4. Never let you go

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Today, Jungkook took the bus home. He didn't really prefer that to being picked up, but probably not for the reason you might think.

As he arrived at his front door and was about to put the key in the lock, he heard angry voices and stopped. It was his parents yelling at each other again; that was bad enough but not new for him.

He grew up with his parents fighting, but lately it seemed to be getting worse.

The worst part of all of this was that he knew they were always at each other's throats because of him.

Nothing was heard for a while, and Jungkook decided to go inside since hopefully the coast would be clear.

The real reason he likes being picked up is quite simple: he doesn't want to be afraid that when he gets home, he'll see his parents fighting.

He always feels so helpless because he's not involved and doesn't know how to help, how to stop it without making it worse.

Yes, he is a frightened Rabbit, but nothing bad has happened, at least not yet.

Jungkook finally unlocked the door, kicked off his shoes, and stormed upstairs. He had holed up in his room until dinner without anyone disturbing him and also without doing anything worthwhile. 

As he was thinking about what he could write to Mila, his mother knocked on his bedroom door. How did he know it was his mother? Quite simply, his father would never think of knocking, especially not on his door.

Yes, his relationship with his father is a bit difficult.

"Are you coming down to eat?" She asked him, trying to seem happy as always, but Jungkook could see how unhappy she was inside. He put his phone away and followed his mother down the stairs.

The whole atmosphere at the dinner table was tense like always when the three of them eat together. Hardly anyone said anything, which made the uncomfortable feeling even harder to ignore.

"What's going on now? Do you have a club?" his father asked sternly, and Jungkook was happier than ever to be able to tell him that he would be doing theater for the next year. He didn't feel like being yelled at. 

"I'm in the drama club now," Jungkook replied shortly. In fact, he didn't want to have much of a conversation with his father. 

"Why weren't you accepted at the dance? Were you too bad?"

"I don't know, there wasn't even an audition," Jungkook replied angrily, while his father looked at him disparagingly. He was about to say something back when his mother took over.

"Stop it, Hajun! What can he do about it? And just because you forced him to go to a club in the first place-" Hajun interrupted her accusations. "Now, don't start with that. Can't you see that I only want the best for our son."

"Only the best? He should decide for himself what he wants to do. If he doesn't want to do it or doesn't enjoy it, then it won't be of much use anyway."

"You have no idea. Sometimes you have to force people to be happy."

"No, let him decide for himself. He's an adult."

"Still, apparently not mature enough. We have to help a little."

"Excuse me?" Jungkook uttered in horror, not that he didn't expect to hear something like that from his father, but still.
He just couldn't believe his parents were fighting over him in front of him. 

After more or less arguments, Jungkook couldn't help it anymore, got up, and went back to his room.

A few minutes later, his mother came in and sat next to him on the bed. "How was school today? Have you made any new friends yet? And what about your friends from high school? Are you still in touch with them?"

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