fire in your friend Sam Winchester's apartment, his girlfriend Jessica Moore was killed. After she died, you met up with the Winchester's, resigned from your job, and dropped off the gird."

"Sam needed some time off. To deal with the tragedy, So were all taking a road trip together. Last time I checked, that wasn't  a crime."

"How's that going for you? Tagging along."

"Great! Phenomenal! We saw the second largest ball of twine in the continental US. Amazing." She flips her hair with a smirk and crosses her legs.

"We ran Dean's fingerprints through AFIS, we got multiple possible hits." Ballard point out.

"Possible hits, meaning not real evidence."

"But it makes you wonder. What are we gonna find when we run your prints?"

"You be sure to let me know, all right babe?" She smiles and Ballard nods sarcastically.

"Look Katelyn, you seem like a smart girl. It's not your fault You fell in love with a monster. We can't control these things. Right now Detectives in St. Louis are exhuming a corpse. They're trying to figure out how your boyfriend faked his own death. After torturing all those young women. Women just like you Kate. Innocent women. Dean's a bad guy. His life is over. Yours doesn't have to be. You can be free of him."  Kate looks at her, incredulous. She really thinks she's in some kind of abusive relationship.

"First of all, Dean never touched me. Secondly, you said it yourself, you know we've known each other since we were kids so why on earth would I turn on him?" Kate asks, finding the notion hilarious.

"He's already gone. Caught red handed. We just need you to fill in a few missing pieces for us and we can figure out a plea for you. You wouldn't get any jail time." The officer tries to bribe her and Katelyn pretends to think it over.

".....get a pen." She says, squinting her eyes and leaning back in her chair, preparing to tell her the story they all prepared weeks ago, in case this ever happened.

After Dean figures out that the name Dana Shulps was actually and anagram for a location, Dean creates a distraction and Sam escapes through his window. Kate asks to use the bathroom and escapes through the small window above her stall. Her and Sam team up with Ballard, the officer attached by the ghost, and discover that the officer interrogating Dean, was her murderer.

The three are let go after Ballard kills her murdering officer boyfriend, and they head off on the road again. No thanks are nessecary as the trio and the officer call it even.

A horrible filler chapter because I needed to publish something. 🤷🏽‍♀️

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