phantom travler

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Ps. The one on the rights her suit. You'll understand later.

Road so far....
Sam left Stanford to help Katelyn and Dean find their father, John. When he returned his girlfriend Jessica Moore was on the ceiling burning.
She was killed just like their mother Mary was.
Sam decided to join the pair to find the thing that killed his mom, girlfriend, and possibly save his dad from danger. Sam's been having dreams about people dying before it happens. He didn't tell his family yet, and has been hunting things along the way to his monster.

"What time is it?" I hear Dean ask as I walk into the boys room, which is next to mine.
Sam knocked about 80 times, super loudly on my door and forced me to wake up. After I calmed down my wanting to stab him I slid on my flip flops and trudged over to their room in my shorts and Acdc t-shirt.
Dean's laying in bed in his boxers and a super sexy, I MEAN MESSY bed head.
I got the two words confused.
They do rhyme.
"5:45." Sam says handing me my coffee smiling. I just frown and snatch it.
"In the morning?" Dean groans.
"You look beautiful ." I say to Dean sipping my coffee.
"Shut up, so do you." He says noticing I'm in the room, looking like I crawled out of bed.
I nod in agreement.
"Did you get any sleep last night?" He asks Sam flipping over to glare at us.
"Yea I got a couple of hours." Sam lies.
"Liar." I state before sipping again. Sam remembered my favorite, a caramel moca with extra whipped cream.
I almost forgive him for waking me up.
"Yea, I was up at three and you were watching the George Forman infomercial." Dean says.
"What can I say, it's riveting tv" Sam shrugs.
"When's the last time you got a goodnight sleep?" Dean asks concerned.
"Little while I guess, no big deal." Sam states.
"Yea it is" I say .
"Look I appreciate your concern.."
"I'm not concerns about you, it's your job to keep my ass alive, I need you sharp. You seriously still having nightmares about Jess?" Dean asks.
Sam sits down on his bed, I sit next to Dean on his.
"Yea, but it's not just her, it's everything. I just forgot you know, this job. Man I can't stand it."
"You can't let it bring you home like that." Dean says sipping his boring, black coffee.
"So what, this job never keeps you up at night?" I ask him.
Dean shakes his head.
"Your never afraid?" Sam asks.
"No, not really."
I scoffs and reach over him to pull out dean's blade he "secretly " has under his pillow.
Dean snatches it back.
"That's not fear, that's precaution." He says.
"Alright whatever" Sam says.
"Ill see you guys in a bit, I gotta go shower." I say as I stand to leave.
"Ok." "Hurry up."They call out to me.
"Thanks for making the trip so quick, I should be doing you guys a favor and not the other way around." Jerry says."Dean and your dad really helped me out."
Apparently Dean got a call from one of John's old friends Jerry who he helped out with a case. Jerry said he caught something for us and asked for our help.
"Yea, he told me, the poltergiest right?" Sam says as we walk through the area.
"Poltergiest I love that movie." A random man says as he walks by.
"Hey, no one was talking to you, keep walking." Jerry says to him angrily.
"Damn right it was a Poltergiest, practically tore our house apart. Tell you something, if it wasn't for you and your dad, probably wouldn't be alive." He says to Dean.
Dean smiles cockly over at me, I just roll my eyes.
"You went off to college, didn't you." He said to Sam.
"Yea, I was taking some time off, some normalcy ."
"What about you?" He asks me.
"I went off to work alone for a while You know, do my own thing." I say with a smile.
"Your John was real proud of you, talked about you all the time"
"He did?" I ask.
I honestly thought John only tolerated me.
"Yea, you bet he did, always said how you were always so headstrong. Hey I tried to get a hold of him but I couldn't, how's he doing anyway?" He asks Dean.
"He's uh, wrapped up in a job right now."
"We'll, were missing the old man, we get Sam and Kate, even trade am I right?" He laughs.
"No not by a long shot." Sam says smiling.
"Hey, you speak for yourself, I'm awesome." I joke.
They laugh too.
"I got something I wanna show you." Jerry say as we follow him.
"Listen to this, sounded like it was up your alley" he says popping in a CD.
"Normally I wouldn't have access to this, it's the cockpit voice recorder for United flight 2485, it was one of ours."
We hear what sounds like mayday and then screams.
Dean looks over to me with a raised eyebrows.
"Took off from here, crashed about 200 miles south. Over a hundred people on board, only 7 got out alive. Pilot was one of them, his name is Chuck Ramsey, he's been broken up about it, like it's his fault."
"You don't think it was?" I ask.
"No, I don't" Jerry says seriously.
"Jerry, were gonna need passenger manifests, um a list of survivors.." Sam starts.
"Oh, and is it possible we could get a look at the plane wreckage? "Den asks.
"The evidence stuffs no problem, but the wreckage, the ncsb doesn't let us down there, no way I got that kind of clearance." Jerry says.
I smirk lightly.
"No problem." Dean says nodding.
Dean comes out the copy Jack with three fake ids.
"Youve been in there forever." Sam bitches.
"You can't rush perfection." Dean says flashing us our new homeland security cards.
"Homland security?" I ask.
He smiles
"That's a stretch, even for us."
"Yea well it's something new, people haven't seen it a thousand times." Dean says as we get on the car.
"Alright so what do you got?" Dean asks us.
"This is definitely evp on the voice recorder,listen to this." Sam says.
The recorder plays and you hear unnatural sounds and a voice screaming no survivors.
"No survivors? What are you talking about there were 7 survivors." Dean says puzzled.
"Got me." Sam sighs.
"So what are you thinking, a haunted flight?" Dean asks.
"There's a long history of spirits on the planes and ships like phantom travelers, remember flight 401?" I chime in.
"Right, the one that crashed and the airline salvaged some of its parts, put it in other planes, and the spirits of the pilot and co pilot haunted all of em."
"Maybe we got a similar deal." I say.
"Alright so survivors,which one do you wanna talk too first?" Dean asks looking at the list.
"Third on the list, Max Jaffey." Sam says.
"Why him?" I ask.
"Well for one, he's from around here, and two if anyone saw anything weird, he did."
We look up at him.
"What makes you say that?" Dean asks.
"Well I spoke to his mother, and she told me where to find him."
"You talk to max, and I gotta talk to Bobby about whats been going on with us, he likes me to check in." I say.
"You don't want to come?" Dean looks at me over his shoulder.
"I've been to a crazy house, not somewhere I'm rushing to get back too." I say before we pull off.
I met back up with the boys when we went to talk to George Phelps. The man Max said opens the emergency exit on the plane. That would be impossible for a human cuz it's like 2 tons of pressure on it.
"Here we are. George Phelps, seat 20 c." Sam says as we pull up to his home.
"Man, I don't care how strong you are, even yolked up on pcp or something, no way you could open a emergence door during a flight." Dean says as we step out the car.
"Not if your human." I say.
"Maybe this guy George was something else." Sam says, "a creature maybe, in human form?"
"That look like a creatures lair to you?" Dean asks.
We look up at his suburban Brady bunch looking house.
"No, not nearly cool enough." I say as we walk up to talk to him.

The life of a hunter (Dean Winchester love story )Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant