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"it's cruise day baby, wake up!" milo said shaking me awake. "mmm no" i said turning over and buying my head in the pillows.

"yes get need to get ready and finish packing before we meet everyone at your parents house" he said literally dragging me out of bed making me hit the floor. "ow" i said getting up. "i'm sorry" he kissed my forehead walking out of my room into the bathroom. i sighed and got up from the floor so i could get ready.

i picked out a black tank top and some jean shorts with converse. i did makeup and did my hair. milo brought me some cut up strawberry's and pineapples with a glass of water.

"you need to eat and this was gonna go bad while we are gone so might as well eat it" he said setting the bowl on my vanity.

oh i'm falling head over heels for this man.

"sofi is gonna come over here before we head to my parents house" i said eating some of the fruit. "i'm nervous to meet your parents,i know we aren't like dating or anything but like im still nervous, what if they see my instagram comments.." milo said making em laugh. "they definitely don't have instagram so your in the safe zone for that" i smiled turning around to face the boy.

i finished putting stuff in my suitcase before sofia came over.

"guys i brought coffee!" sofia said coming into my room handing it to us. "i have everything in my car so if you want we can take my car to your parents house" sofia smiled stealing my bowl of fruit that was on my vanity.

"hey do you think we can stop at target before we go to your parents i need to get something" milo said "yeah we can" i said


"ew get out of here" nate said as we all walked into my parents house. "you get out of here, you smell go put on deodorant" i said giving him a dirty look. "you reek of cigarettes too" sofia added and i nodded my head. "go put on some cologne." we said

"why do you have alcohol and flowers milo?" nate asked "it's for your parents, i didn't want to make my first impression bad" milo said and nate got close to him to whisper something to him. "okay i'm sorry nate but your breath smells like cigarettes." milo said making me and sofia laugh.

"i know those laughs from a mile away!" my mom said coming up to us and giving each of us a hug.

"you must be milo! natalie talks about you all the time." she said smiling and pulling him into a hug. "mom! that was between you and me no one else." i said

"these are uh..for you" milo said nervously. it was cute i've never seen him nervous like this. "i love tulips thank you!" she said "henry your daughter is here!" she yelled

"james and emma are in the living room" nate said "okay how about you go brush your teeth,put on cologne and some deodorant" sofia said pushing him away from us.

"hey guys" my dad said walking into the room hugging me. "hi sofia" he said waving at her.

"dad this is milo" i said looking at milo who looked like he was about to shit his pants. "i think he might have shit himself" sofi whispered to me. "sofi be nice" i said slightly laughing. i looked back over at the two who were having a conversation about something i didn't know about.

"okay we have to be at the port in two hours let's go!" mom yelled to everyone in the house. "we could fit in my minivan if y'all want to take one car" my mom said

"me and sofi could barley fit our stuff in her trunk so i think it's best if we take two" i said and sofia nodded along

we went in our separate cars and got to the port. we split up and then found our rooms. i was with milo, james and emma, my parents then sofia and nate.

we did this on purpose we know that sofia and nate like each other so we paired them together.

i think he knows • milo manheim Where stories live. Discover now