Fire could catch

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"You sick fuck." My eyes were welling with tears already, heart broken in half. It felt as thought someone had literally taken it from my body, ripped it into a thousand tiny pieces and through it to the ground with a thud.

"Y/n, no that's-"

"Stop." I'm almost yelling. I'm almost screaming. And somehow he's right in front of me, trying to grab my arm as I back away in total despair and utter confusion.

"Wait, just listen to me-"

"Don't fucking touch me!" I yell and slap his hand away from my arm. He stills, he doesn't even move an inch. He stops walking towards me, he stills his movement completely. All I wanted to do was run away, and I'm already taking steps backward to get as far away from him as I can.

"You betrayed me." I cry out, tears starting to blur my vision. "You— fuck!" I scream, unable to even form a sentence. His eyes are wide with hurt, with disbelief, with confusion, and I'm so mad he thinks I'm stupid. I'm so furious he thinks I'm dumb enough to not see what was happening, what was going on.

"No, baby, you have to listen to me-"

"No, I'm not listening to you! This is done- we're done. I-" my throat feels clogged, my eyes are watery, my heart is thumping loudly, I can nearly hear it. My arms are shaking violently, my hands matching the same rhythm. My face feels flushed and the rest of my body has gone completely cold. I can't even form a sentence, there's a huge painful lump blocking any words from falling out of my mouth.

And I'm running, I'm running faster than I've ever ran. I'm sprinting down the halls, taking turns every which way and I don't know why and I don't know where I am anymore because I'm running running running. Finally I run into a pillar and slump down on it, my back sliding against the concrete of it as I cry out, louder than I ever have before.

I wish I had someone. I wish I could say I had someone to talk to, someone to confide within. I genuinely had no one, no one to see, no one to feel, no one to love.

Then Cal is in the room with me, looks at me, and immediately rushes to me.


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